PSSP Hip/LE Metrics
Does your institution have multidisciplinary communications in place for patients with complex hip and lower extremity differences?
Multidisciplinary Communications:
Provide details/description about your program to address this metric.
Examples: Multiple teams come into play for complex reconstruction of the hip and lower extremity, and surgical reconstruction is not the optimal endpoint for every patient. Formal communication (i.e. multi-d clinic, case conference, EHR group messaging) between physical therapy, radiology, rehab medicine, pain management, orthotics/prosthetics, mental health team, and the surgical team are integral to decision making. This metric could be met with proof of any of these measures.
Does your institution have a protocol for timely access/care addressing infantile hip and lower extremity differences? (i.e. hip dysplasia, clubfoot, limb differences, etc.)
Protocol for Timely Access:
Provide details/description about your program to address this metric.
Examples: Although often not urgent, there is an element of time-sensitivity to begin treatment of many different Hip/LE differences. This metric can be met simply by stating that the on-call physician sees these patients in the newborn nursery.
Does your institution contribute patient data/outcomes to an internal or external quality improvement initiative or registry for patients with hip and lower extremity differences?
Patient Data and Outcome Repository:
Provide details/description about your program to address this metric.
Examples: This metric could be met with proof of participation in any of the groups or similar organizations within your health system. This could range from a dedicated QSVI/M&M conference to membership in larger study-groups and national/international database initiatives. The main point is that each group is reviewing its own data/outcomes on some level, which may include comparisons to other organizations.
Does your institution have a system for screening, prophylaxis, and treatment of venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing hip and lower extremity procedures?
Venous Thromboembolism Pathway:
Provide details/description about your program to address this metric.
Example: This metric can be satisfied in a number of ways. 1. Documentation in individual charts of screening for personal history, family history, medications, etc. with referral to hematology if needed. 2.An institutional preoperative protocol for screening, prophylaxis, and treatment involving multiple services.
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