How Materialistic Are You?

Do you ever feel guilty after you've gone shopping?
The only reason I would feel guilty is if I was spending a legal guardian/ spouse's money.
Yes. But only because I'm a cheep-stake.
Yes. But I just can't resist it!
No. Why would I feel guilty if I always shop responsibly?
No. I'm too giddy about my new things to care.
Your distant friend's birthday is coming up, you know what would make them really happy, but it's a bit over your budget, you:-
Buy the gift. I don't care about the money as long as I'm making someone happy
Buy the gift. I'm rich lol.
Ask her BFF to buy it. I might not be in the spotlight as BEST gift giver in the world, but at least they got what they wanted.
Don't buy the gift. No one is taking credit for my AMAZING idea.
Nothing. I probably forgot about the gift, and the birthday for that matter. I tend to tune out when people start to talk about themselves.
Do you have credit card or personal debt?
Ca$h Dallah's baby
LOL. Not only do I have debt, but I'm in debt.
Debt, but I pay it off as soon as I can.
I don't know, whatever my legal guardian/ spouse gives me
Your going shopping with your friends. One of them finds a GORGEOUS pink mini skirt, but it turns out it's over their budget. You:-
Conceal her. Maybe a nifty DIY can get her the skirt for a lot cheaper!
Get some of the friends around you to pitch into the price of the skirt, maybe that would be enough!
Get it for her, and surprise her with it!
You don't care much about the friend, you're just kind of bummed you can't steal it from her closet- BECAUSE IT'S NOT THERE )':
Get it for yourself. Who cares who saw it first, you want it.
Get it for yourself and promise her you'd lend it to her.
Christmas is coming up, and you know your cheep-stake BFF is going to get you something DIY. You:-
Are absolutely delighted! Nothing warms the heart like a well thought-out personalized gift!
Are sick of it, I mean who needs more than five glitter mason jars?!?!? CUT IT OUT.
You're not happy about it, but you don't say anything.
You're alright with it. Maybe it'll be something cute this year!
You're okay with it- well, only because you think there's a chance she might not get you something DIY this year, since you kind of yelled at her for it last year. Ouch!
What do you usually ask people for on occasions?
Anything meaningful!
Money. I just want money.
An absolute surprise!
Room decor and books (lots of candles too!!! Oh, oh, and those cool fairy lights!)
Clothes, shoes, jewelry, and/or makeup.
Which of these would you buy/ like the most:-
Which one of these brands is the most expensive?
Ivy Park
Can you tell which one of these articles of clothing is under the brand Dolce and Gabbana?
These are all 500$ a pair, which one of them would you buy?
{"name":"How Materialistic Are You?", "url":"","txt":"Do you ever feel guilty after you've gone shopping?, Your distant friend's birthday is coming up, you know what would make them really happy, but it's a bit over your budget, you:-, Do you have credit card or personal debt?","img":""}
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