Are You Comfortable setting Boundaries

What is the definition of a healthy boundary?
A limit that protects your physical, emotional, and mental well-being
An imaginary line in the sand
A rule that restricts your freedom
None of the above
Why are healthy boundaries important?
They help you maintain self-respect and dignity
They prevent others from getting what they want
They make you seem unfriendly or unapproachable
All of the above
How can you establish healthy boundaries?
Communicate clearly and assertively
Be passive-aggressive
Avoid confrontation at all costs
None of the above
What are some signs that your boundaries have been crossed?
Feeling uncomfortable or violated
Feeling guilty for saying no
Feeling like you owe someone something
All of the above
What should you do if someone crosses your boundaries?
Speak up and communicate how their behavior makes you feel
Ignore it and hope it goes away
Pretend everything is okay to avoid conflict
None of the above
Can you set boundaries with family members?
Yes, everyone has the right to set boundaries
No, family always comes first
Only if they agree with your boundaries
None of the above
Is it okay to say no to someone?
Yes, it's important to prioritize your own needs
No, it's rude and selfish
Only if you have a good excuse
None of the above
What is an example of a healthy boundary in a romantic relationship?
Respecting each other's personal space and alone time
Sharing all passwords and social media accounts
Constantly checking in with each other throughout the day
None of the above
Can you change your boundaries over time?
Yes, as you grow and evolve, your boundaries may shift
No, once you set a boundary, it can never be changed
Only if someone else convinces you to change them
None of the above
What is the ultimate goal of setting healthy boundaries?
To create healthier relationships and improve overall well-being
To control others and get what you want
To avoid all conflict and confrontation
None of the above
What type of boundary is weak and poorly expressed?
None of the above
Which action is a sign of a rigid boundary?
Enforcing strict rules
Inability to say no
All of the above
{"name":"Are You Comfortable setting Boundaries", "url":"","txt":"What is the definition of a healthy boundary?, Why are healthy boundaries important?, How can you establish healthy boundaries?","img":""}
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