Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in hep-th on Fri, 6 Nov 20
[2011.02482] Diptarka Das, Yuya Kusuki, Sridip Pal: Universality in asymptotic bounds and its saturation in $2$D CFT
[2011.02513] Tadashi Takayanagi, Takahiro Uetoko: Chern-Simons Gravity Dual of BCFT
[2011.02539] Troels Harmark, Jelle Hartong, Niels A. Obers et al.: Spin Matrix Theory String Backgrounds and Penrose Limits of AdS/CFT
[2011.02657] Zong-Gang Mou, Peter Millington, Paul M. Saffin et al.: Statistics on Lefschetz thimbles: Bell/Leggett-Garg inequalities and the classical-statistical approximation
[2011.02689] Makoto Sakaguchi, Haruya Suzuki: On Interacting Higher Spin Bosonic Gauge Fields in BRST-antifield Formalism
[2011.02708] Fabien Besnard: Extensions of the noncommutative Standard Model and the weak order one condition
[2011.02716] Po-Chun Sun, Da-Shin Lee, Chen-Pin Yeh: Holographic approach to thermalization in general anisotropic theories
[2011.02753] Mohammad R. Garousi: Effective action of type II superstring theories at order $α'^3$: NS-NS couplings
[2011.02790] Chia-Jui Chou, Bo-Han Lin, Bin Wang et al.: Entanglement Entropy Inequalities in BCFT by Holography
[2011.02802] Andrea Guerrieri, Joao Penedones, Pedro Vieira: S-matrix Bootstrap for Effective Field Theories: Massless Pions
[2011.02843] Martin Bojowald, Suddhasattwa Brahma, Sean Crowe et al.: Multi-field inflation from single-field models
[2011.02855] A. Mironov, A. Morozov: Towards elliptic deformation of $q,t$-matrix models
[2011.02859] Liang Kong, Hao Zheng: Categories of topological orders I
[2011.02865] Stefan Weinzierl: Applications of intersection numbers in physics
[2011.02885] Matteo Beccaria, Arkady A. Tseytlin: On the structure of non-planar strong coupling corrections to correlators of BPS Wilson loops and chiral primary operators
[2011.02902] Song He, Yuan Sun, Yu-Xuan Zhang: $T\bar{T}$-flow effects on torus partition functions
[2011.02926] D.G. Pak, Rong-Gen Cai, Takuya Tsukioka et al.: Color confinement and color singlet structure of quantum states in Yang-Mills theory
[2011.02957] Simon Caron-Huot, Vincent Van Duong: Extremal Effective Field Theories
[2011.02985] Max Warkentin: The Casimir effect in the presence of infrared transparency
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-th on Fri, 6 Nov 20","img":""}