Christmas Quiz for me Love <3

Oi meu amor. Welcome to my Christmas Quiz only for you. In between each question I will write something I am thankful for. Also, only if you complete the quiz you will get access to your gift.... But just so you know... I will make you wait a lot for your gift ...Consider it time to reflect on what your gift will be ;-) ... Hope you you will like the quiz <3
First of all, I am so grateful that you left your family in Brazil to marry me. I hope you also know that I would go to the other end of the world for you.
Go to next question
Here is the first question: What was my last paper about?
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I REALLY HOPE YOU ANSWERED CORRECTLY!!!! HMMM... I will punish you by making you wait no matter what...
And some more wait actually...
You really should have answered correctly....
I want to thank you with all my heart for taking care of me every single day when I was sick. You never wanted to leave me and you never went to school in those day. I never imagined that a wife could be so loving! The Bible says "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies"
Where does my grandmother live?
If you call yourself Kragh, you should answer that one correct!!... Otherwise you should be ashamed....
Some more waiting... Look at this picture of me meanwhile...
Do you even want your present???
What's the name of Eva's work?
ICC Bibliotek
UCC Bibliotek
BBC Bibliotek
ACC Bibliotek
It's your sogre, so I hope you were right!!!
The first digit in the Code is 7.
Thank you for always being patient with my arogancy, rudeness, temper and selfishness. Thank you for loving me patiently and kindly and thank you for hoping in me.
What's the name of my three uncles
Søren, Michael og John
Casper, Henrik og Flemming
Din mor, Henrik og Jonas
Erik, John og Carsten
Carsten, John og Søren
Michael, John og Carsten
"AAAAAAAHHHHH" is the sound if you were wrong!!! No matter what you have to wait...
I'm starting to think you LIKE to wait :O
And some more...
Translate the follwing into Danish: "A big man eats lots of food"
Den store man spiste lidt mad
En stor man spiser meget mad
En stor man spiser meget af mad
En stor mand drikker meget mad
Ready fi di next Q?
Franciane is...
The world's best wife
The world's best wife
The world's best wife
The world's best wife
Thank you for respecting me even when I don't deserve it!
Translate the following: "Han taler med sin ven"
He talks with his friend
She speaks to her friend
He speaks to a friend
He speaks to a friend
Are you intending to stay in Denmark??? So I hope you answered correctly!
Loves Franciane <3
Loves Franciane <3
Loves Franciane <3
Loves Franciane <3
Where does Aleksander work?
Danske Bank
Novo Nordic
He's your brother in law.... I hope he didn't see what you answered ...
Thank you for you wonderful food that I eat every day. You are the best chef! It's soo delicious. The second digit in the Code is 3.
What is Aleksander's profession?
Please wait... ;-)
Who is the best husband in the world
Some1 else
I pretend I didn't see that answer!!
Ready for your gift?
Parabens E VOCE. You won the quiz. And Even better!!! You won me as your husband ;-) I love you so much. I think I can say now that you deserve your present... ;-) So... The last digit is ... Really baby? Math is not your string side. Just try the last 10 combinations left in stead of waiting for the answer!!!! :D LOOOOVE YOU <3
End Quiz
{"name":"Christmas Quiz for me Love <3", "url":"","txt":"What's my name?, FailQ. What's 2, CorrectQ. Code is 1---. What's 1?","img":""}
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