Perfect Pop
{"name":"Perfect Pop", "url":"","txt":"By David Jones - https:\/\/\/photos\/davidcjones\/49821087347\/, CC BY 2.0, https:\/\/\/w\/index.php?curid=89984657 A quiz by Matt Thurgood for Reading Borough Libraries. Please feel free to share on Twitter, Facebook etc. by copying and pasting this link: https:\/\/\/QDZ4BJ8H, By Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc. - http:\/\/\/Images\/Presley,%20Elvis\/Annex\/Annex%20-%20Presley,%20Elvis%20(Jailhouse%20Rock)_01.jpg, Public Domain, https:\/\/\/w\/index.php?curid=15679730 \"Heartbreak Hotel\" was a million-selling hit for Elvis Presley in 1956. How long did it take to write?, By General Artists Corporation (management)\/photographer: \"Bruno of Hollywood\" aka Bruno Bernard - eBay itemphoto frontphoto back, Public Domain, https:\/\/\/w\/index.php?curid=18229272 Bobby Darin had a hit in 1959 with \"Mack the Knife\". What is the character MacHeath described as wearing?","img":""}