MCQ on Modern Period

Who is known as father of modern drama?
Samuel Beckett
Henrik Ibsen
John Galsworthy
G. B. Shaw
Among the following which one is the poetry collection by the Irish novelist Seamus Heany?
Door into the Dark
The Less Deceived
For the Unfallen
In which among the following novels the character of twin brothers, Waldo, the man of reason and intellect, and Arthur, the innocent half-wit, appears?
The Solid Mandala
The Tree of Man
A Magzine of Verse
The phrase “Only connect” is the epigraph of which novel of E. M. Forster?
The Long Journey
A Passage to India
Howard's End
To whom the slogan “Make It New” is widely attributed?
D H Lawrence
Gertrude Stein
Joseph Conrad
Ezra Pound
D. H. Lawrence, a famous novelist of Modern Age, is not the author of one of the four novels mentioned below:
Sons and Lovers
Sea and the Old Man
Lady Chatterley's Lover
The Rainbow
Who is famous for the theory of 'Objective Co-relative'?
Virginia Woolf
James Joyce
S. T. Coleridge
T. S. Eliot
Which literary work of TS Eliot was edited by Ezra Pound?
The Wasteland
Ash Wednesday
Ariel Poems
Who popularized the term 'Objective Correlative' in his writings?
T S Eliot
S. T. Coleridge
William Empson
I. A. Richards
Which novel of George Orwell is marked as a satire on equality?
Burmese Days
Animal Farm
Nineteen Eighty-Four
No Man's Land
{"name":"MCQ on Modern Period", "url":"","txt":"Who is known as father of modern drama?, Among the following which one is the poetry collection by the Irish novelist Seamus Heany?, In which among the following novels the character of twin brothers, Waldo, the man of reason and intellect, and Arthur, the innocent half-wit, appears?","img":""}
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