Study Quiz 7.2

U-235 and U-238 are examples of
Isomers of uranium.
Allotropes of uranium.
Different elements
Isotopes of uranium
The U-235 nucleus contains ____ protons and ____ neutrons.
92, 143
92, 135
143, 92
235, 92
Nuclear reactions differ from chemical reactions in that
Energy is not conserved in nuclear reactions but is conserved in chemical reactions.
atoms can change identity in nuclear reactions but cannot in chemical reactions.
the energy changes associated with nuclear reactions are typically much smaller than energy changes in chemical reactions.
outer electrons are exchanged in nuclear reactions but not in chemical reactions.
Natural sources of ionizing radiation do not include
Cosmic rays
Diagnostic x-rays
When radon-222 emits an alpha particle, a new nucleus is produced. In comparison to radon-222, this new nucleus has ________ mass number and _________ atomic number.
the same, a different
a different, a different
a different, the same
The same, the same
Strontium-90 (atomic number = 38) decays by beta emission. The atomic number of the resulting nucleus is ___________ and its atomic mass is _________.
38, 90
39, 91
37, 90
39, 90
Which model offers a reasonable explanation for the process of beta decay?
An electron from the nucleus is emitted.
A gamma ray becomes a neutron and a proton. The neutron is emitted, and the proton remains in the nucleus.
A proton becomes an electron and a neutron. The electron is emitted and the neutron remains in the nucleus.
A neutron becomes an electron and a proton. The electron is emitted, and the proton remains in the nucleus.
The half-life of C-14 is 5715 years. If a particular archaeological sample has three-quarters of its original radioactivity remaining, what is the best estimate for its age?
2860 years
5720 years
1430 years
4290 years
Assuming that no new C-14 was added, after how many half-lives would the level of the radioactivity in a sample of C-14 drop to less than 1% of its initial value?
Which isotope is not in the natural decay series of U-238?
All three are in the natural decay series of U-238.
Once initiated by a neutron, the fission of U-235 can proceed by many pathways. One pathway produces Sr-90, three neutrons, and an isotope of the element _____.
Thorium (Th)
Plutonium (Pu)
Antimony (Sb)
Xenon (Xe)
In the U.S., the largest non-natural source of a persons annual dose of radiation is
X-rays used for medical purposes
Radiation from nuclear power plants.
Consumer products, such as smoke detectors.
fallout from testing of nuclear weapons.
Technetium-99 does not occur naturally, but can be produced from molybdenum-98. What is the missing particle in this nuclear equation? (3.0K)
Beta particle
Alpha particle
Which represents the process of nuclear fission?
U--> Th+He+y
Pu+2n--> Am+ e+ y
U+n--> Rb+ Cs+2n+y
H+H--> He+n+y
Via a series of chemical reactions that start with uranium ore, enriched fuel can be produced for a nuclear reactor. Which series represents a possible pathway?
Uranium ore → UF4→ UO2 → UF6
Uranium ore → UF6→ UF4 → UO2
Uranium ore→ UO2 → UF6 → UF4
Uranium ore → UF4→ UF6→ UO2
This diagram shows the reactor core in a typical nuclear power plant. What else is inside a typical containment building in addition to the reactor core?
Borated water storage tank
Condenser cooling system
Turbines for feeding steam to the generator
Steam generators
Which is not a characteristic of both nuclear power plants and coal-fired power plants?
Cooling water is required.
The fuel is combusted.
Steam is used to drive a turbine.
Mechanical energy is converted into electrical energy.
The countries generating the highest percentage of their electricity with nuclear power are located in
North America
Many feel the future will hold an increased reliance on nuclear power for producing electricity in the U.S. Which factor(s) support that view?Many feel the future will hold an increased reliance on nuclear power for producing electricity in the U.S. Which factor(s) support that view? I. Good safety record in U.S. II. Need to reduce reliance on fossil fuels III. Potential for catastrophic accidents IV. No long-range shortage of fuel for nuclear reactors
All of these
I and II only
II, III, and IV only
I and IV only
Dose-response curves model the response (such as cancer) to a given dose of ionizing radiation. The linear nonthreshold dose-response curve
treats the response as a linear function of exposure, even at very low doses.
shows that low doses cannot produce a response such as cancer.
Shows that only high doses can produce a response such as cancer.
proposes a threshold of exposure, below which there is no adverse effect.
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