A proud Philadelphian, Sidney Rothberg had a unique perspective both on life and art that led to the creation of an incredibly eclectic and exciting collection. He took a deep dive into an artist’s oeuvre and was drawn to works that marked an inflection point in his/her creative development. His approach to collecting was inspired by the Barnes Foundation, and characterized by an intellectual curiosity and a penchant for pivotal works rather than the ordinary.
To honor Mr. Rothberg's legacy, we invite you to take this test to discover what type of collector you are.
Thank you in advance for participating in this interactive experience. Please don't forget to browse and bid on Part I and Part II of the Collection of Sidney Rothberg.
To learn more about the sales, please click here.
{"name":"WHAT TYPE OF COLLECTOR ARE YOU? A proud Philadelphian, Sidney Rothberg had a unique perspective both on life and art that led to the creation of an incredibly eclectic and exciting collection. He took a deep dive into an artist’s oeuvre and was drawn to", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QCVKKVKF0","txt":"When Traveling, What Are You Looking For?, Are You More..., Which Would You Bid on?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/98-4831894/capture-d-e-cran-2024-02-14-a-01-07-07.png?sz=1200"}