How would you rate your credit score range?
Excellent (740+)
Good (680-739)
Average (620-679)
Below average (<620)
Have you been employed full time for the past 2 years?
I'm self-employed
How much have you set aside for a down payment and/or closing costs?
I have some money set aside and am still saving
I do not currently have any money in savings
I have a comfortable amount of money in savings
Have you been foreclosed on in the past seven years or otherwise filed for bankruptcy in the the past 4 years?
If self-employed, do you have at least 2 years of tax returns?
I am not self-employed
How would you rate your debt?
I'm debt-free for now
I have some credit card and student loan debt
I have a significant amount of debt
{"name":"Mortgage Pre-qualification Quiz", "url":"","txt":"How would you rate your credit score range?, Have you been employed full time for the past 2 years?, How much have you set aside for a down payment and\/or closing costs?","img":""}
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