Points Mock Board

The meridians from most superficial to deepest are?
Muscle meridians, Cutaneous meridians, Collateral meridians
Muscle meridians, Regular meridians, Divergent meridians
Extra meridians, Divergent meridians, Collaterals
Cutaneous meridians, Extra meridians, Regular meridians
Setting the mountain on fire is used for?
Excess heat
Excess cold
Deficient heat
Deficient cold
Stomachache, abdominal distention, borborygmus, nausea, vomiting, acid regurgitation, diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, indigestion, and insomnia are indications of which point?
The indications of heat in the lungs, wind heat, asthma, sore throat, loss of voice and mental disorders belong to which point?
Which point eliminates wind, alleviates pain and benefits the eyes and treats yang ming headaches?
Barbara comes to you because for the last 2 months her menses has been very light. The blood is pale and almost watery. She says lately she has had anxiety and palpitation and has felt feverish at night. She also has no appetite. You notice that her complexion is pale. What point prescription do you choose ?
HT7, REN14, SP6, HT6, ST36, SP3
ST36, SP3, SP6, REN12, UB20, REN9
ST36, SP3, KD3, REN4, PC6, HT7
HT7, REN14, ST36. SP6, LU7
Dan comes to you for high blood pressure. He tells you that he has vertigo almost daily and he has frequent headaches. He describes his headaches like his head is going to explode. You notice he has blood shot eyes. His urine is dark. His tongue is red with a yellow coat and his pulse is rapid and wiry. What point prescription do you use?
LV8, SP6, LI4, SJ5, DU19
REN12, SP9, ST40, PC6, GB20
LV2, LI11, GB20, DU20, LV3, SP6
DU20, ST36, SP3, SP6, REN12, UB20, REN9
Pericardium 6 and Urinary Bladder 14 are combined to be used for?
Pericardium blood deficiency
Urinary Bladder damp heat
Heart Blood stasis
Phlegm misting the mind
The Yuan-Source point of the Lung is located?
The radial end of the transverse cubital crease of the wrist, in the depression on the medial side of the radial artery
The radial end of the transverse cubital crease of the wrist, in the depression on the lateral side of the radial artery
The humeral end of the transverse cubital crease of the wrist, in the depression on the lateral side of the radial artery
The cubital crease on the radial side of the tendon m. Biceps brachii
ST19 is located?
3 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Ren channel
4 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Ren channel
5 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Ren channel
6 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Ren channel
The best point combination to regulate and cool blood is?
SP10 + ST36
SP10 + UB17
ST36 + SP6
LI4 + LV3
You have a patient who feels nauseous after eating especially after a fatty meal. She says she always feels bloated and points to her diaphragm area. She says she always feels heavy too. Her tongue has a yellow sticky coating and her pulse is slippery. What point prescription do you use?
GB34, LV2, LI11, SP9, LV14, SP6
REN12, SP9, ST40, PC6, GB20
LV2, LI11, GB20, LV3, SP6
LV3, PC6, LIV8, UB18, UB17, LIV3
Your patient comes to you with palpitations. She says she also has insomnia. She tells you she has some important life decisions to make but she just can’t make them. Which point prescription would you choose?
+HT8, +SP2, -LV1, -SP1
+KD10, +HT3, -SP3, -HT7
+LV1, +PC9, -KD10, -PC3
+LV1, +HT9, -KD10, -HT3
Which point clears heat, cools blood, eliminates wind, drains damp and alleviates itching, regulates qi and blood, activates the channel and alleviates pain?
Which point benefits the breasts and reduces swelling, unbinds the chest and alleviates cough and wheezing?
Which point activates the channel and alleviates pain, harmonizes Stomach and alleviates pain and moderates acute conditions?
With indirect moxa which would you add for Middle jiao and Tai Yin cold?
The 3 Hand Yin connects at?
Which point tonifies the Spleen and resolves dampness and damp heat, harmonizes the Spleen and Stomach and regulates Qi?
Which extra point is used for scrofula, cough, asthma, whooping cough and neck rigidity?
Yu Yao
Yao Tong Xue
Which point regulates menses and invigorates blood, harmonizes Spleen and resolves dampness and moderates acute conditions?
The He Sea point of the Foot Tai Yin
The Xi-Cleft of the Foot Tai Yin
The major Luo-connecting of the Foot Tai Yin
The Jing-river of the Foot Tai Yin
What are the functions of the Shu-stream point on the Hand Tai Yang?
Clears heat and benefits the sensor orifices, revives consciousness, promotes lactation and benefits the breasts.
Clears wind heat and reduces swellings, benefits the eyes, ears and throat, activates the channel and alleviates pain
Benefits the occiput, head and back, activates the channel and alleviates pain, clears wind and heat, treats malaria, calms spirit and treats epilepsy, clear heat and benefits the sensory orifices, regulates governing vessel
Activates the channel and alleviates pain, clears heat and reduces swelling, clear damp heat and treats jaundice
A contra-indication of cupping is
High fever
Lung diseases
Pregnant women
What point has the strongest effect on any muscle meridian?
Which point expels wind and releases the exterior, strengthens defensive qi and firms exterior, disseminates and descends Lung Qi and benefits the nose?
Stomachache, abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting, epilepsy and insomnia are indications of which point?
Tony comes to you with extreme pain in his lower abdomen referring to his scrotum. His pulse is wiry, deep and slow. Which point prescription do you choose?
LV2, LI11, GB20, LV3, SP6
GB34, LV2, LI11, SP9, LV14, SP6
LV3, LV1, LV5, REN3
LV3, GB34, SJ6, PC6, REN4
The best point combination for Yin jaundice is?
ST36 + SP9
UB17 + GB34
UB20 + ST36
UB20 + UB 19
ST 21 is located?
3 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Ren channel
4 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Ren channel
5 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Ren channel
6 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Ren channel
Treatment time for Electro-Acupuncture is?
10-20 minutes, as long as 4-5 hours
5-20 minutes, as long as 4-5 hours
10-30 minutes, as long as 1-3 hours
10-30 minutes, as long as 4-6 hours
The pathological symptoms of the Large Intestine sinew channel are?
Tension of the neck sinews that leads to atrophy and swelling of the neck
Inability to raise the shoulder, inability to turn the neck to the left or to the right
Spasm of the SCF, the side of the neck and the neck
Sudden deviation of the mouth
Electro-Acupuncture is contra-indicated with?
Patients after a stroke
Patients who are pregnant
Patients with a history of heart disease
Patients with high blood pressure
Mary comes to you because she has had a toothache for the past 5 months. The pain is dull and comes and goes. It gets worse with working late and when she’s tired. She went to the dentist but he couldn’t find anything wrong. With further questioning you find out that she has been feeling hot at night and has night sweats. What point prescription do you choose?
LU7, KID6, KD10, SP6, ST6
ST25, ST34, LI4, SP6, ST6
ST44, LI4, LI11, REN11, ST6
LI4, LI11, SP9, ST6
Your patient come to you with loose stools, feeling cold all the time and weak limbs. Which point prescription would you choose?
+HT8, +SP2, -LV1, -SP1
+KD10, +HT3, -SP3, -HT7
+LV1, +PC9, -KD10, -PC3
+LV1, +HT9, -KD10, -HT3
Alan comes to see you because he has been diagnosed with Coronary Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease. He says he’s seeing a cardiologist but wants to try Chinese Medicine as well to feel his best. He tells you that even on medication he still has palpitations and shortness of breath when he goes for his morning walks. He also says he’s tired all the time. His tongue is slightly red with slight tooth marks and pulse is weak and thready. Which point prescription would you choose.
HT7,KD6, HT5, KID10
UB14, REN14, HT7, PC6, HT5
LU9, LU7, REN6, REN17
PC6, HT7, REN4, HT6
The best point combination for deficiency diarrhea is?
ST36 + UB20
ST36 + ST25
UB30 + UB31
The Luo-Connecting point of the Stomach channel is located?
8 cun superior to the tip of the external malleolus, 2 finger breadths lateral to the anterior border of the tibia
9 cun below ST36, 1 finger breadth from the anterior border of the tibia
3 cun below ST35, 1 finger breadth from the anterior border of the tibia
3 cun below ST36, 1 finger breadth from the anterior border of the tibia
On the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia, in the depression posterior and inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia is which point?
Luo-Connecting point of the Spleen channel
Jing-River point of the Spleen channel
Xi-Cleft point of the Spleen channel
He-Sea point of the Spleen Channel
Your patient comes to you with poor memory for a few years. They tell you they can’t remember names and places and it’s getting worse. Pulse is thin and weak and tongue is pale with scallops. Your point prescription is?
UB14, UB20, UB23, ST36, KD6
HT6, PC4, KD3, SP3, Sishencong
UB23, SP3, ST36, GB39
UB15, UB20, UB23, ST36, KD6, Sishencong
The Luo-connecting point on the Hand Jueyin is
The opening point of the Yin Wei
The opening point of the Yang Wei
The opening point of the Chong
The opening point of the Yin Qiao
Which point tonifies Kidney yang and treats night sweats and spontaneous sweats both day and night?
Fainting is a pathology of?
ST full pathology
PC empty pathology
DU empty pathology
GB full pathology
Which point treats torticollis?
The Jing-Well point of the Spleen channel is located?
Lateral side of the great toe, .1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
Lateral side of the small toe, .1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
Medial side of the 2nd toe, .1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
Medial side of the great toe, .1 cun posterior to the corner of the nail
Dave came down with a chest cold 2 days ago. It started with chills and a slight fever but now he has a bad cough with thick, profuse mucus. What point prescription would you choose?
UB13, GB20, LU1, ST40
LU7, SP9, GB20, REN17
Dingchuan, REN22, REN21, REN17, DU14
UB13, REN17, REN6, KD6, LU7
Your patient brings her daughter in to be treated. She woke with the muscles of her neck on the right so tight that her head is bent to the side. She has no ROM due to the stiffness and pain. Which point prescription would you choose?
LI4, LV3, DU14, GB20
SI3, GB39, DU14, UB10, SI14
GB20, LU7, SJ5
DU14, UB10. SI14, GB20
ST 28 is located?
3 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Ren channel
4 cun above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Ren channel
5 below above the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Ren channel
3 cun below the umbilicus, 2 cun lateral to the Ren channel
For Urinary Bladder conditions the best point combination is?
ST36 + UB28
UB62 + SI3
REN3 + UB28
KD7 + REN4
According to Host & Guest, which points would you choose for the indications of toothache, acid reflux, vomiting, abdominal distension, constipation and swelling of lower limbs?
SP3 + ST44
LI4 + LU7
LV3 + GB37
SP3 + ST40
Crossing points of the Urinary Bladder are?
GB7, GB8, GB10, GB11, GB12
GB3, GB6, GB4, REN13, REN12
GB6, GB4, GB3, SI18, SI19
Which point has the functions of reviving consciousness, clearing Heart heat and opening orifices for phlegm misting the mind?
The Luo-connecting point of the Heart
The Xi-cleft point of the Heart
The Yuan source point of the Heart
The Jing-well point of the Heart
Which point spreads Liver Qi and unbinds the chest, regulates the Heart, regulates and descends Qi?
Which extra point is used to invigorate qi and blood in the lumbar region?
Yu Yao
Yao Tong Xue
The Lung meridian originates?
In the LI
In the middle portion of the body cavity
At REN17
At LU1
Which is NOT a function of the divergent meridians?
Strengthen the yin and yang relationship between the internally-externally paired channels and Zang Fu
Act as reservoirs
Distribute Qi and Blood to head and face
Help explain the clinical action of some commonly used acupuncture points
The best point combination for menses issues due to heat in the blood is?
LI4 + KD7
LI11 + KD5
SP10 + LI4
REN17 + REN4
In the depression distal and inferior to the medial malleolus, midway between the tuberosity of the navicular bone and tip of the medial malleolus is which point?
Luo-Connecting point of the Spleen channel
Jing-River point of the Spleen cha
Xi-Cleft point of the Spleen channel
He-Sea point of the Spleen Channel
The point in the center of section 5 of the ear lobe is?
Inner Ear
Tonsil #4
Which point is located in the cymba of conchae, below the SP point and level with the Neck point?
Upper Lung
You are working for Acupuncturists without Boarders out of the country. You a brought a patient with a very high fever and shivering chills, unbearable headache, flushed face and red lips, a stifling feeling in the chest and hypochondriac region, a bitter taste, dry mouth and a dire thirst. Their pulse is string-taut and rapid and the tongue coat is thin, sticky and yellow. What point prescription would you use for this patient?
GB41, LI4, SI3, DU13, DU14
GB20, DU14, LI11, LI4
PC5, SJ2, GB41, SI3, DU13, DU14
LV2, GB34, LI4, LI11, DU14
Which point is located in the triangular fossa, between the wheezing and Pelvic cavity points?
Ear- Shenmen
Lower Blood Pressure
ST18 is located?
On the chest, directly below the nipple in the 5th intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline
On the chest, directly below the nipple in the 4th intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
On the chest, directly below the nipple in the 5th intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline
On the chest, directly below the nipple in the 4th intercostal space, 4 cun lateral to the anterior midline
The best point combination for moistening the bowels to resolve constipation is?
KD6 + SJ6
KD3 + SJ5
LI6 + ST25
LI4 + KD5
REN15 is?
Luo of the Ren
Luo of the Du
Xi-Cleft of Yang Qiao
Xi-Cleft of Yang Wei
Which extra point nourishes Kidney essence to treat infertility?
Lan Wei Xue
Jing Gong
Shi Xuan
What are the functions of the Jing-well point on the Hand Tai Yang?
Clears heat and benefits the sensor orifices, revives consciousness, promotes lactation and benefits the breasts.
Clears wind heat and reduces swellings, benefits the eyes, ears and throat, activates the channel and alleviates pain
Benefits the occiput, head and back, activates the channel and alleviates pain, clears wind and heat, treats malaria, calms spirit and treats epilepsy, clear heat and benefits the sensory orifices, regulates governing vessel
Activates the channel and alleviates pain, clears heat and reduces swelling, clear damp heat and treats jaundice
Which point is the influential point of bone?
For febrile diseases, complexion changes and hot sensations you would choose which transporting point?
Your patient has asthma which makes it hard for him to inhale. He also has a sore throat. The best point combination is?
LU7 + REN17
LI4 + LU10
LU7 + REN22
LU7 + KD6
The point located in section 8 of the ear lobe is?
Inner Ear
Tonsil #4
Alice comes to you after her stroke with Receptive aphasia. What scalp acupuncture line would you use to treat her?
Speech #1
Speech #2
Speech #3
Speech #4
Which point is located at the intersection of the superior border of the inferior crus of antehelix and the medial boarder of the helix?
Popliteal Fossa
The 3 Hand Yang connects at?
Your patient is a roofer and after a long day working in the hot weather starts to get really thirsty, develops a severe headache and then passes out. What point prescription would you choose?
UB40, DU26, Shixuan, PC3, UB40 and the 12 ying-spring points
DU14, LI11, LI4, ST43, LV3
DU26, PC9, ST36
GB20, DU14, LI11, LI4
Mary comes to you for chronic vaginal discharge. She is 78 years of age. The discharge has no smell. She says she also has chronic low back pain every day. Her pulse is weak and deep and her tongue is pale with deep cracks. Which points do you choose?
KD3, REN4, DU4, UB23. REN6, KD7
KD3, REN4, REN7, SP6, KD10
GB34, LI11, SP9, REN5
KD3, REN4, DU4, UB23, REN6, DU20, UB32
Your patient comes to you with low back pain. They also have dizziness and are hard of hearing. Which point prescription would you choose?
+HT8, +SP2, -LV1, -SP1
+KD10, +HT3, -SP3, -HT7
+LU8, +KD7, -SP3, -KD3
+LV1, +HT9, -KD10, -HT3
DU14 is the crossing point for?
LI, Yang Qiao
Yang Wei
The 6 Yang Channels
SP, Yin Wei
The best point combination for nourishing the whole body’s yin is?
LU7 + KD6
KD3 + UB23
SP6 + KD6
ST36 + SP6
Which point is a distal point used for the low back pain according to host guest theory?
Pain in the cardiac region and the chest, nausea, acid regurgitation, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting, mental disorders, epilepsy and palpitations are indications of which point?
Headache, neck rigidity, blurring of vision, epistaxis, sore throat, post-apoplexy aphasia, hemiplegia and mental disorders are indications of which point?
Which point expels wind and heat, clears heat and benefits the throat and teeth, dispels fullness and treats diarrhea?
The best point to nourish Heart and Kidney connection is?
KD6 + HT6
HT7 + KD6
KD3 + HT5
KD3 + HT3
The Urinary Bladder meridian starts at?
The inner side of the eye and travels to the lateral aspect of the head
The back of the neck ascending to the vertex
The vertex and down to the inner side of the eye
The inner side of the eye and ascends across the forehead to the vertex
Your patient comes to you with a sore throat, fever, fatigue and she has lost her voice. Her pulse is floating and rapid. Which point prescription would you choose?
LU11, LI4, LI11, UB13
LU7, UB12, DU16, REN22
LU11, REN22, GB20, DU14, LI4
LI10, LI4, LU7, ST36, REN6
Your patient has night sweats. The best point combination is?
HT6 + KD7
HT7 + KD6
HT7 + KD3
UB23 + DU4
Which point harmonizes the Middle Jiao and lowers rebellion, descends Qi and alleviates cough and wheezing?
Which point tonifies Spleen and Stomach, resolves dampness, harmonizes Liver and tonifies the Kidney, regulates menses and induces labor, harmonizes Lower jiao,, regulates urination, benefits genitals, calms spirit, invigorates blood, activates the channel and alleviates pain?
Which extra point eliminates wind and clears heat, reduces swelling and stops pain, activates qi and blood and alleviates pain?
Which point treats daytime epilepsy?
Your patient has spontaneous sweating. The best point combination is?
LU7 + KD6
LU7 + LI4
LI4 + KD7
LU3 + LI4
Sally comes to you with no appetite and vomiting after eating. She also says she is always tired, feels weak and has slightly loose stools. Her pulse is weak and thready. What point prescription do you choose?
REN12, PC6, ST36, SP4
REN12, PC6, ST36, UB17
SP6, ST36, PC6, inner neiting
SP6, ST36, REN12, UB20
Your patient is 9 months pregnant and a few days before her due date but the baby has not dropped down and is still head up. What point would you choose to turn the baby?
Your patient comes to you for abdominal distension. She says her abdomen always feels bloated, feels better with pressure, has no appetite and loose stools. Her pulse is forceless.
SP6, ST36, REN12, UB20
REN12, PC6, ST36, SP4
REN12, PC6, ST36, ST25, ST37
UB20, UB21, ST36, KD15
Your patient is having chest pains. The best point combination is?
UB14 + UB15
PC4 + UB17
REN17 + HT7
SP10 + REN17
The best point combination to clear heat and resolve damp heat is?
LI11 + UB30
LI4 + ST40
UB19 + GB24
GB34 + LI11
Your patient comes to you with insomnia. She says she hasn’t slept in 2 weeks and can’t function. She can’t think straight because of having no sleep and it’s affecting her work. What point prescription do you use?
UB15, UB14, GB39, ANMIAN
Judi wakes up and her face and eyelids are very puffy and swollen. Her skin is tight and shiny. She has slight chills and a fever and is thirsty. Her pulse is superficial. Which point prescription would you choose?
UB20, UB23, REN9, REN4, ST36
LU7, LI4, DU14, GB20
GB20, GB14, ST4, ST2, LI4, TAIYANG
LU7, LI4, LI6, SP9, UB39
Your patient is 7 weeks pregnant and has had morning sickness for all 7 weeks. She can’t tolerate smells of food and is nauseous as soon as she wakes up every day. Which point prescription do you use?
REN12, SP6, PC6, ST36
UB20, UB21, UB23
REN12, ST36, PC6, ST40
REN12, PC6, ST36
Pain in the cardiac region and the chest, nausea, mental disorders and epilepsy are indications of which point?
{"name":"Points Mock Board", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"The meridians from most superficial to deepest are?, Setting the mountain on fire is used for?, Stomachache, abdominal distention, borborygmus, nausea, vomiting, acid regurgitation, diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, indigestion, and insomnia are indications of which point?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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