GC101 Exam 2 Review
What is the difference in the adaptation of a sled dog's (such as a Husky) thick coat of hair to help it withstand the cold temperatures of Arctic winters and a dog that adapts to cold temperatures in the fall by growing a thickened coat? The adaptation of the sled dog best describes adaptation at the ____________ level while the dog exposed to seasonal colder temperatures has _____________.
Population; physiological modifications at the individual level
Regional; natural selection at the individual level
Species; natural selection at the population level
Individual; physiological modifications at the population level
Ecosystem; physiological modifications at the individual level
Evolution occurs as a result of
The discovery of a desirable characteristic in a population
An individual's physiological modification
Environmental change that forces modification in a resident speciesBetter survival or reproduction rates by individuals with a particular characteristic
A population's physiological modification
Better survival or reproduction rates by individuals with a particular characteristic
Which of the following is a physiological modification used to adapt to environmental conditions?
Young saguaro seedlings sprouting under mesquites
Leaves becoming thick and leathery on a plant growing in a dry, hot climate
Locoweed growing only where selenium is present in soil
Desert pupfish learning to deposit eggs where temperatures are optimal
All of these are examples of physiological modifications used to adapt to environmental conditions
Natural selection will ultimately make a species
More intelligent
Physically Bigger
Better adapted to its environment
More Aggressive
Less vulnerable to its predators
Regular lawn mowing selects for short-headed rather than tall-headed dandelions because
Tall flowers spread their seeds farther
Tall flowers cannot reproduce
Short flowers can reproduce
Short flowers spread their seeds farther
Short flowers have less competition when the lawn is mowed often
Tolerance limits are _______ that limit a species' survival.
Temperature ranges
Any Environmental conditions
Population sizes
Narrow salinity levels
Undesirable toxin concentrations
A species can withstand a wide range of pH as an adult but the juveniles can only withstand a narrow range of pH. The abiotic factor, pH, would best be described as a
Stress Factor
Intolerance Factor
Tolerance limit
Critical factor
Physical factor
Which of the following fish species would be the best indicator of clean, well-oxygenated water?
Largemouth Bass
Rainbow Trout
Populations are most critically limited by
Available food
Suitable shelter from the elements
Available water
Suitable shelter from presators
Any of these, depending on the system
Indicator species, such as lichens, generally have a ___________ tolerance range for a ___________.
Narrow; critical factor
Narrow; number of physical factors
Average; number of physical factors
Broad; number of critical factors
Broad; critical factors
Use the following example: A species can withstand a narrow range of temperature. Above 100F there are no species present. In the range from 97F to 100F and 90F to 94F there are a few species present. Below 90F there are no species present. What would you label the range of temperature from 90F to 94F for this particular species?
Zone of intolerance
Zone of physiological stress
Tolerance limit range
Optimal range
Range of tolerance
What would you label the range of temperature from 95F to 96F for this particular species in the scenario?
Zone of intolerance
Tolerance limit range
Zone of physiological stress
Optimal range
Range of tolerance
A generalist is a species that
Occupies a large habitat range
Occupies a variety of ecological niches
Can reproduce under highly variable conditions
Can reproduce only under specific conditions
None of these are characteristics of generalist species
Certain night-active moths and day-active birds are specialized nectar feeders. How do these species coexist if they are using the same resource for food?
Because they both use the nectar, eventually one of the two species will need to move to a new area
They do not compete for the nectar because they feed at different times of the day
There is enough nectar to supply both the birds and the moths with their feeding needs
Eventually the niche breadth will increase and there will be less competition
None of the choices is correct
Humans can best be described as
Occupying a narrow niche
An example of convergent evolution
Outside the rules of natural selection
Most organisms' niches are controlled by
Genetic determinants
Lessons learned from parents
Behavior learned from others in their social groups
The predators and competitors they encounter
Resource partitioning leads species to
Feed at different times
Utilize slightly different prey
Develop different physiological adaptations
Live in slightly different regions
All of these would be a result of resource partitioning
Intraspecific competition is competition among ________ for resources.
Predators and prey
Both plants and animals
Producers, consumers, and detritivores
Members of different species
Members of a single species
Resource partitioning tends to lead to a high degree of _______ in species.
Convergent evolution
Divergent evolution
Which of the following is not a common strategy for successful interspecific competition?
Eating prey before they are "ready" (ripe) for other species
Spreading seeds or offspring far and fast
Producing substances that are toxic to competitors
The life cycle of dragonflies (the larva live in the water)
All of these are strategies for successful interspecific competition
An especially effective strategy for reducing intraspecific competition is
Different ecological niches for juveniles and adults
Rapid reproduction
Eating prey before they are "ready" (ripe) for other species
Resource partitioning
None of these are examples for reducing interspecific competition
Symbiosis means
A relationship in which both species benefit
A parasitic relationship
Living together
A relationship in which one species benefits and the other does not benefit
In the partnership of a lichen, the fungus provides _________ and the relationship is best described as _______.
Most of the photosynthesis; symbiosis
Poisons that deter predation; commensalism
Structure and moisture-holding ability; mutualism
Very little to the algal partner; parasitism
Some of the photosynthesis; commensalism
A viceroy butterfly that closely resembles the bad tasting monarch is an example of __________ and the example of beetles that look like stinging wasps is an example of __________.
Batesian mimicry; Batesian mimicry
Batesian mimicry; Muellerian mimicry
Muellerian mimicry; Muellerian mimicry
Muellerian mimicry; Batesian mimicry
Commensalism; symbiosis
A keystone species is a species whose presence
Is the main reason a community exists
Provides food for all other species in a community
Is an indicator of environmental health
Influences the population size of many other species in its community
Is always at the top of the trophic levels as a top predator
In a commensal relationship,
One species benefits while the other neither suffers nor benefits
One species benefits while the other suffers
Two species live together and both suffer
Two species live together and neither benefits nor suffers
Two species live together and both benefit
A biological community's productivity is a measure of
Its number of species
The number of individuals in the community
Available solar energy that can be converted to biomass
The amount of biomass produced in the community
All of these are combined in measuring a communitys productivity
"Abundance" describes the total number of _________ while "diversity" describes the number of _________.
Species in a community; individual organisms in a community
Organisms in a community; species in a community
Individuals in a niche; niches available to a given species
Species in a bioregion; trophic levels in a community
Biomes; habitats available for different species
In a biological community where diversity is great, such as a tropical rainforest, the abundance of any one species is likely to be
Widely variable from year to year
The same from year to year
None of these, abundance does not depend on diversity
As a rule, near the Earth's north and south poles,
Diversity is high and abundance is low
Abundance is high and diversity is high
Neither abundance nor diversity is high
Abundance is high and diversity is low
Abundance and diversity are about the same
Complexity in an ecological community has to do with the number of
Species in the population
Species at each trophic level
Genetic variations within a species
Primary producers available
Primary producers relative to the number of consumers
A community with hundreds of different types of primary producers, a few herbivores and only one carnivore, has
Little complexity
Little diversity
A great deal of complexity
Low productivity
A great deal of productivity
A community that changes very little over time is said to have great
Renewal ability
In the coastal forest of Oregon an area was clear-cut for logging. Trees at the edge of the clearing and 200 meters into the forest died within a few months after the logging began. What is the best explanation for the death of the trees?
The trees at the edge of the forest were more prone to disease
Abiotic edge effects, such as increased herbivory, negatively affected the trees
Increased sunlight, wind and temperature negatively affected the trees
The roots of all of the trees were damaged
Nitrogen fixing bacteria in the roots of the trees were killed
A "closed community" has a
Narrow ecotone
Gradual transition zone
Wide ecotone
Very small area
Large core area
A climax community is one that
Is relatively stable and long lasting
Lasts forever
Containers oaks or white spruce
Is impervious to disruption
Is adapted to periodic disruption
Primary succession occurs when a community develops ____________ while secondary succession occurs when one ________.
Into a climax community; species replaces another
And replaces another; ecosystem becomes stable
On unoccupied ground; biological community replaces another
And then fails; niche changes
Intraspecific competition; experiences interspecific competition
As ecological development proceeds, a biological community
Gradually stagnates
Becomes more diverse
Goes through repeated secondary succession stages
Goes through repeated primary succession stages
Becomes less complex
The most common reason that introduced species cause trouble is because they
A larger than native species
Disrupt pre-existing niches
Are unusually efficient predators
Out compete the native species
None of these is correct
Which of the following migrations is likely to cause the extinction of a native species?
Migration of a member of a species of island birds to a large continent
Migration of a pack of wolves to a nearby valley
The introduction of a predator onto an island originally free from predators
A seasonal move of large grazers that travel north in the summer and south in the winter
The introduction of a new prey species onto an island originally free from this species
A biome is described by
A specified bioregion
Broadly similar environmental conditions
A watershed divide, generally
Geographic location
Large landforms in the area
Location of specific biomes can be predicted based on
The Coriolis Effect
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Precipitation and temperature
Seasonal variations in sunspots
Large landforms in the area
Cloud forests are found in ________ areas in tropical regions.
Hot Costal
Cool Mountainous
Cool Plains
Low Evolution
Neo finds himself sweating in a moist forest but there aren't many streams or wetlands. He is amazed by the tremendous amount of biodiversity including an abundance of biting mosquitoes. Has he inadvertently gotten closer to his goal of finding a boreal forest?
No- the description is that of a tropical seasonal forest
No- the description is that of a temperate deciduous forest
No-the description is that of a temperate rainforest
No- the description is that of a tropical rainforest
A biome absent from North America is the
Temperate deciduous forest
Alpine tundra
Tropical rainforest
Temperate Rainforest
Which of the following is an example of a specialization that plants in the desert may have?
Storing water in stems or roots
Reducing water loss with thick epidermal layers
Salt tolerance
Storing water in stems or roots and reducing water loss with thick epidermal layers
All of these are adaptations of plants living in desert conditions
Humid tropical forests have extraordinary biological diversity
Because of the very fertile tropical soils
Because rainfall dissolves soil nutrients and makes them available to plants
Because water is not a limiting factor
Despite a complete absence of nutrients in the environment
Despite the poor, weathered soils
Tropical seasonal forests are specially adapted to tolerate
Annual cycles of extreme heat and extreme cold
Years of drought followed by followed by years of rain
Annual cycles of severe drought and heavy rain
Extreme drought and cold at the same time
Extreme heat
You are in an area that is relatively hot. You bend down and notice that there are tracks in the soil that are very old. Since you know that this area is easily destroyed by human activity and the harsh climate slows recovery from human damage you conclude that this biome is
A tropical dry forest
A desert
A grassland
A wetland
Morpheus, Trinity and Neo are on the wet western coast of North America and as they look around they see lots of mosses, lichens and ferns covering the tree branches. Condensation from fog on the leaves is a major form of precipitation. Where are they?
Temperate rainforest
Boreal forest
Tropical rainforest
Southern Pine forest
Tropical savannah
{"name":"GC101 Exam 2 Review", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What is the difference in the adaptation of a sled dog's (such as a Husky) thick coat of hair to help it withstand the cold temperatures of Arctic winters and a dog that adapts to cold temperatures in the fall by growing a thickened coat? The adaptation of the sled dog best describes adaptation at the ____________ level while the dog exposed to seasonal colder temperatures has _____________., Evolution occurs as a result of, Which of the following is a physiological modification used to adapt to environmental conditions?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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