Which totally unhinged
"Don't Tell the Children"
character are YOU?!?!?!

Let's start off easy: Diagnose yourself!
It's me, depression.
Manic af lmao
A little anxious, but that's ok
I mean, OCD, but in a GOOD way!
Oh no, someone has done something bad to you! What do you do?!?!?!?!
Forgive them and move on.
Think mean things about them for all eternity.
Violence, but, like, an acceptable amount.
Violence. EXCESSIVE violence. Also make out with their wife.
Thoughts on religion?
It's great! It helps people through the dark times!
I love God with all my heart! *starts singing hymnals*
Tbh I don't really think about it
Lmao, I'll be your god, baby.
Hurry! Pick a type of music!
Anything loud and fast and hard
I'm more of a sad & moody acoustic type
Feel-good-pop-love-song plz
If it's pretty and well made then I'm in
Gasp! You just saw someone steal some food! You...
Tell someone.
Talk to them, see what's up.
Ignore it.
Help them get more, obvi.
This is a sex question.
In my room, lights off, under the covers, with my partner who loves me deeply.
Yes. (You're at the grocery store)
Something romantic, like on a soft blanket in a peaceful forest in the warm afternoon sun while birds sing to us.
*the vulgarity of this answer has been banned in at least 15 states*
Ideal date?
Idk but at the end of it either something's on fire or someone's nose is broken.
Wtf is wrong with that last answer? We're having a nice conversation over dinner and maybe holding hands on the walk after.
I've prepared a lovely night in and made you this delicious meal.
Yeah yeah, dinner and a movie, but can we still set something on fire, orrrr?
Aw man, you're in high school, pick your classes I guess :(
Gym/Woodworking/Independent Study Hall
Science/Math/Home Economics
Favorite part of Christmas?
I love giving gifts.
I love celebrating peace on earth and good tidings to all.
I love that warm feeling where you feel at home with people having a good time.
You hear someone talking mad shit, go!
Ignore it, that's childish.
That's awful! *pulls up a chair*
I'm the one they're talking shit about (again, ugh)
Lmao what do you mean that's the sound of my own voice have you heard this hot goss???!?!?!?!
Last question! You're trapped on a deserted island, but luckily you have your...
Solar powered vibrator
Faith in a higher power
Journal to journal in (it's not lame, stop)
Sense of whimsy
{"name":"Which totally unhinged \"Don't Tell the Children\" character are YOU?!?!?!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Find out which totally unhinged character you are in that sexy little novel, \"Don't Tell the Children!\"","img":"https://www.poll-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png?sz=1200-00000000001000005300"}
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