
What is episodic memory?
Stores memories from events in your life
Stores general knowledge, facts and information
Where is semantic memory found?
Implicit memory
Explicit memory
Which defence mechanism is the following: Excuse and justify mistakes
Reaction formation
Explain the differences between Atkinson and Schiffrin's memory theory to Craig and Lockhart's
What are the stages of measuring memory?
Reuse, relearning, recall
Recall, recognition, relearning
Recognition, recall, recycle
Reuse, recule, recognition
What was Ebbinghaus known for using?
Nonsense syllables
Video-recorder memory
Schema concept
Who determined that memory stimulated the hippocampus?
What is Schema?
What are the two effect within the serial position effect
Primary effect, secondary effect
Regency effect, primacy effect
Primacy effect, recency effect
Primary effect, recency effect
What is context-dependant memory?
Information is easier to remember is in the same environment
Information is easier to remember if in the sam emotional state.
Information is easier to remember if encoded properly
None of the above
What is the humanistic theory?
What are the four Tuckman stages? With descriptions.
What is the five factor theory?
Extraversion (sociability), neurotics, (emotion), conscientiousness (dependability), agreeableness (friendliness), openness to experience (open-mindedness)
Extraversion (emotion), neurotics, (sociability), conscientiousness (dependability), agreeableness (friendliness), openness to experience (open-mindedness)
Extraversion (open-mindedness), neurotics, (friendliness), conscientiousness (emotion), agreeableness (dependability), openness to experience (sociability)
Extraversion (emotions), neurotics, (dependability), conscientiousness (open-mindedness), agreeableness (sociability), openness to experience (friendliness)
Where are Implicit and Explicit memory found
Short-term memory
Long-term memory
What is reconstruction?
Piece together from recall
Piece together from highlights
Highlights from recall
Recall from highlights
What are the 3 processes of memory?
Remembering, storage, reuse
Encoding, remembering, retrieval
Encoding, storage, retrieval
Encoding, storage, reuse
What is the difference between declarative memory and non-declarative memory?
Declarative memory stores information recalled by verbal or visual triggers. non-declarative memory has simple classically conditioned responses
Declarative memory has simple classically conditioned responses. Non conditioned it recalled by images or verbal triggers.
Declarative memory is when you forget things quickly. non-declarative memory is when you can remember for a long period of time.
List and explain the causes of forgetting.
Writing everything you know about the psychoanalysitc theory
What are the three classic social psychology experiments? Explain them.
Explain the locus of control.
What is the reciprocal determinism?
What is a groupthink?
Loose-knit groups making strong decisions
Tight-knit groups making strong decisions.
Loose-knit groups making poor decisions.
Tight-knit groups making poor decisions.
What is the tendency to expert less effort when working with others than when working alone?
Group polarization
Social facilitation
Social loafing
What do fundamental attribution errors effect?
Underemphasis on internal factors and overestimation of external factors
Overemphasis on external factors and underestimation of internal factors
Overemphasis on internal and external factors
Overemphasis on internal factors and underestimation of external factors
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