Discover Your Tarcadian Class!

A colorful and mystical fantasy landscape depicting various Tarcadian environments such as caves, forests, and cities, with silhouetted figures representing different classes and personalities.

Discover Your Tarcadian Class!

Are you curious about which Tarcadian Class you belong to? Take our engaging quiz to explore your personality traits, preferences, and character inspirations. It’s designed for fans of the Tarcadian universe to find out more about themselves and how they fit into this vibrant world!

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Fun and engaging
  • Discover your unique Tarcadian Class!
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by JumpingTide7
You’ve just been informed that you and your brood are going on a mission! Where do you feel like going?
Caves or somewhere dark and spooky. I like the mystery!
Somewhere warm, tropical and colourful!
Some place that's big and open so I can see for miles, like a prairie or a moor!
A dense and lush forest with giant trees!
Badlands or some kind of rocky place with lots of places to set a good ambush!
Some kind of civilization or city. Missions can be diplomatic too, and I rather not have to fight.
My brood can go places but I am staying right here on Basillia/the warship doing something else helpful that isn't marching all over the place!
Anywhere my broodmates or broodleader wants to go is fine by me!
Somewhere cold and full of fluffy soft snow!
Can we go somewhere with a lot of water? Like the lake or maybe a marsh?
Anywhere as long as there's lots of enemies for me to fight!!!
Lemme just *throws all these options into a hat*
If you were a bird, what kind of bird do you think you’d be?
A powerful bird like an eagle or an owl!
A smart bird like a raven or a small parrot.
A very fast bird like a swift or a falcon!
Any kind of super colourful bird like a peacock or a lorikeet!
I'd be a very stealthy bird that can sneak around, like a grouse or a potoo...
Of course I'd be a scary bird like a vulture or a cassowary!
Some bird that likes the water, like a duck or a swan.
Some big parrot all the way.
I'd like to be some kind of tiny cute bird like a finch or a chickadee.
Some strange looking bird like a umbrellabird or a magnificent frigatebird
As a redeyes you were the one most likely to...?
Try to learn how to fly by jumping off the nursery platform!
Order everyone around, I'm going to be broodleader!
Sneak off to explore!
Listen to the childminder completely, I don't want to get into trouble.
Play or talk with the other redeyes!
Read lots of books or listen to stories (And Childminder Atcien has all the best stories)
Be napping during class/playtime.
Play pranks on other redeyes!
Hide from my childminder.
Raid the kitchen at three in the morning, snacks!
You find yourself on standby and you’ve got free time, what do you do?
Probably eat and talk with my broodmates and friends!
Train hard and see if anyone around the base/warship needs my assistance with anything!
I'm the responsible one so I'm stuck doing the paperwork!
Spending time with my crush/forevermate(s) obviously!
Finally! A chance for peace and quiet, I think I'll read or take a nap.
Hit the tavern!
Play with my instruments, maybe I'll play for my brood or come up with something new.
I think I'll go for a nice relaxing walk/flight.
Swimming, duh!
Mess around with my tools and trinkets, maybe fix something or make something.
The wicked never rests and neither shall I! *runs back outside to fight more enemies*
You can't ambush me I saw/heard/sensed you coming!
Quickly give orders without thinking, you need to keep everyone alive and you know just how to do it.
Immediately attack the closest enemy with all your strength.
Defend my broodmates with my life!
I'm not as strong of a fighter as everyone else, but I can still offer my support!
Use your surroundings to your advantages and turn the ambush against your attackers!, you're not a bush what are you talking about?
You can't ambush me I'm the one ambushing you!
You can't exactly ambush me when I'm on Basillia doing important tasks there.
Here! Free weapon!
Throwing knives
Someone gives you an order, what do you do?
I'm the broodleader I'm the one giving the orders not the other way around!
Yes captain! No second thoughts, an order is an order!
Obey, but inside you're grumbling.
You have questions and you're going to ask them if you feel it's appropriate to do so.
You'll obey until it benefits you or your broodmates not to.
Say you'll obey, but actually end up doing the exact opposite of what you were told to do.
Huh? Repeat that I uh, wasn't paying attention.
Already changing out the door before the full order is given, there are enemies to fight and worlds to save and you do not have time to sit around!
What traits describe you best?
Strong and loyal
Protective and kind
Honest and reasonable
Cunning and witty
Sly and mischievous
Shy and soft spoken
Loud and outgoing
Natural leader and devoted
Nurturing and caring
Blunt and straightforwards
Confident and talented
Determined and reckless
Intelligent and observant
Playful and curious
Stubborn and pigheaded
Flirtatious and social
Carefree and laid back
Righteous and fair
Prankster and humorous
Bold and undaunted
Favourite colour?
Green (not sure why you would, but okay)
I know it's not a colour but I really like black/white!
Look I just love the whole siatriping rainbow okay?
How do you think you'd get your horns?
Killing some big, deadly nervemite all on my own!
Completing a retrieval quest by fetching something from the vast depths of the jungle on Basillia!
By using my intelligence and skills to come up with a solution to a big problem!
By successfully coming up with a brilliant plan and leading a mission.
Successfully delivering precious cargo to a camp in a hostile land.
I'd do it protecting a service class flock or my brood!
Saving a warship or a base from being invaded sounds like my kind of thing.
I'd rather do something more peaceful like a diplomatic mission.
Fixing something that was super broken before I got there and saving everyone from exploding or something like that!
I protected my broodmates or my fellow tarcadians from a savage walking jungle beast!
By foreseeing a terrible event and preventing it.
Sneaky successful stealth mission all the way.
Finding something important using my excellent tracking skills.
Turning up some really useful information from the enemy side is what I'd do!
By healing someone who was super injured or really sick.
By rescuing captives from nervemite clutches!
What element do you most relate to?
Which power would you want to have?
Ability to use any weapon and learn skills fast.
Being able to make basically anyone your friend and being able to learn any language.
Being super good with technology and immune to electricity.
Being able to melt into shadows and become untouchable.
Being able to turn any colour you want.
Heal super quickly and take wounds from others.
Jump into other people's minds and being able to read their thoughts.
Being able to control fire and energy.
Super strength and being able to take a lot of impact.
Being able to see the future and teleport far places.
Being able to slow time around you.
Being able to control others with my voice or some other voice related powers.
Photographic memory and never running out of stamina.
Being able to control water.
Being able to survive 30+ children at any given moment.
Seeing in the dark.
Being able to make really cool weapons and armour.
Super sense of smell and impeccable tracking.
Favourite character?
My favourite character isn't on the list :(
What class do you think you are or want to be?
{"name":"Discover Your Tarcadian Class!", "url":"","txt":"Are you curious about which Tarcadian Class you belong to? Take our engaging quiz to explore your personality traits, preferences, and character inspirations. It’s designed for fans of the Tarcadian universe to find out more about themselves and how they fit into this vibrant world!Multiple choice questionsFun and engagingDiscover your unique Tarcadian Class!","img":""}
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