How much time does Duke Frederick allow Oliver to find Orlando?
A fortnight
One week
One month
One year
What does the disguised Rosalind promise to do for Orlando?
Provide him and Adam with shelter
Help him to overcome his lovesickness
Help him to overthrow his brother, Oliver
Woo Rosalind on his behalf
Why does Rosalind doubt that Orlando is truly in love?
He is too young to know what love is
She has heard him claim to be in love with countless girls
His poems are poorly rhymed and measured
Love is a madness, and he does not look like a madman
{"name":"How much time does Duke Frederick allow Oliver to find Orlando?", "url":"","txt":"How much time does Duke Frederick allow Oliver to find Orlando?, What does the disguised Rosalind promise to do for Orlando?, Why does Rosalind doubt that Orlando is truly in love?","img":""}
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