Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 9 Aug 21
[2108.02780] Luyi Qiu, John W. Hutchinson, Ariel Amir: Bending Instability of Rod-shaped Bacteria
[2108.02805] Heinz-Jürgen Schmidt, Jochen Gemmer: Stochastic thermodynamics of a finite quantum system coupled to two heat baths
[2108.02819] Thomas Bilitewski, Asier Piñeiro Orioli, Christian Sanner et al.: Disentangling Pauli blocking of atomic decay from cooperative radiation and atomic motion in a 2D Fermi gas
[2108.02825] Minjie Zhang, Qifeng Hu, Chenqiang Hua et al.: Metamagnetic Transitions in Few-Layer CrOCl Controlled by Magnetic Anisotropy Flipping
[2108.02835] Kirill Yu. Povarov, Timofei A. Soldatov, Ren-Bo Wang et al.: Electron Spin Resonance of the Interacting Spinon Liquid
[2108.02837] Jaber Rezaei Mianroodi, Shahed Rezaei, Nima H. Siboni et al.: Lossless Multi-Scale Constitutive Elastic Relations with Artificial Intelligence
[2108.02843] Pritam Kumar Roy, Irina Legchenkova, Leonid A. Dombrovsky et al.: Thermophoretic Levitation of Solid Particles at Atmospheric Pressure
[2108.02847] Yasir Iqbal, Francesco Ferrari, Aishwarya Chauhan et al.: Gutzwiller-projected states for the $J_1$-$J_2$ Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice: achievements and pitfalls
[2108.02862] Arpita Paul, Chia-Min Chung, Turan Birol et al.: Response to comment on "Spin-lattice coupling and the emergence of the trimerized phase in the $S=1$ kagome antiferromagnet Na$_2$Ti$_3$Cl$_8$",...
[2108.02875] Kouki Nakata, Yuichi Ohnuma: Magnonic thermal transport using the quantum Boltzmann equation
[2108.02885] Tushar K. Saha, John Bechhoefer: Trajectory control using an information engine
[2108.02911] Fumiya Mukai, Kota Horii, Nazuna Hata et al.: On dielectric screening in twisted double bilayer graphene
[2108.02926] Xiuxian Yang, Xiaodong Zhou, Wanxiang Feng et al.: Strong magneto-optical and anomalous transport manifestations in two-dimensional van der Waals magnets Fe$_n$GeTe$_2$ ($n$ = 3, 4, 5)
[2108.02977] I. Luk'yanchuk, A. Razumnaya, A. Sené et al.: The ferroelectric field-effect transistor with negative capacitance
[2108.02978] David Kurunczi-Papp, Lasse Laurson: Dislocation avalanches from strain-controlled loading: A discrete dislocation dynamics study
[2108.03006] Tobias A. Bird, Mark G. L. Wilkinson, David A. Keen et al.: Soft mode anisotropy in negative thermal expansion material ReO$_3$
[2108.03010] M. G. Gonzalez, B. Bernu, L. Pierre et al.: Logarithmic divergent specific heat from high-temperature series expansions: application to the two-dimensional XXZ Heisenberg model
[2108.03025] Miru Lee, Richard L. C. Vink, Cynthia A. Volkert et al.: Noncontact friction: The role of phonon damping and its non-universality
[2108.03031] Monika Moun, Goutam Sheet: Superconductivity in silicon
[2108.03086] Z. S. Lim, L. E. Chow, P. Yang et al.: Crossover from Karplus-Luttinger to Topological Hall Effects in SrRuO3-based heterostructures
[2108.03103] Jun Zhang, Junbo Cheng, Shuaihua Ji et al.: Visualizing the in-gap states in domain boundaries of ultra-thin topological insulator films
[2108.03106] Jens P. Metzger, Christopher P. McLaren, Sebastian Pinzello et al.: The sinking dynamics and splitting of a granular droplet
[2108.03108] K.L. Galloway, Xiaoguang Ma, Nathan C. Keim et al.: Scaling of relaxation and excess entropy in plastically deformed amorphous solids
[2108.03118] Bin Shen, Anton Jesche, Maximilian L. Seidler et al.: Interplay of magnetism and dimerization in pressurized Kitaev candidate $β$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$
[2108.03142] Maximilian Kiefer-Emmanouilidis, Razmik Unanyan, Michael Fleischhauer et al.: Particle fluctuations and the failure of simple effective models for many-body localized phases
[2108.03155] Julien Garaud, Antti J. Niemi: Poincaré index formula, vortices and superflow saddle points in a non-rotating cold atom Bose-Einstein condensate
[2108.03157] Marta Fernández Lomana, Beilun Wu, Francisco Martín-Vega et al.: Millikelvin scanning tunneling microscope at 20/22 T with a graphite enabled stick-slip approach and an energy resolution belo...
[2108.03174] Arthur Christianen, J. Ignacio Cirac, Richard Schmidt: Chemistry of a light impurity in a Bose-Einstein condensate
[2108.03175] Arthur Christianen, J. Ignacio Cirac, Richard Schmidt: From Efimov Physics to the Bose Polaron using Gaussian States
[2108.03181] Aruna Prasad Acharya, Aditi Chakrabarty, Deepak Kumar Sahu et al.: Localization, $\mathcal{PT}$-Symmetry Breaking and Topological Transitions in non-Hermitian Quasicrystals
[2108.03184] I.A. Golovchanskiy, I.V. Shchetinin, K.S. Pervakov et al.: Helical spin order in EuFe2As2 and EuRbFe4As4 single crystals
[2108.03196] Faruk Abdulla, Ankur Das, Sumathi Rao et al.: Time-reversal-broken Weyl semimetal in the Hofstadter regime
[2108.03218] Yuanji Xu, Yutao Sheng, Yi-feng Yang: Mechanism of the insulator-to-metal transition and superconductivity in the spin liquid candidate NaYbSe$_2$ under pressure
[2108.03230] Kemal Bidzhiev, Maurizio Fagotti, Lenart Zadnik: Macroscopic effects of localised measurements in jammed states of quantum spin chains
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 9 Aug 21","img":""}
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