Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-lat on Fri, 8 Oct 21
[2110.03148] Walter Wilcox, Frank X. Lee: Measuring charged particle polarizabilities on the lattice without background fields
[2110.03408] Christopher Aubin, Thomas Blum, Maarten Golterman et al.: The muon $g-2$ with four flavors of staggered quarks
[2110.03606] Johannes Heinrich Weber, Alexei Bazavov, Peter Petreczky: Update on (2+1+1)-flavor QCD equation of state
[2110.03607] Takumi Yamashita, Tetsuya Sakurai: A Parallel Computing Method for the Higher Order Tensor Renormalization Group
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-lat on Fri, 8 Oct 21","img":""}
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