Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in nlin on Wed, 13 Jan 21
[2101.04239] S. Ramírez, L. Vendramin: Decomposition theorems for involutive solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation
[2101.04330] Anil Kumar, Sarika Jalan: Explosive synchronization in interlayer phase-shifted Kuramoto oscillators on multiplex networks
[2101.04332] Dmitry K. Demskoi: The lattice sine-Gordon equation as a superposition formula for an NLS-type system
[2101.04371] Li Wang, Zhenya Yan: Data-driven peakon and periodic peakon travelling wave solutions of some nonlinear dispersive equations via deep learning
[2101.04589] Gabriele Gradoni, Federico Panichi, Giorgio Turchetti: Propagation of rays in 2D and 3D waveguides: a stability analysis with Lyapunov and Reversibility fast indicators
[2101.04612] Diego Pazó, Rafael Gallego: Comment on "The Winfree model with non-infinitesimal phase-response curve: Ott-Antonsen theory" [Chaos 30, 073139 (2020)]
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in nlin on Wed, 13 Jan 21","img":""}