Where Do You Stand On The U.S. Political Spectrum?

Do you support any limitations or regulations on abortion?
Completely pro-life with no exceptions; It's murder.
Completely pro-choice at any point. It's a personal choice and right.
Pro-Life with exceptions for incest, rape and medical danger.
Pro-Choice with exceptions for third term pregnancies.
Pro-Choice with exceptions for the single father if he signs the (full) custody papers during pregnancy. (Since he is 1/2 the equation and deserves parental rights/say too.)
Pro-Choice with exceptions for the father if he demands an abortion during pregnancy. (Since he is 1/2 the equation and deserves parental rights/say too.)
Do you support more gun control?
Yes, and we should enforce more gun-free zones and harsher restrictions.
Yes, we should reform who is able to purchase what; Just as you do with motor vehicles.
Regardless, I do support an extra tax for bullets.
No, there are enough restrictions.
No, it won't help the crime rates or mass shootings.
Do you support any of these aspects of Immigration reform?
Build a wall along the parts of the US-Mexico border with the highest illegal entry and crime rates.
Make learning basic English within 2 years, a requirement.
Increase border patrol security.
Nationwide E-Verify.
Deportation of illegal immigrants who commit violent crimes in the US.
Enhanced penalties for overstaying a visa.
Reform "anchor baby" automatic citizenship law to be more in line with other countries.
Citizenship process for illegals through public service and financial reparations.
Amnesty for illegals who have jobs in the US.
Implement open border policy (and provide citizenship to all illegals.)
Provide tax-payer financial assistance (such as welfare, healthcare and/or college scholarships) to illegals in the US who apply within their State.
Provide tax-payer financed mandatory English classes for immigrants before earning citizenship.
Mandatory hiring for legal citizens first.
Defunding all sanctuary cities (that shelter criminal illegal immigrants).
Change the laws so that sanctuary cities can only shelter illegal immigrants who haven't committed any crimes since trespassing the border.
Do you support police officers wearing body cameras?
Yes, it should be a requirement if they interact with the public because they are public servants and therefore should match documentation with advances in technology.
Yes, but only for police officers working in high crime areas.
Yes, it will make police officers more accountable and rebuild the public's trust in the police force.
No, it should be a police department’s or officer’s choice to wear one.
No, it's too expensive.
No, this might be too distracting or intimidating for officer's dealing with situations that are tense enough.
Overall thoughts on Climate Change?
It's a myth. Completely made up for money and companies.
The climate is changing but it's organic and people are blowing it out of proportion.
Regardless of "blame", we should give tax incentives to help fix the problem. (Positive and/or Negative)
The climate is changing but the gases and chemicals we've released into the atmosphere are making it worse and unlike anything we've ever seen before.
It's an imminent danger. A problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible, regardless of who is to blame.
It's completely our fault. We were short-sighted and caused this problem therefore we must now find the solution before it's too late.
Overall thoughts on Homosexuality?
Needs to be eradicated. It is sinful and harmful.
Needs to be treated as a mental problem. This problem is in their head and likely rooted in past traumatic experiences.
Needs to be treated as a medical problem. It's not their fault but it's still a problem.
Needs to be hidden/left alone. It deserves the same rights as heterosexuality but eliminate the over-representation in the media.
Needs to be left alone (with the right to marriage). Out of sight, out of mind. It doesn't affect others' choices.
Needs to be supported/left alone. It deserves the same respect and regard as heterosexuality in terms of marriage and adoption rights.
Needs to be embraced and well-represented. It is uncommon but natural (not a choice) and until equality in perception and treatment is achieved, it's our responsibility to go out of our way to meet that goal in terms of marriage, adoption, military and any other field to ensure "equality".
Overall thoughts on Transsexualism?
Needs to be eradicated. It is sinful and harmful.
Needs to be treated as a mental problem. This problem is in their head and likely rooted in past traumatic experiences.
Needs to be treated as a medical problem. It's not their fault but it's still a problem.
Needs to stop exploiting the homosexual rights movement for it's own gain, as they don't actually have much in common.
Needs to be hidden/left alone. It deserves the same rights as heterosexuality but eliminate the over-representation in the media.
Needs to be left alone (with the right to marriage). Out of sight, out of mind. It doesn't affect others' choices.
Needs to be supported/left alone. It deserves the same respect and regard as heterosexuality in terms of marriage and adoption rights.
Needs to be embraced and well-represented. It is uncommon but natural (not a choice) and until equality in perception and treatment is achieved, it's our responsibility to go out of our way to meet that goal in terms of marriage, adoption, military and any other field to ensure "equality".
Needs to be given their own bathrooms. They deserve the extra security and privacy.
Needs to stop talking about bathrooms. There are worse problems and that's a waste of time and money.
Overall thoughts on affirmative action?
Positive because minorities need an extra boost to succeed.
Negative because it insults the merit and success of those who partake.
Positive because minorities are held down by a prejudicial system against them.
Negative because it's prejudiced against people who work hard for their dreams but don't meet specific demographics and violates the US Constitution.
Positive but with exceptions where it puts lives in danger like air pilots, neurosurgeons, etc.
Negative but we should focus on social programs addressing poverty instead of focusing on race or gender.
Overall thoughts on feminism?
It's a man-hating group full of lesbians and unattractives.
It's a man-hating group that pushes an anti-male doctrine on women.
It's a political lobbyist group that exploits and manipulates women for money and power.
It's a politically biased group that exploits and manipulates women through victimization.
It's a socio-political movement that divides women from each other and hurts "female unity".
It's a socio-political movement that has harmed women overall more than it has helped them.
It's a socio-political movement that has gone too far and is starting to feminize too many aspects of our society (rather than be gender-neutral).
It's a politically biased group that only supports like-minded feminists.
It's a politically biased group that favors liberal women.
It's a politically biased group that favors liberal white women.
It's a socio-political movement that has helped women in the past but is no longer necessary.
It's too politicized and should focus more on all women in the country.
It's too politicized and should focus more on all women in the world.
It's good in concept but not in current practice.
It's a socio-political movement that helps bring focus to issues that affect women in America.
It's a socio-political movement that helps bring focus to issues that helps men and women.
Do you support legalizing marijuana & drugs in general?
Marijuana - Legalize; tax; regulate it like alcohol or cigarettes etc. (Reclassify It)
Marijuana - Legalize hemp to further promote green alternatives.
Marijuana - Immediately pardon solely marijuana-related offenders.
Marijuana - Not recreationally but legalize medically.
Marijuana - Don't legalize but invest more in research on it.
Marijuana - Don't legalize and increase penalties against marijuana offenders.
In General - Grown adults should be able to make their own choices as long as they aren't harming others.
In General - Grown adults who are addicted cannot help themselves and therefore should be regulated.
In General - Drugs that can make you potentially hurt others without your knowledge (such as hallucinogens) should be banned, unless given by a doctor, but other drugs should be legalized.
In General - Drugs that can kill you on the first try should be banned but other drugs should be legalized.
In General - All drugs should be illegal unless prescribed by a doctor and given proper instructions.
Overall thoughts on prostitution?
It should be legalized and taxed for consenting, grown adults because it is their choice.
It should be legalized and taxed for consenting, grown adults because it helps protect the women involved.
It should be legalized and taxed for consenting, grown adults because it helps lower crime rate.
It should be legalized and taxed for consenting, grown adults because it keeps it off of the streets and away from our children.
It should be banned because it makes some women feel uncomfortable.
It should be banned because women won't be able to use sex to manipulate men as much, taking some social power away from women.
Do you support euthanasia (terminally ill patients allowed to end their lives via assisted suicide)?
Yes, it should be a personal choice, not the government or community's.
Yes, but only after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice.
Yes, but only if there is no chance they will survive their illness.
No, but they should be allowed to refuse artificial life support.
No, suicide is wrong in any form and might encourage people to give up before their time.
Overall thoughts on Religion?
A manipulation tool of the masses based on lies and rhetoric.
Should be a personal choice; Always separate from government.
Is under-criticized for their crimes against humanity, science and knowledge throughout history.
Does more harm than good.
May be right in concept but not in application.
Does more help than harm.
Gives hope and strength to those who would otherwise be lost to their negative indulgences.
Should be encouraged by the government; Always a requirement of public officials.
A gift from the Creators to stay connected.
Overall thoughts on Father's Custody Rights?
Child custody laws should be changed to favor the best parent rather than the mother when it comes to custody.
Child custody laws should remain the way they are, in favor of the mother since she carries and births the child.
Abortion laws should grant exceptions for the single father if he signs the (full) custody papers during pregnancy.
Abortion laws should grant exceptions for the father if he demands an abortion during pregnancy.
DNA Tests should be mandatory at birth to protect the fathers and children from fraternity fraud.
DNA Tests should be mandatory before any father is required to pay child support.
Overall thoughts on DNA Tests?
Great scientific advance that helps us better understand our own identity.
Great scientific advance that helps us better understand humanity's journey and history.
Great scientific advance that has improved our criminal justice system and exonerated innocents.
Great scientific advance that helps protect us from fraternity fraud.
Overall thoughts on Cloning?
A great technological/medical advance that benefits humanity in numerous ways.
A scientific abomination to humanity.
A religious abomination to humanity.
A great medical advance that should be limited to medicinal treatment and not creating life.
Which generation do you belong to?
Post-Millennials/Generation Z etc. (Born 2000 or later.)
Millennials (Born 1982 - 1999)
Generation X (Born 1964 - 1981)
Baby Boomers (Born 1945 - 1963)
Silent or older generations (Born 1944 or earlier.)
Which gender do you identify as?
Which do you identify with most, politically?
Extremely Conservative
Extremely Liberal
Which describes your home neighborhood type?
How far have you traveled?
Only within my town/city.
Only within my state.
Only within my country.
Only within my continent.
As far as I possibly could and have seen multiple continents etc!
Which former US President(s) do you respect/admire the most?
George Washington
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin Roosevelt
Dwight Eisenhower
John F. Kennedy
Richard Nixon
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
George H.W. Bush Sr.
Bill Clinton
George Bush Jr.
Barack Obama
Please Specify:
Would you ever consider voting outside of the 2 party system (not Republican or Democrat)?
Yes, I would prefer a third party in control.
Yes, for the right candidate.
No, it would be a wasted vote because the system only benefits the 2 parties.
No, I think third parties are too fringe to vote for.
What is your primary source of news and information?
Network TV (ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.)
Cable News TV - MSNBC
Cable News TV - Fox or Fox Business
Cable News TV - CNN
Cable News TV - Other
Right-Leaning Internet Outlets
Left-Leaning Internet Outlets
Independent or Libertarian Internet Outlets
Social Media Online (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
Tabloid Magazines
{"name":"Where Do You Stand On The U.S. Political Spectrum?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Politics have never been so popular and transitional at the same time! So do you know where you stand on the political spectrum? Find out with this helpful quiz!","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/8-395237/parties.jpg?sz=1200-000000100053","hash":"#USPolitics, #POTUS2016, #Election2016, #DonaldTrump, #HillaryClinton, #GaryJohnson, #JillStein. #PoliticalParties, #Reform, #Democrats, #Republicans, #Libertarians, #independents"}
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