How well do you know Alicia

What is my full name
How old am I
How many bones have I broke
How did I break my bones
What did I go to college for
How many dogs have I had (Living/dead) total
What is my favorite movie
What is my favorite show
When is my birthday
What sport did I play growing up
What is something I loved to do growing up that made me a nerd
What is my favorite season
What is my favorite holiday
How many siblings do I have
How many nieces/nephews do I have
What is the most dangerous thing I have done
What is my favorite animal
What was my favorite class in high school
What is my favorite food
What am I scared of
{"name":"How well do you know Alicia", "url":"","txt":"What is my full name, How old am I, How many bones have I broke","img":""}
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