ATAC303 - Ice & Rain - Week 2

Create an informative and engaging illustration depicting oxygen systems used in aviation, highlighting oxygen cylinders, masks, and aircraft safety protocols.

ATAC303 - Ice & Rain Quiz

Test your knowledge on oxygen systems in aviation with this comprehensive quiz designed for students and professionals alike. The ATAC303 - Ice & Rain Quiz covers essential safety rules, system operations, and emergency procedures related to oxygen use in aircraft.

  • 30 multiple-choice questions
  • Score your knowledge in aviation safety
  • Understand important regulations and usage
35 Questions9 MinutesCreated by FlyingCloud731
What are some safety rules governing oxygen system servicing?
No open flames
No concurrent work
No grease or dirt
All of the above
High pressure oxygen plumbing is constructed from _________ steel and rated at ___ psi or above.
Carbon, 450
Stainless, 350
Stainless, 450
Carbon, 350
02 cylinders must be ______________ tested how often?
Environmentally, every few years
Hydrostatically, every few years
Hydrostatically, every year
Environmentally, every year
This type of 02 system is very wasteful because oxygen is being delivered when ________.
Continuous, inhaling
Demand, exhaling
Demand, inhaling
Continuous, exhaling
At what pressure are oxygen cylinders considered "empty"?
10 psi
50 psi
100 psi
200 psi
Non-Pressurized small and medium size aircraft use ____________ oxygen during flight.
Sodium ________ when ignited produces oxygen when it burns and is usable for __-__ minutes.
Chlorate, 5-10
Chlorine, 5-10
Chorine, 10-20
Chlorate, 10-20
How do we operate continuous flow 02 systems more efficient?
Rebreather masks
Escape bags
Escape masks
Rebreather plumbing
Time of useful consciousness at 40K' MSL, is about how much?
5-10 seconds
5-10 minutes
10-20 minutes
15-20 seconds
Open oxygen systems are rendered contaminated after how much time?
2 days
2 hours
1 hour
1 day
What are symptoms of Hypoxia?
Blue lips
Impaired judgement
Headaches and sleepiness
All of the above
As altitude increases, oxygen pressure _________ and the saturation of the blood with oxygen is ____________.
Increases, insufficient
Decreases, insufficient
Increases, sufficient
Decreases, sufficient
Newer designs of oxygen bottles are constructed from what materials?
Steel and glass
Aluminum and kevlar
Carbon fiber and aluminum
Steel and carbon fiber
What demand type allows pure oxygen to be mixed with cabin air?
Why are shut-off valves designed to open slowly on oxygen cylinders?
Prevent moisture transfer
Prevent pressure transfer
Prevent heat transfer
Prevent icing transfer
What type of flow delivers 02 only when the user inhales?
What are the types of 02 available for aircraft use?
LOX, Coated, Demand
Demand, Diluted, LOX
Gaseous, Solid & Liquid
Gaseous, Liquid, Diluted
How is oxygen supplied to the crew and passengers through portable or permanent systems?
Bottled N2
Tanked N0X
Tanked N20
Bottled 02
High pressure 02 bottles are rated for ____-____ psi
When aircraft are operated at high altitudes, they burn less ____ and drag is reduced because of low air _______.
Fuel, density
Fuel, delivery
Oil, density
Oil, density
Oxygen is colorless, how do know when the "flow" is on?
Red circle
Color disc
Emergency system operation requires the user to pull the _______ attached to the mask to initiate the ____ of 02
Seatbelt, pull
Lanyard, pull
Lanyard, flow
Seatbelt, flow
Aircraft pressurization systems on large transport type planes must be capable of maintaining _____ pressure at ____ feet regardless of cruising altitude.
Density, 5000
Cabin, 8000
Density, 8000
Cabin, 5000
What are the two flow types used on 02 systems?
Demand & continuous
Demand and permanent
Diluted & continuous
Demand & diluted
If pressure in the 02 system becomes excessive, the ______ valve will blow and the green ____-___ disc will deploy.
Safety, blow-up
Relief, blow-up
Check, blow-out
Safety, blow-out
How is the "service life" of the 02 bottle regulated?
Cycles or tests
Tests or fills
Age or calendar
Cycles or age
Pressure regulation in the O2 system is delivered at what value?
100-200 psi
80-90 psi
60-85 psi
50-60 psi
Moisture content in aviator's oxygen should be at what count?
5 ppm
7 ppm
9 ppm
20 ppm
Aviator's Oxygen is stored in _____ high pressure cylinders and is nearly pure at ____%
Yellow, 95.5
Green, 99.9
Green, 99.5
Yellow, 99.9
What are the two types of regulators in the cockpit for crew usage in the event of an Emergency?
Pressure & Diluted
Continuous & Demand
Diluted & Demand
Pressure & Demand
At what altitude is the saturation of blood oxygen reduced to about 80%?
10K '
15K '
20K '
30K '
How do we identify the plumbing for oxygen systems?
Witness marks
Part number
Color markers
Coded tape
At sea level, oxygen pressure in the lungs is at approximately how much psi?
LOX containers are referred to as _____ bottles and 1 litre is equal to ___ litres of gaseous oxygen.
Kevlar, 840
Dewar, 540
Kevlar, 540
Dewar, 840
Forcing oxygen into the lungs under pressure will ensure __________ of the _____ regardless of the altitude.
Satisfaction, oxygen
Saturation, oxygen
Saturation, blood
Satisfaction, blood
{"name":"ATAC303 - Ice & Rain - Week 2", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on oxygen systems in aviation with this comprehensive quiz designed for students and professionals alike. The ATAC303 - Ice & Rain Quiz covers essential safety rules, system operations, and emergency procedures related to oxygen use in aircraft.30 multiple-choice questionsScore your knowledge in aviation safetyUnderstand important regulations and usage","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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