Fantasy Fellowship Readathon Teams!

A vibrant fantasy landscape featuring mythical creatures like dragons, enchanted forests, and ethereal beings, with a diverse group of adventurers in heroic poses.

Fantasy Fellowship Readathon Teams Quiz

Unleash your inner hero with our Fantasy Fellowship Readathon Teams quiz! This engaging quiz invites you to explore your personality and preferences with whimsical scenarios and choices. Will you be matched with a fearsome dragon, a mystical being, or a charming rogue on your epic adventure?

  • Discover your fantasy fellowship.
  • Engaging scenarios that reflect your traits.
  • Find out what kind of character you would be in a fantasy setting!
11 Questions3 MinutesCreated by WanderingStar234
1. Someone keeps appearing to you in your dreams. Who is it?
You’re pretty sure it’s either a Demi-god or some sort of eldritch supernatural being
A dragon
An unearthly, kind of sexy, girl, might be dead
An insanely hot guy, probably dangerous
A mysterious jester-type who keeps making quips
Choose your weapon:
My wits, courage and whatever I find along the way will save me
A dragon
A really big sword, mayyybe sentient
Necromancy/spirit magic
An unexpectedly deep well of magical power that nobody knew I had
It’s the weekend, who are you hanging out with?
My team of frenemies, the occasional dead person
A dragon
I work alone! Certainly not with an established publisher
Some extremely attractive people I don’t trust
My long-established friends and family, who definitely won’t betray me
4. What’s for dinner?
Chicken curry, unless I am female, in which case it will be sweet
A freshly baked cinnamon roll with some coffee
Whatever I can scavenge tbh
Something I hunted down and roasted
Soup. Don’t ask too many questions
5. What really gets on your nerves?
Being told I don’t know what’s best for me
My oppressive government
Everything, including other people both living and dead
People holding me back from growth
People not accepting my vision even though I am OBVIOUSLY right and NOT crazy
6. Pick an outfit!
Clothes. Like, just normal clothes
My cool uniform for dragon riding
Holographic robe plus corset
Leather jacket with cute logo
Full Plate armour, baby
7. Time for a spa day. Where are you going first?
The sauna, by myself
I am stressed out and need a massage tbh
I’m going to put on a face mask and robe and read a romance novel
Big saltwater pool for a float
Just rub me with mud, thank you
8. I would describe my last ex as…
I am a young loner who has not yet known romantic love
Dead (was hot though)
Sexy, growls a lot, bratty
Frankly, difficult to remember…
9. What cheers you up?
Being given creative freedom, and coffee
Trees. And oranges
Dogs! All the dogs
Eating out ;)
My found family
10. Where are you in the sports hall/gym?
Running track solo
Gymnastics / dance
Doing laps in the pool
Step trainer
11. Confess your sins:
Uhhh, war crimes
Failing your friends and family
Breaking and entering
{"name":"Fantasy Fellowship Readathon Teams!", "url":"","txt":"Unleash your inner hero with our Fantasy Fellowship Readathon Teams quiz! This engaging quiz invites you to explore your personality and preferences with whimsical scenarios and choices. Will you be matched with a fearsome dragon, a mystical being, or a charming rogue on your epic adventure?Discover your fantasy fellowship.Engaging scenarios that reflect your traits.Find out what kind of character you would be in a fantasy setting!","img":""}
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