Concerned with the entire earth - solid litosphere, liquid hydrosphere, gaseous atmosphere
It is the study of Earth and its neighbors in space
It is an exciting science with many interesting and practical applications.
They use their knowledge of the Earth to locate and develop energy and mineral resources.
They study the impact of human activity on earth's environment and design methods to protect the planet
4 main branches of earth science
Primary earth science
It means "study of the earth"
It deals with the composition of Earth materials, earth structures, and earth processes
What does geology deal with
Concerned with the organisms of the planet and how the planet has changed over time.
It is the study of the atmosphere and how processes in the atmosphere determine Earth's weather and climate.
It is a very practical science because everyone is concerned about the weather.
How climate changes over time in response to the action of people is a topic of
It is the study of earth's ocean and their boundaries -- their composition, movement, organisms, and processes.
It covers most of our planet and are important resources for food and other commodities.
They work to develop the ocean as a resource and protect it from human impact.
Solid earth
Gases (the air)
All water
All life
"rocky sphere"
Composed of the entire crust plus the outermost part of the mantle.
Lithosphere is composed of
Both solid and rigid
Litosphere is cool enough to behave like a
The litosphere is underlain by
It is the weaker, hotter, and deeper part of the upper mantle.
Hydrosphere is _% of earth's surface
78% of the earth's surface
It consists of water in all forms
How many percentage of nitrogen are there in the atmosphere?
How many percentage of oxygen are there in the atmosphere?
How many percentage of other gases are there in the atmosphere?
Mixture of gases that surrounds the planet
Five main layers of the atmosphere
"lung sphere"
Global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships including their interaction with the elements of litosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.
Study of the universe
They use the knowledge of Earth materials, processes, and history to understand other planets - even those outside of our solar system
It drives the ocean's tidal system
It has repeatedly devastated earth's inhabitants
Study of living organisms and life processes
{"name":"concerned with the entire earth - solid litosphere, liquid hydrosphere, gaseous atmosphere", "url":"","txt":"concerned with the entire earth - solid litosphere, liquid hydrosphere, gaseous atmosphere, it is the study of Earth and its neighbors in space, it is an exciting science with many interesting and practical applications.","img":""}
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