STEM Careers Quiz

A colorful illustration showing diverse STEM careers like robotics, life sciences, architecture, and computer science, visually engaging and fun.

Discover Your STEM Career Path!

Are you curious about the different career opportunities in the STEM fields? Take our quiz to uncover your interests and find the right path for you!

  • Identify your passions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  • Learn how your skills can be applied in exciting careers.
  • Explore the various fields that engage your strengths and interests.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ExploringMind42
What are you most interested in?
The human body
Underwater animals
Computers and techology
My favorite school subject is...
Life science
Animal science
Computer classes
In the future I want to...
Work with other people
Help solve problems
Work with computers
Work with my hands
I want to learn more about..
How our body turns food into energy
Video games and why they work
Rollercoasters and who designs them
Movies and how they are made
I am good at...
Solving problems
Communicating with others
Being creative
Creating stories
I really want to use..
My curious mind
My awesome technology skills
My caring personality
My knack for graphs, charts, and data
Something I don't know anything about but sounds interesting..
Data Science
Robotics Engineering
Special Effects in movies
I wish I knew more about...
Mental health and the human brain
How computers work and why they work
The environment
How buildings can survive earthquakes
A MUST in my future career
Working with animals
Learning about the human body
Being on a movie set
Building solutions to people's problems
I am interested in how my phone works and apps on my phone work
Yes, I wish they taught us about it in school!
I know what coding is and I want to learn how to code
Yes and no
No and no
Yes and yes
No and yes
I like working with my hands and building things
Yes, my favorite thing to do!!
Rather work on a computer...
I think I could be good at
Computer Science
Doing surgery
Analyzing graphs and charts
Observing human behavior
I always wondered about who designs buildings or rollercoasters
Can I be anything I want to be when I grow up?
Of course!
{"name":"STEM Careers Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Are you curious about the different career opportunities in the STEM fields? Take our quiz to uncover your interests and find the right path for you!Identify your passions in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.Learn how your skills can be applied in exciting careers.Explore the various fields that engage your strengths and interests.","img":""}
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