How Self Aware Are You?

Do you harshly criticise your own looks, actions & behaviours?
Yes, I am my own worst critic
No, I have a lot of respect & love for myself
Sometimes, but I then reassure myself that what I am thinking is not true
How do you feel when someone else criticises you?
I feel attacked & need to defend myself
I often feel hurt at first but then I understand they are only trying to help me
I am grateful for their opinion & consider its relevance in regard to my own self growth
Do you often feel as though people take advantage of you & your kindness?
Yes, it happens all the time & it makes me very mad & sad
Sometimes. But I am learning to offer myself without expecting anything in return
Never, I always offer my kindness without expecting anything in return
Are you able to say 'No' to people when they ask you to do something you would rather not do?
I would feel mean saying 'no' to someone who needs me
I can easily say 'no' if it isn't in my best inetersts
I am learning how to say NO more often to things I do not want to do
Do you find it difficult to forgive people who have hurt or betrayed you?
I always forgive for my own sense of peace & well being
They don't deserve my forgiveness, they should suffer like I have!
I often forgive but still feel hurt & angry
Do you find you get angry or offended easily when someone has a different point of view, belief or behaviour that does not align with your own?
Yes, I feel that my way is the best way
Not at all. I appreciate, value & make an effort to understand the other persons perspective
I just agree to disagree
Do you often use food or other substances to make you feel better when you feel upset, stressed or tired?
Yes, sweet food or a glass of wine always makes me feel better!
Sometimes, but I am learning other ways to comfort myself
Do you often worry about what other people think about you?
Yes always
No. I live up to my own standards not those of others
Every now & again but I don't let it affect my life
We understand that everyone's needs are important but whose needs do you think should always be attended to first?
Your children(s) needs
Your partners needs
Your own needs
Family & friends needs
Society's needs
Are you able to accept compliments with grace?
I like compliments but do not know how to react when I receive one
No one ever gives me compliments
I feel so grateful & always reply with a Thank you when I receive a compliment
I hate getting compliments
Do you believe it is someone else's fault if they do or say something to upset you?
Yes, it is 100% their fault & they should do their best to make me feel better
No. I understand that my feelings & reactions to other people are my own responsibility
Sometimes I do blame the other person but I try to take responsibility for my reaction too
Do you often self reflect on how your own thoughts & behaviour impact on your own self growth?
Yes, always
Every now & again
Are you currently putting effort into achieving your dreams & personal goals?
No, I gave up on my own dreams a long time ago
My focus is now dedicated to helping my children to create goals & pursue their own dreams
Yes. Pursuing my dream goals is a vital component of my life
Iv never really thought about it
I'd love to but I just don't have the time or money to indulge in the fantasy of following my dreams
If you were asked to name your top 5 strengths and top 5 weaknesses, could you do this easily off the top of your head?
No, I would have to really think about it
I could easily name my weaknesses but I would struggle naming my strengths
I could easily list my strengths but struggle listing my weaknesses
Yes, I am very clear about my strengths & weaknesses as I utilise that knowledge to enhance my personal growth
Do you tend to utilise your tone of voice & mannerisms to match the person you are communicating with?
It usually happens without me even knowing
I'm not sure
No, I am the same no matter who I talk to
Yes, I consciously do this to create rapport with the other person
Are you able to recognise when you are wrong & sincerely make amends without being asked to?
I find it difficult to admit when I am wrong
I'm very rarely ever in the wrong
Yes I can recognise & take responsibility for myself & make amends as soon as I realise I was in the wrong
I will only usually make amends or apologise if the other person asks me too
Do you believe that it is the responsibility of your partner / spouse to ensure that you are happy?
I believe it is both partners responsibility to make the other happy
Yes I believe it is their responsibility to make sure that I am happy
No. I appreciate my partner's support but I understand that it is 100% my responsibility to make sure that I am happy.
{"name":"How Self Aware Are You?", "url":"","txt":"Do you harshly criticise your own looks, actions & behaviours?, How do you feel when someone else criticises you?, Do you often feel as though people take advantage of you & your kindness?","img":""}
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