Test on Surah Al - Saff

A visually appealing illustration depicting a serene scene of a Quran, surrounded by soft light, symbolic elements of faith such as a crescent moon and stars, and the Arabic text of Surah Al-Saff in an elegant font.

Surah Al-Saff Quiz

Test your knowledge on Surah Al-Saff with this engaging quiz! Dive into key concepts, teachings, and rules of Tajweed associated with this important Surah.

Key Features:

  • Multiple choice questions to challenge your understanding.
  • Learn about the lessons and stories from the lives of Prophets Musa and Isa.
  • Understand Tajweed rules and pronunciation.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by LearningLight57
What is the most hateful sight to Allah regarding the words of a Believer?
To say something which you do not do
To say something which you do
When Prophet Musa (AS) asked his people as to why they hurt him even when they fully know that he is a messenger sent by Allah, how did his people respond him?
They apologized and agreed to follow him
They made a peace treaty with him
They became resistant to his guidance and Allah caused their hearts to be stubborn in it
When Prophet Isa (AS) showed clear signs of being a prophet, what did his people do?
They were impressed by him
They said that it’s plain magic
They got scared of him
In this surah, the believers have been told that the only way to succeed in this world and the hereafter is:
To exert their utmost in Allah’s way with their selves and their wealth only
To believe sincerely in Allah and his Messenger only
What is the theme of this Surah?
To encourage muslims to adopt sincerity in Faith and to struggle with their lives in the cause of Allah
Prophet Musa (AS) story
Prophet Isa (AS) story
What is the مخرج of ك:
Soft Palate
Hard Palate
What rule is this phrase: مٝصَدّٝقاً لّٝمَا
ادغام ناقص بٝغٝنَّه
ادغام كامل بٝغٝنَّه
ادغام كامل بغير غٝنَّه
What is the name of the rule in this phrase: مٝبَشّٝراً بٝرَسٝول
What is the name of this madd: إٝسْرٰٓءٝيل
Madd Wajib Mutassil
Madd Jaiz Munfasil
Madd Lazim
How many main makharij are there?
What is the meaning of بٝأَٝواهٝهٝم ?
That you say
The disciples
With their mouths
A group
What is the meaning of ذٝنوبَكٝم ?
Your sins
Your discipline
What is the meaning of تَقولونَ ?
(Do) you say
(Not) what you do
They deviated
A group
What is the meaning of طائَٝٝةٌ ?
That you say
The disciples
A group
What is the meaning of الصٝ is this surah?
My hands
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