Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Mon, 29 Mar 21
[2103.14038] Christine Ye, Maya Fishbach: Cosmology with Standard Sirens at Cosmic Noon
[2103.14039] Adriana Dropulic, Bryan Ostdiek, Laura J. Chang et al.: Machine Learning the 6th Dimension: Stellar Radial Velocities from 5D Phase-Space Correlations
[2103.14042] Ákos Szölgyén, Gergely Máthé, Bence Kocsis: Resonant Dynamical Friction in Nuclear Star Clusters: Rapid Alignment of an Intermediate Mass Black Hole with a Stellar Disk
[2103.14047] Momen Diab, Aashana Tripathi, John Davenport et al.: Simulations of mode-selective photonic lanterns for efficient coupling of starlight into the single-mode regime
[2103.14048] T. Paneque-Carreno, L. M. Perez, M. Benisty et al.: Spiral Arms and a Massive Dust Disk with non-Keplerian Kinematics: Possible Evidence for Gravitational Instability in the Disk of Elias 2-27
[2103.14050] Sabrina Gronow, Benoit Cote, Florian Lach et al.: Metallicity-dependent nucleosynthetic yields of Type Ia supernovae originating from double detonations of sub-M$_{\text{Ch}}$ white dwarfs
[2103.14052] B. A. Nicholson, G. Hussain, J. -F. Donati et al.: The Surface Magnetic Activity of the Weak-Line T Tauri Stars TWA 7 and TWA 25
[2103.14057] Robert Brandenberger, Bryce Cyr, Hao Jiao: Intermediate Mass Black Hole Seeds from Cosmic String Loops
[2103.14069] D. J. Lennon, J. Maíz Apellániz, A. Irrgang et al.: Hubble spectroscopy of LB-1: comparison with B+black-hole and Be+stripped-star models
[2103.14075] Andrei Cuceu, Andreu Font-Ribera, Benjamin Joachimi et al.: Cosmology beyond BAO from the 3D distribution of the Lyman-$α$ forest
[2103.14088] Amber K. Lenon, Duncan A. Brown, Alexander H. Nitz: Eccentric Binary Neutron Star Search Prospects for Cosmic Explorer
[2103.14121] E. de Carvalho, A. Bernui, F. Avila et al.: BAO angular scale at z_eff = 0.11 with the SDSS blue galaxies
[2103.14128] Tim-Eric Rathjen, Thorsten Naab, Philipp Girichidis et al.: SILCC VI -- Multi-phase ISM structure, stellar clustering, and outflows with supernovae, stellar winds, ionising radiation and cosmic rays
[2103.14149] Warren M. Sparks, Edward M. Sion: Nova-produced Common Envelope: Source of the Non-solar Abundances and an Additional Frictional Angular Momentum Loss in Cataclysmic Variables
[2103.14176] Peter Breiding, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, Michael Eracleous et al.: The Search for Binary Supermassive Black Holes amongst Quasars with Offset Broad Lines using the Very Long Baseline Array
[2103.14185] Ataru Tanikawa, Mirek Giersz, Manuel Arca Sedda: MOCCA-SURVEY Database -- I. Tidal disruption events of white dwarfs in globular clusters and young massive clusters
[2103.14190] F. Andrade-Oliveira, H. Camacho, L. Faga et al.: Galaxy Clustering in Harmonic Space from the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Data: Compatibility with Real-Space Results
[2103.14199] Anneya Golob, Marcin Sawicki, Andy D. Goulding et al.: Classifying Stars, Galaxies and AGN in CLAUDS+HSC-SSP Using Gradient Boosted Decision Trees
[2103.14228] Zhuchang Zhan, Sara Seager, Janusz Jurand Petkowski et al.: Assessment of Isoprene as a Possible Biosignature Gas in Exoplanets with Anoxic Atmospheres
[2103.14257] Tanmoy Samanta, Hui Tian, Bin Chen et al.: Plasma Heating Induced by Tadpole-Like Downflows in the Flaring Solar Corona
[2103.14266] Amira A. Tawfeek, Kanak Saha, Kaustubh Vaghmare et al.: Gravitational interaction signatures in isolated galaxy triplet systems: a photometric analysis
[2103.14280] R. B. Menezes, Patrícia da Silva, J. E. Steiner: The highly obscured Seyfert 2 nucleus in NGC 1448 observed with MUSE
[2103.14292] Mateja Dumbovic, Jasa Calogovic, Karmen Martinic et al.: Drag-based model (DBM) tools for forecast of coronal mass ejection arrival time and speed
[2103.14335] Ivan Rapoport, Ealeal Bear, Noam Soker: The future influence of six exoplanets on the envelope properties of their parent stars on the giant branches
[2103.14336] Yu-Hsuan Hwang, Wei-Hao Wang, Yu-Yen Chang et al.: Revisiting the Color-Color Selection: Submillimeter and AGN Properties of NUV-r-J Selected Quiescent Galaxies
[2103.14369] E.Pavlenko, T.Kato, K.Antonyuk et al.: MASTER OT J172758.09+380021.5: a peculiar ER UMa-type dwarf nova, probably a missed nova in the recent past
[2103.14378] Roger de Belsunce, Steven Gratton, William Coulton et al.: Inference of the optical depth to reionization from low multipole temperature and polarisation Planck data
[2103.14386] Ken'ichiro Nakazato, Kohsuke Sumiyoshi, Hajime Togashi: Numerical Study of Stellar Core Collapse and Neutrino Emission Using the Nuclear Equation of State Obtained by the Variational Method
[2103.14397] Alexander K. Sivitilli, Angus Comrie, Lucia Marchetti et al.: Virtual Reality and Immersive Collaborative Environments: the New Frontier for Big Data Visualisation
[2103.14403] Martin A. Reiss, Karin Muglach, Christian Möstl et al.: The Observational Uncertainty of Coronal Hole Boundaries in Automated Detection Schemes
[2103.14492] Onic I. Shuvo, E. D. Araya, W. S. Tan et al.: Thermal Formaldehyde Emission in NGC7538 IRS1
[2103.14521] Albert Bruch: A comparative study of the strength of flickering in cataclysmic variables
[2103.14541] Fabio Pintore, S. Motta, C. Pinto et al.: The rare X-ray flaring activity of the Ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 4559 X7
[2103.14563] Tashalee S. Billings, Paul La Plante, James E. Aguirre: Extracting the Optical Depth to Reionization $τ$ from 21 cm Data Using Machine Learning Techniques
[2103.14566] Quentin Changeat, Ahmed F. Al-Refaie, Billy Edwards et al.: An exploration of model degeneracies with a unified phase curve retrieval analysis: The light and dark sides of WASP-43 b
[2103.14598] Nikolaos Karnesis, Stanislav Babak, Mauro Pieroni et al.: Characterization of the stochastic signal originating from compact binaries populations as measured by LISA
[2103.14613] J. Licandro, J. de Leon, F. Moreno et al.: Activity of the Jupiter co-orbital comet P/2019~LD$_{2}$ (ATLAS) observed with OSIRIS at the 10.4 m GTC
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