OEA Refresh

One of your students with accommodations has an online quiz coming up in their Theater class. You remind them to ask for double time on the exam, but what should they do?
Email the teacher
Put in a test request through the OEA website
Your student’s teacher responds that of course they can use their extended time on the online quiz, but tells them they have to register for the test through OEA and complete the quiz on the computers at the OEA testing center. Is this ok?
Your student has a formula sheet accommodation for math assessments. They gave their teacher their accommodation letters but never had any specific communication about the formula sheet. The student shows up to take their first exam with a formula sheet they copied out of the textbook. Is the teacher required to allow them to use it?
Your student has an accommodation for use of a calculator on assessments requiring math calculations. They bring a graphing calculator to class the day of a math quiz and the teacher tells them they are not permitted to use this on the quiz. Is the teacher in the right?
Your student has two, 3 hour final exams in one day and wants to take both exams in OEA and use their double time on each. However, the testing center is only open from 8:30am to 6:30pm during finals and exams can only be scheduled at 8:30am or 12:30pm. Does one of their teachers have to allow them to adjust their exam date?
Your student has access to double time. They emailed their teacher well in advance of an online English literature quiz and have already provided their accommodation letter. However when they took the quiz, they were kicked out after only 15 minutes, the original amount of time, rather than 30 minutes they were entitled. They didn’t finish the quiz and scored a 60%. Does the teacher have a responsibility to re-open the quiz now that they’ve already seen the questions and could have an opportunity to study for specific questions?
One of your students is tested their sophomore year, diagnosed with a reading disability and given an accommodation for a Spanish substitution course. They took GEOG100 and passed with a C their freshman year. Can they still use this as their sub course for SPAN 102 since they took it before they actually had the accommodation?
Each semester after requesting their accommodation letters, students get an email with their letters and an acknowledgement form for their teachers to sign upon receiving the letters. A student must have the signed acknowledgement form turned in before they are able to access accommodations.
Your student gives their accommodation letter to their teacher the day before Thanksgiving break. The teacher responds by pointing out part of the syllabus where they have specifically written that OEA students must self-identify and provide accommodation letters by the end of the third week of class in order to access accommodations. Does this teacher still have to accommodate the student?
Your student has a communication exam tomorrow. They want to take the exam in OEA and use their extended time but completely forget to request it until you remind them the day before. Should they still put in a test request?
YES, go ahead and put it in
No, it’s past the deadline to request an exam
When a student puts in a test request through the OEA website they get a confirmation email with the time, date, and course
Which of the following may qualify as temporary or permanent accommodations in different situations?
Taking short breaks during class and returning without being penalized
Wearing sunglasses in class
Completing online exams via paper and pencil
Word bank for testing
Completing paper and pencil exams on a computer
Access to spell check software during testing
Access to a copy of a classmate’s notes
Taking tests in shorter chunks over multiple days
Alternatives to scantrons
Read alouds for testing
Standing up during class
Modifications to assignments
Use of a laptop during class
Preferential seating during class
{"name":"OEA Refresh", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"One of your students with accommodations has an online quiz coming up in their Theater class. You remind them to ask for double time on the exam, but what should they do?, For an online timed quiz or exam, the student should simply email the teacher, note that they are an OEA student with an accommodation for extended time, and ask that the teacher please make the adjustment on blackboard. The teacher won’t do this automatically, they have to ask before each quiz or exam! When a student puts in a test request through the OEA website, they are reserving time in the OEA testing center – if they are going to take it on their own computer or one elsewhere, there’s no need for an OEA test request!Caveats include if the exam is online but given at a specific time and location and the student actually needs to go into OEA and use their computer and be in that center for the extended time. But for your average blackboard quiz, just an email will do the trick, Your student’s teacher responds that of course they can use their extended time on the online quiz, but tells them they have to register for the test through OEA and complete the quiz on the computers at the OEA testing center. Is this ok?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}

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���िम्नलिखित गद्यांश को पढ़कर उत्तर दीजिए-   हम सपरिवार रेलगाड़ी से मामाजी के घर जा पहुँचे। मामीजी हमें देखकर बहुत खुश हुईं और हम उन सबसे मिलकर। सुबह होते ही हम एक अलग, सपनों की दुनिया में पहुँच गए। वह दुनिया थी-अजंता की गुफाओं की दुनिया, क्योंकि अजंता की गुफाओं में दीवारों, छतों पर सुंदर चित्र बने हुए थे। जिस तरह की दुनिया हम आजकल देखते हैं-वहाँ के शहर, कस्बों की इमारतों की दीवारें आमतौर पर सपाट और कोरी होती हैं। फिर वह चाहे घर हो, ऑफिस या कोई अन्य जगह। शहरों में तो ज़्यादा-से-ज्यादा कोई चित्र टाँग दिया जाता है। घर में भी अगर बच्चे पेंसिल या रंगों से दीवार पर अपनी कलाकारी दिखाएँ तो उन्हें अकसर डाँट पड़ जाती है। एक बार रोहित को डाँट पड़ चुकी लेकिन अजंता की गुफाओं की दीवारों, छतों को देखकर ऐसा लगता है कि लोगों को कोरी दीवारें बिलकुल पसंद नहीं थीं। तब लोग अत्यधिक प्रकृति-प्रेमी थे।
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