Logic sample questions

A visually engaging illustration that depicts various logical fallacies and reasoning concepts, featuring a classroom setting with students discussing logical arguments.

Logic and Fallacies Quiz

Test your understanding of logic and fallacies with this engaging quiz! Challenge yourself with a variety of questions designed to enhance your critical thinking skills.

Key Features:

  • Multiple choice questions
  • Focus on logical reasoning and argument evaluation
  • Improve your knowledge of common logical fallacies
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by AnalyzingFalcon27
"it is wrong to kill a person. Therefore soldiers should not kill" what type of fallacy is this?
Appeal to pity
Red herring
Which one of the following has increasing intention
Girl, human, mammal
Mammal, human, girl
Mammal, girl, human
Human, mammal, girl
A fallacy that occurs when the arguer attacks a misrepresentation of the opponents view
red herring
Straw man
Hasty generalization
Refers to a group of words that can assign meaning to some word or group of words
Cognitive meaning
____is used to report the meaning that a word already has in a language
Lexical definition
Precising definition
Stipulative definition
Theoretical definition
Every time I wear this shoes I win a race. What type of fallacy is this?
False Cause
Weak analogy
Hasty generalization
Begging the question
But officer, I don't deserve a ticket; everyone goes this speed. If I went any slower, I wouldn't be going with the stream of traffic."
Formal fallacies
Informal fallacies
Appeal to the people
Falacies of weak induction
Fallacies of relecance
This fallacy is committed when the premises of an argument state that nothing has been proved one way or the other about something, and the conclusion then makes a definite assertion about that thing.
Missing the Point fallacy
Appeal to Ignorance fallacy
You Too fallacy
Argument Against the Person fallacy
Which of the following is an example of straw man fallacy?
"Sure, we haven't given raises in over five years to our employees. You know, we work really hard to make a good product. We try to ensure the best customer service, too."
Biology teacher begins teaching evolution by stating that all things evolve. Student says she just can't accept that humans came from bugs.
The Dalai Lama argues that China has no business in Tibet and that the West should do something about it. But the Dalai Lama just wants the Chinese to leave so he can return as leader. Naturally he argues this way. Therefore, we should reject his arguments. 
Freedom of speech is a constitutionally guaranteed right. Therefore, John Q. Radical should not be arrested for his speech that incited the riot last week.
Which one of the following is invalid
.Anyone who lives in the city Honolulu, HI also lives on the island of Oahu. Kanoe does not live on the island of Oahu. Therefore, Kanoe does not live in the city Honolulu, HI.
Only crows are black. John is black. Therefore, John is a crow
All crows are black. John is black. Therefore, John is a crow.
Anyone who lives in the city Honolulu, HI also lives on the island of Oahu. Kanoe lives in the city of Honolulu, HI. Therefore, Kanoe lives on the island of Oahu.
Deductive indicators
It is an argument such that if the premises are assumed true, then, based on that assumption, it is probable that the conclusion is true.
Sound argument
Weak inductive argument
Valid deductive argument
Strong inductive argument
Which one of the following is a non-arguments
No, you can’t go to a concert on a school night. But all my friends are going! And if all your friends jumped off a bridge would you do that too?
A good way to stop your dog from getting fleas is to spray them with cider vinegar.
Man is mortal. Professor Habermas is a man. Professor Habermas is mortal.
{"name":"Logic sample questions", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your understanding of logic and fallacies with this engaging quiz! Challenge yourself with a variety of questions designed to enhance your critical thinking skills. Key Features: Multiple choice questions Focus on logical reasoning and argument evaluation Improve your knowledge of common logical fallacies","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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