What thing that I never shut up about are you?

A whimsical illustration of diverse musical instruments, fruits, and cozy indoor settings, all blending together with enchanting colors and a sense of playful curiosity.

What Thing You'll Never Shut Up About Are You?

Discover your unique passion with our fun and engaging quiz! Dive into a world of musical tastes, dreamlike fantasies, and personal quirks. Each question is designed to unveil the topic you can't stop talking about.

  • 10 thought-provoking questions
  • Multiple choice format
  • Uncover your hidden interests
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CharmingMelody374
I'm jamming out when my neighbour yells to turn down the bops. What am I playing?
Dawn (from pride and prejudice 2005)
Sympathique by pink martini
Best of the dubliners
Swedish disco
Old jazz standards from the 1930s
Carole king
Martha reeves and the vandellas
In my wildest fantasies, ___ are de rigeur
Walking boots, a belt with a coin-purse attached, and a concealed dagger
Cloaks, high-waisted trousers, and earth-tones
A 1908 walking suit, complete with feathered hat and full train
Dungarees, no shoes, and flares
Straw hats, bikes with baskets, and sundresses
Necklaces, last night's makeup, and satin
Low-rise jeans, bangles, and bright colours
When I am in need of guidance, I go to...
The cliffs, where the skies whisper my prayers back to me
The kitchen hearth, where I leave a little bowl of honey or cream
A dark, shadowy alley, where an open door reveals an empty table littered with cards
My bed, where dreams show me the answers
The temple, where I sit beside the others who have come to pray
My beleathered tomes, where the past can reveal the path ahead
The small statue of the Mother in the woods, which sits in the bracken and moss
Pick one:
T-shirt fabric idk
Pick a book I'm currently reading based on the title
Fun home
The song of achilles
The carrier bag theory of fiction
The book of delights
The solitary summer
Under the tuscan sun
A brief history of undergarments
Pick a fruit:
Strawberry, light and fresh
Apple, deep and red
Peach, soft and fuzzy
Blackberry, gathered by hand
Pomegranate (eat those seeds!)
Orange, juicy and delicious
Lemon, tangy and sharp
Pick something to hang on your wall
Oil portrait
Framed embroidery
Vinyl record
Collage of polaroids
Pick an aquarium:
A low, open tank with rays and small sharks
A big wide tank with plants and driftwood arranged like a forest, with small darting beta fish
An outdoor pond fed by a small waterfall, with lazy koi in the shallows
A panoramic sheet of glass in a below-sea level home bar, looking out onto the open reef
A cylindrical tank of exotic fish of all colours, with long, rippling fins
A bath filled with water and a friendly-looking carp I caught by mistake
A big round bowl with pebbles, a small castle, and content goldfish
You have a visitor! What room do you go to?
The library
The parlour
The living room
The balcony
The garden
The kitchen
The bedroom
What do you miss most?
Reading late at night
Climbing trees
Running to your friends in the park or playground
Becoming best friends in minutes
Watching movies and enjoying them - just enjoying them
Doing things without needing a reason
{"name":"What thing that I never shut up about are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Discover your unique passion with our fun and engaging quiz! Dive into a world of musical tastes, dreamlike fantasies, and personal quirks. Each question is designed to unveil the topic you can't stop talking about.10 thought-provoking questionsMultiple choice formatUncover your hidden interests","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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