Basics of Fighting Depression Survey

How often do you get a chance to do something outside that you enjoy?
Almost everyday
A decent amount (every 2 or 3 days)
Sometimes (once a week)
A little (less than once a week)
Almost never (less than once a month)
How many hours of sleep do you typically get per night?
8 or more
Less than 5
How many hours a day are you typically working during the week?
8 or less
14 or more
How often do you eat fast food?
Almost never
Often (2-3 times per week)
Sometimes (about once a week)
Rarely (once or twice a month)
Almost everyday (4 or more times per week)
How often do you get your heart rate elevated for 30 minutes or more in some form of exercise?
Almost everyday (5 or more times per week)
A good amount (3-4 times per week)
Sometimes (1-2 times per week)
Rarely (a few times per month)
Basically never
How would you describe your sleep?
Restful and peaceful
Good not great
I wake up a lot
Restless and antagonizing
How would you describe your daily emotional state?
Pretty Strong
Hanging on
How many servings of fruits and vegetables (combined) do you have per day?
8 or more
What's a vegetable?
How often do you play a physical sport or game just for fun?
2 or more times per week
At least once a week
2 or 3 times per month
About once a month
Basically never
How consistent is your sleep (meaning do you sleep the same amount most nights or do you sleep 10 hours one night and then 2 the next)?
Very regular
Pretty consistent
During the week I'm good but I'm up all nigh on the weekend
Not very consistent
Like a roller coaster
How often are you able to unplug and get separation from your concerns/worries?
For at least 2 hours most nights AND one full day a week
For at least 2 hours most nights OR one full day a week
A few nights a week and once in a while on the weekend
Once in a while
Basically never
How many sugary drinks (sodas, frappucinos, energy drinks, etc.) do you have per week?
Almost none
5 - 6
1 - 2
3 - 4
7 or more
How often do you lift weights or resistance train per week?
5 or more times
3 or 4 times
Once or twice
Less than once a week but I still try
Basically never
How long does it take you to fall asleep at night and get out of bed in the morning?
I fall asleep quickly and wake up rested
A half hour or less for each
About an hour for each
Maybe two hours for each
It is such a struggle to fall asleep and get out of bed
If you went on vacation for a week what would happen to your normal life (i.e. Your family, work, friends, etc.)?
Everyone would be fine and probably happy for me
There would be a couple difficulties but nothing major
It would be tough but I could make it happen
It would be more stressful to go on vacation than to just stay
Complete chaos would ensue
How many nights per week do you have dessert (cake, cookies, ice cream, etc.)?
About 1
2 or so
3 - 4
5 - 6
Every night
{"name":"Basics of Fighting Depression Survey", "url":"","txt":"How often do you get a chance to do something outside that you enjoy?, How many hours of sleep do you typically get per night?, How many hours a day are you typically working during the week?","img":""}
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