How sustainable are you?

We've converted about 8,000 streetlights and area lights to Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology. The conversion will save the city over $200,000 in leasing cost and over 870,000 kWh of energy consumption! Have you made the switch to LED lights in your home?
This is an LED only home
The Public Services’ Fleet of ~89 vehicles were outfitted with Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to promote efficiency and asset management. Do you use GPS to get around?
I know this city like the back of my hand. No need.
It's 2020. Who doesn't use GPS?
The City of Wilmington became the nation’s 10th certified Bee City in 2015. Are you planting the right plants to attract pollinators to our area?
I'm too buzzzy to bother.
Yep! I've researched and made my garden as bee friendly as it can bee!
The Cross City Trail reaches many neighborhoods, parks and employment centers. It's a great way to explore the city, reduce traffic congestion, and lower carbon emissions. Do you use the trails?
Why walk or bike when I can drive?
I use it regularly!
The City owns an electric vehicle charging station, located in the Market Street parking deck. Although the city charges for the parking time, users are not charged for the electricity. Are you driving a electric vehicle or hybrid?
I'm not against it. I just prefer my current vehicle.
I love my EV!
{"name":"How sustainable are you?", "url":"","txt":"We've converted about 8,000 streetlights and area lights to Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology. The conversion will save the city over $200,000 in leasing cost and over 870,000 kWh of energy consumption! Have you made the switch to LED lights in your home?, The Public Services’ Fleet of ~89 vehicles were outfitted with Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to promote efficiency and asset management. Do you use GPS to get around?, The City of Wilmington became the nation’s 10th certified Bee City in 2015. Are you planting the right plants to attract pollinators to our area?","img":""}
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