Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-th on Fri, 12 Nov 21
[2111.05875] Mario De Marco, Andrea Sangiovanni: Higgs Branches of rank-0 5d theories from M-theory on $(A_j,A_l)$ and $(A_k,D_n)$ singularities
[2111.05879] Théo Keseman, Hans J. Muneesamy, Yasaman K. Yazdi: Insights on Entanglement Entropy in $1+1$ Dimensional Causal Sets
[2111.05922] Syo Kamata, Tatsuhiro Misumi, Naohisa Sueishi et al.: Exact-WKB analysis for SUSY and quantum deformed potentials: Quantum mechanics with Grassmann fields and Wess-Zumino terms
[2111.05967] Alexander Frenkel, Sean A. Hartnoll: Entanglement in the Quantum Hall Matrix Model
[2111.05981] Adolfo Holguin: Giant Gravitons Intersecting at Angles from Integrable Spin Chains
[2111.05984] Damir Sadekov: On generalization of 2d gravity with the simplest non-invariant states
[2111.06083] Anton Galajinsky: Remarks on N=1 supersymmetric extension of the Euler top
[2111.06089] Yu-Qi Lei, Xian-Hui Ge: Circular Motion of Charged Particles near Charged Black Hole
[2111.06108] Micha Berkooz, Adar Sharon, Navot Silberstein et al.: The onset of quantum chaos in disordered CFTs
[2111.06138] Yu-Ni Yang, Chuan-Yin Xia, Zhang-Yu Nie et al.: H-T phase diagrams of a holographic p-wave superfluid
[2111.06183] Kei-Ichi Kondo, Naoki Fukushima: Color confinement and restoration of residual local gauge symmetries
[2111.06204] Cihan Pazarbaşı: Pair Production in Real Proper Time and Unitarity Without Borel Ambiguity
[2111.06298] Ahmed Almheiri, Henry W. Lin: The Entanglement Wedge of Unknown Couplings
[2111.06357] Edmund J. Copeland, Peter Millington, Sergio Sevillano Muñoz: Fifth forces and broken scale symmetries in the Jordan frame
[2111.06373] Alexandre Belin, Jan de Boer, Pranjal Nayak et al.: Generalized Spectral Form Factors and the Statistics of Heavy Operators
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Fri, 12 Nov 21","img":""}
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