Econ 201

Which of the following is NOT a function of the Federal Reserve Bank?
Purchasing and selling foreign currencies
Which of the following guarantees deposits in almost all banks up to a $100,000 limit per account?
In making policies about the nations's money supply, the Federal Reserve Board
Operates as an independent entity
Which of the following assets is the most liquid?
Currency or "paper money"
The Federal Reserve Bank's Open Market Committee can engage in the CONTRACTIONARY monetary policy by
Selling US government bonds
The Federal Reserve Bank's Open Market Committee can engage in an EXPANSIONARY monetary policy by
Buying US government bonds
Which of the following are counted as part of the M2 money supply?
All of the above are part of the M2 money supply measure
Which of the following is NOT counted as part of the M1 money supply?
Passbook savings deposit
The correct formula for the money multiplier is
MM=1/required reserve ratio
Which of the following statements does NOT describe a function of money?
A hedge against inflation
If banks are subject to a 20 percent required reserve ratio the money multiplier would be:
Banking takes it's name from the fact that:
Banks keep only a fraction of total deposits on reserve
The equation of exchange that the Federal Reserve Bank uses as a guide to the control the money supply in the economy can be written as
M x V = P x Q
A bank's required reserves are:
Held as deposits with the Federal Reserve Bank
Flat Money:
Is acceptable as money because the government has decreed it to be so
Which of the following will lead to an increase in the money supply?
Your bank gives a $10,000 koan by adding $10,000 to your checking account
Decisions regarding the purchase and sale of the US Government securities by the Federal Reserve Bank are made by the:
The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee
The money supply contracts when the FED
Sells US government bonds
Which of the following actions would INCREASE the money supply?
Buying US government bonda
Which of the following actions would DECREASE the money supply?
All of the above would decrease the money supply
If the velocity of money (V)=5, the price level (P)=3, the quantity of goods and services (Q) is equal to the 50, then, according to the equation of
The financial panic and credit freeze of late 2008 pointed to the FED's important role as a:
Lender of last resort
Who is the current chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors?
Ban Bernanke
A customer deposits $10,000 in a bank account. If the reserve requirement were 15% how much can the bank make in new loans because of that new deposit?
Institutions that acquire funds from savers and then lend those funds to borrowers are called:
Financial intermediaries
Which of the following is not a motive for holding money?
Expectations motive
The velocity of money is:
The number of times per year a dollar is, on average, spent on final goods and services
If a bank that is subject to a 10% required reserve ration has $25,000 in excess reserves it can extend new loans up to a maximum of
Banks would normally want to hold few excess reserves because this practice is, from the bank's point of view:
Not profitable because they must pay depositors interest on their deposits
The amount by which annual government spending exceeds tax revenues is called the:
The accumulation of past government deficits is called that:
Public debt
Which of the following does not represent a form of government debt?
US dollars
The central bank of the United States is:
The Federal Reserve System
The Federal reserve System includes _______ regional banks
The main policy-making arm of the FED is the :
Federal Open Market Committee
New deposits of $1 billion are placed in a bank. The reserve requirement is 20%. How much does the money supply increase, assuming no leakage?
$5 billion
The economy is experiencing 10% inflation. What should the federal government do?
Raises taxes and attempts to slow the economy
When government borrowing increases interest rates and causes investments spending in the economy to decrease it is called:
Crowding out
A policy action by the FED to increase the money supply
Is slow acting and takes usually one year or more to fully increase the money supply, lower interest rates, and increase economic activity
Money is employed as a __________, because it enables people to save the money they earn today and use it to buy goods and services at a later date
Store of value
Money is the most _____ of all assets because, as a medium as exchange, it requires no conversion.
Monetary Policy is
The use of the money supply to change interest rates in the economy to influence activity
Which of the following is NOT a tool of monetary policy?
Changing government spending and taxes
The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee is responsible for
Overseeing the buying and selling of government securities in the open market
A PROGRESSIVE tax is a tax where
The tax as a percent of income increases
A REGRESSIVE tax is a tax where
The tax as percent of income decreases as income increases
In the GDP expenditure equation (GDP= C + I + G + (X-M)) the term G represents:
Government spending
In the GDP expenditure (GDP= C + I + G +(X-M)) the term I represents:
Investment spending
Which of the following statements are NOT a characteristic of "good" money?
Money must have historic value
{"name":"Econ 201", "url":"","txt":"Which of the following is NOT a function of the Federal Reserve Bank?, Which of the following guarantees deposits in almost all banks up to a $100,000 limit per account?","img":""}
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