Do you have what it takes to change the world?

Imagine that in a quiet forest in the early morning a bird is singing. Select all that are true:
I can visualise its shape in detail
I can hear exactly what it sounds like
I can see its colour clearly
I can picture seeing myself with the bird standing on my finger
I can imagine the weight of the bird on my finger
He sings because that's just what he does. Do you feel that in your life you can be like the bird?
No, but I wish I could
No, but maybe someday
I would like my journey of personal growth to feel more natural and effortless.
Strongly Agree
Somewhat Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
Somewhat Disagree
Strongly Disagree
Imagine you are in a dense forest. You feel completely lost and don't know which way to go. Do you feel like this in real life?
Most of the time
Imagine you then come across a path. As you start walking along it, you realise you have finally found the right way. Do you feel like your life journey could be like this?
I hope so
In your life, do you feel like you have found that path?
No, there is no path
No, and I never will
No, I hope I will
Not yet, but I will
Yes, I have found it but I'm not really making progress
Yes, I'm on the path and making good progress
Select all that you agree with. Success is from...
Hard work
Accepting circumstances
Effortlessly being yourself
Finding yourself
Creating yourself
Loving God
Putting others first
Giving everything you can
Which of the following describes you best?
I have many different skills and abilities
I have a few specific skills and abilities
Which of the following describes you best?
I enjoy things I am naturally good at
I enjoy being under pressure with new things
Which is most true? Personal development is...
Finding and becoming yourself
Creating yourself
Which is most true? When I let my mind wander it is...
Almost always negative, stressful worrying
Mostly negative but sometimes positive
Mostly positive, but sometimes negative
Almost always positive, exciting fantasies
Do you often find yourself daydreaming?
No, I'm far too busy
No, just never really happens
How often do you meditate?
I have only a few times in my life
1-3 times a month
1-3 times a week
Most days
Every day
How long do you most often meditate for?
Up to 5 minutes
5-15 minutes
15-25 minutes
25-45 minutes
More than 45 minutes
How long do you prefer to meditate for?
Up to 5 minutes
5-15 minutes
15-25 minutes
25-45 minutes
More than 45 minutes
Which is most correct? I find myself distracted...
Almost never
Not very often
Only when doing something boring
All the time
Improving my focus is...
Something I want to do
An urgent priority
How often do you buy self improvement books?
1-2 times a year max
2-4 times a year
About once every 2 months
1-2 times a month
Every week
How much do you read self improvement books?
When I want to solve a problem
Every now and then (e.g. On long journeys)
Up to an hour a month
Up to an hour a week
More than an hour a week
Self improvement books should...
Be straight to the point and not include any unnecessary information
Tell you what to do but also include interesting facts
Give you every single detail before you are told what to do
Include all of the known scientific facts for its subject
Self improvement books should...
Give you just the facts and let you decide what to do
Make suggestions on different options you could take
Keep it simple and suggest the method that the author believes is the best
Which of the following are true. It annoys me when I'm reading a self improvement book and...
I get half way through and still don't know what I should actually do
I get half way through and feel overwhelmed with information and options
I get half way through and I don't have any noticeable results
It tells you what to do but not specific steps of how to do it expecting you to plan it all out
Which of the following is most true. When I have a problem...
I like to do all the research and use it to create my own solution
I like to get the information from someone else and use create my own solution
I like to try out someone else's recommended solution
Considering only the visual aspects (not the text). This webpage example is...
Good and simple
Too plain
Nice and clean
{"name":"Do you have what it takes to change the world?", "url":"","txt":"Imagine a bird singing. Select all that are true:, The bird is singing for no one but himself. He sings because that's just what he does. Do you feel that in your life you can be like the bird?, Why?","img":""}
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