Reforestation Midterm 1

Reforestation Midterm Quiz
Test your knowledge on reforestation and forestry practices with our comprehensive midterm quiz! This quiz covers a range of topics from global wood supply to seedling quality assessments.
- 20 engaging questions
- Multiple choice and checkbox formats
- Designed for students and forestry enthusiasts alike
Currently there are 4 billion acres of forest in the world
Factors affecting future global demand of wood products are (select all that apply)
Technological innnovations
Uneven distribution of forest areas globally
Population growth
Harvest Logistics
Increase in standard of living (GDP)
Example of disadvantages of plantation forests (select all that apply)
Lowe productivity than natural forests
Lower biodiversity than natural forests
Questionable sustainability
Too expensive. No return on investment
What is the wildlife requirements for a Type 3 harvest (select all that apply)
Leave per acre on average 2 down logs - 6' + long & 10 cubic feet - 50% conifers
No need of leave trees for type 3 harvest
Leave per acre on average 2 wildlife trees (snags or green trees) - 30' + tall & 11' + DBH - 50% conifers
What are the OFPL requirements (select all that apply)
It is the responsibility of the landowners to establish trees after harvest
Every harvested acre must be replanted within 2 yrs after harvest
It is the responsibility of the state of Oregon to establish trees after the harvest
Within 6 years seedlings must be "free to grow" and well established
Advantage of use of EXOTIC species are used for timber production (select all that apply)
Faster Growth
Known impact on wildlife
Adaptation Ensured
Advantage of using NATIVE species are: (select all that apply)
Adaptations Ensured
Known Impact on wildlife
Faster Growth
About seed zones, from the following statements, what is true? (select all that apply
Seed zones are independent of soil and climate
Seed zones are developed from common practice garden studies
Seed Zones limit transfer of seeds within a region
Characteristics of Seed Orchards are (select all that apply)
Flower induction treatments include crown pruning
Flower induction treatments include hormone application
Flower induction treatments include partial girdling
Trees have narrow crowns
Characteristics of an Open Pollinated seed orchard are (select all that apply)
The exact pedigree of seeds produced is known (father and mother)
Easy to produce large quantities of seeds
Produce seed with maximum genetic gain as there is no pollen contamination
Female cones are freely pollinated from surrounding trees
Advantages of P+1 bareroot seedling (select all that apply)
Easier to plant
More lateral branches
Fibrous roots
Reduced transplant shock
More resistant to browsing
Characteristics of a container nursery are ( select all that apply)
Seedlings can be frost hardened by manipulating water availability
Seedlings can be frost hardened by root pruning
Seedlings are grown in bareground
Seedlings can be frost hardened by manipulating light availability (day length)
About a "target seedling". Please indicate what is true: (select all that apply)
A target seedling is an all purpose seedling
Plant quality depends on how plants will be used
Target seedling quality is independent of site characteristics
Nurseries develop stock types for specific outplanting projects
Consider genetics (local adaptations and genetic diversity)
About morphological assessments of plant quality, please indicate what is true (select all that apply)
Growing seedlings at narrow spacing in the nursery or greenhouse (more seedlings per m2) will produce more seedlings with smaller diameter class
For douglas-fir a good height (cm) to diameter (mm) ratio (sturdiness) is about 10:1
For douglas-fir a good shoot to root ratio (volume or mass) is about 1:1
About physiological assessments of plant quality, please indicate what is true (select all that apply)
Cold hardiness can be modified by manipulating irrigation and/or daylength (blackout)
Cold hardiness index (LT50) is the temperature at which 100% of the seedling (or tissue) are killed
Cold hardiness is evaluated using a pressure chamber (water potential)
Exposure to low temperature increase cold hardiness
What kind of trait would make most sense to select for a conifer breeding program
High economic value, good variation, moderate heritability
Zero economic value, good variation, very high heritability
High economic value, little variation, unknown heritability
Which sentence correctly describe the functions of progeny tests vs realized genetic gain trials?
Realized gain trials are designed to select new forward selections for the next generation breeding
Progeny tests are designed for precise ranking of families and select new superior genotypes for breeding and seed production
Progeny test are designed to give reliable predictions of rotation-age realized genetic gains in typical operational conditions
{"name":"Reforestation Midterm 1", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on reforestation and forestry practices with our comprehensive midterm quiz! This quiz covers a range of topics from global wood supply to seedling quality assessments.20 engaging questionsMultiple choice and checkbox formatsDesigned for students and forestry enthusiasts alike","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}