Your pt is a 54 y/o m presenting with crackles, hypertension, and reports a feeling of tightness in his chest. He is taking shallow breaths at 19 times a minute. He is alert and oriented and able to maintain his own airway. You should:
Apply CPAP with a peep of 5
Give him low flow o2 through a nasal cannula, you suspect he's COPD and don't want to shut down his respiratory drive
Bag him if he seems like he's getting worn out.
Give him high flow o2 through a non rebreather
You respond to a fire at a rubber factory. Your 41 year old male patient is alert and oriented. He presents with a patent airway, breathing at 18 times a minute. He has adequate chest rise and fall and is satting at 99% on room air. He presents with singed nose hairs. When you inspect his airway it looks bright red. He has first and second degree non circumferential burns to his hands, forearms, and chest. His blood pressure is 138/95, heart rate is 92, glucose is 102. You should:
Clean and bandage all of his burns immediately before any other treatment to minimize the risk of infection
Transport to augusta burns center, approx 1 hr and 40 min away since his only injuries are burns
In line nebulize saline to cool and hydrate his airway
Transport immediately and call for ALS back up, he is a candidate for RSI to protect his airway before it swells shut
You respond to a residence where you find a 15 year old female in her bedroom sitting in tripod position. She is speaking in fragmented sentences only getting out 2 or 3 words between breaths. You notice she has her albuterol inhaler in her hand, and an epi pen on her bed. She is breathing 24 times a minute with equal bilateral chest wall rise and fall but her depth is inadequate. Her skin is warm pink and dry. Her blood sugar is 98, she is satting at 94% on room air, her heart rate is 80, and her blood pressure is 110/70. She says she is allergic to bees but hasn't been stung. You should:
Adminster her epi pen even though she might not need it because anaphylaxis is a greater immediate life threat than asthma
Bag her because her respirations are too fast and inadequate in depth
Aid in using her inhaler, assuming that once her airway opens her rate will decrease and depth will increase
Give both the inhaler and the epi pen because you haven't determined the cause of the respiratory distress
You respond to a residence to find a 38 year old male laying supine on the grass outside of a house where he appears to have been using a weed eater. His crew speaks very little english but you can make out that he had a seizure and this has happened before. He is unresponsive. He is breathing at 8 times a minute with sonorous respirations. He is no longer seizing. His vitals are 90% on room air, bgl is 185, pulse is 55, and blood pressure is 80/55. You have already called for ALS backup and they will meet you en route to the hospital. You should:
Apply full spinal motion restriction because he is unconscious before attempting to move him to the truck
Roll him to his side, use portable suction to clear his airway. If he tolerates suction, insert an opa to quickly manage his airway then start bagging him at 15 times a minute on 15 liters per minute of oxygen. You can insert an igel or king lt once inside the ambulance.
Do not interfere with his airway as he may start seizing again at any time
Apply a non rebreather with high flow oxygen and continue to reassess every 5 minutes since he is critical
You and your partner witness a car suddenly veer off the road to avoid hitting a cat while you're on your way back to your station. The car was travelling at 55mph and came to an abrupt stop once it hit a tree. There was a single occupant in the vehicle, who appears to be an approximately 25 year old female. She was restrained and the airbags deployed. She is currently trapped in the vehicle because it is too warped to open the door. The window is broken but she cannot be pulled through it because the steering wheel is trapping her legs. You have notified dispatch and fire, police, and an als unit are en route. You r als unit is approximately 8 minutes out. The vehicle is safe to be approached. You patient is unresponsive. You are able to access her upper body safely. You use a tourniquet to stop birsk arterial bleeding from her left upper arm. She is breathing at 12 times a minute with equal bilateral chest rise and fall and her airway appears clear when you inspect it using a jaw thrust maneuver. Her gag reflex is intact. You should:
Bag her to assist with ventilations since she's unresponsive and may stop breathing
Suction just in case there were secretions in her airway that you couldn't see
Apply a c-collar and a non rebreather mask at 10 to 15 lpm since she is a trauma patient
Do not attempt to manage her airway because when als arrives on scene they might want to do an advanced airway
You are dispatched to a residence at 3am for a stabbing. On scene you find a ring of tea light candles around a large pentagram and a goat running loose outside. Your 17 year old female patient has a sucking wound to the right chest. She states that the goat bumped her and she accidentally stabbed herself. She is breathing at 16 times per minute. You should:
Further assess her before making any decisions
Call her parents before treating her since she is a minor
Apply a nasal cannula with end tidal co2 and waveform capnography to determine if her respirations are adequate
Immediately apply a gloved hand to the sucking wound, then apply an occlusive dressing taped on 3 sides
You arrive on scene to find a pt that was beaten outside of a bar at around midnight. 12a is already on scene. You find a single male patient laying curled up on the ground. You note etoh and fresh bruising all over him with several lacerations that are slowly oozing dark blood. You roll your patient to his back to complete a rapid head to toe assessment. You find him to have equal but sluggish pupils, he is responsive to painful stimuli. He exhibits cheyne-stokes respirations. He is pale cool and diaphoretic. You note 3 ribs in a row on his left side that seem to be broken and he has paradoxical chest movement upon breathing. You should:
Bandage the area with a bulky dressing, bag him, and initiate rapid transport
Wait on scene for an ALS unit to become available because moving him elicits a painful response
Control his venous bleeding before managing his airway
Circumferentially wrap his chest and administer CPAP to ensure his alveoli stay open.
You and your partner are called to a full term roadside delivery. This is mom's 3rd baby and the delivery went smoothly, she will be transported in another bls unit. You are transporting her newborn. The baby is breathing 28 times a minute. You have suctioned her airway. The baby can be prompted to cry but stops after about 15 seconds. You should:
Try not to agitate her, 28 breaths per minute is too fast
Find your neonate pulse ox, you want to base your treatment off of oxygenation
Apply supplemental oxygen and continually suction her airway
Bag her at 45 times per minute, 28 breaths per minute is too slow
You are in the back with your patient while your partner drives you code 3 to greenville memorial. Your patient is in full spinal immobilization after being thrown from his horse onto a metal fence post. You have already inserted a king lt airway, you are baggin him at 16 times per minute, and you managed his sucking chest wound by applying an occlusive dressing and taping it on 3 sides. You are still 25 minutes away from the hospital. You notice that his saturation is dropping, he is becoming harder to bag, and his pulse feels weak and thready. You should:
Expect these things to happen because of his MOI, keep treating him the same way and reassess every 5 minutes
Lift the occlusive dressing to 'burp' it and see if he is easier to ventilate after that
Assume that these are results of him decompensating due to blood loss and possible head trauma
Remove and replace your King airway, it may have been damaged or dislodged due to the bumpy ride
You arrive on scene at a prison to find a guard in tripod position. He is breathing 36 times per minute and looking around frantically. He has used his inhaler 4 times already. His skin in pale, warm, and diaphoretic. He is eager to move away from where the inmates can see him. His lung sounds are clear. He appears otherwise in good health and denies any preexisting conditions other than asthma and diabetes. You should:
Move him to the truck, close the doors, and put the lights on low. Coach him through breathing by instructing him in a calm and ressuring tone to "breath in 1 2 3 and breath out 1 2 3" encouraging him to focus on his breathing and telling him that it's ok, anxiety is normal and nothing to be ashamed of
Apply a non rebreather at 15 lpm, he is not getting adequate oxygenation at 36 breaths per minute
Consider activated charcoal, this could be a reaction to a poisoning by one of the inmates
Bag him, his rate and depth are not adequate and he will pass out if he doesn't accept the bag mask and slow down
{"name":"Your pt is a 54 y\/o m presenting with crackles, hypertension, and reports a feeling of tightness in his chest. He is taking shallow breaths at 19 times a minute. He is alert and oriented and able to maintain his own airway. You should:", "url":"","txt":"Your pt is a 54 y\/o m presenting with crackles, hypertension, and reports a feeling of tightness in his chest. He is taking shallow breaths at 19 times a minute. He is alert and oriented and able to maintain his own airway. You should:, You respond to a fire at a rubber factory. Your 41 year old male patient is alert and oriented. He presents with a patent airway, breathing at 18 times a minute. He has adequate chest rise and fall and is satting at 99% on room air. He presents with singed nose hairs. When you inspect his airway it looks bright red. He has first and second degree non circumferential burns to his hands, forearms, and chest. His blood pressure is 138\/95, heart rate is 92, glucose is 102. You should:, You respond to a residence where you find a 15 year old female in her bedroom sitting in tripod position. She is speaking in fragmented sentences only getting out 2 or 3 words between breaths. You notice she has her albuterol inhaler in her hand, and an epi pen on her bed. She is breathing 24 times a minute with equal bilateral chest wall rise and fall but her depth is inadequate. Her skin is warm pink and dry. Her blood sugar is 98, she is satting at 94% on room air, her heart rate is 80, and her blood pressure is 110\/70. She says she is allergic to bees but hasn't been stung. You should:","img":""}
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