World Boston What in the World? Weekly Quiz – Oct 24-30, 2022
{"name":"World Boston What in the World? Weekly Quiz – Oct 24-30, 2022", "url":"","txt":"The third British Prime Minister resignation in three years signaled a deepening political crisis in the United Kingdom. THIS Conservative Party leader misstepped on repairs to Britain’s economic troubles saying, as she offered her resignation, “I cannot deliver the mandate on which I was elected by the Conservative Party.”, In a move being called “Maximum Xi,” China’s President Xi Jinping was named to a third term in THIS Chinese Communist Party office, customarily limited to two five-year terms. Xi has accumulated more power than Chinese leaders since Chairman Mao Zedong., Italy’s first woman Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, head of a far-right coalition, began forming the next Italian government, which will include the Forza Italia party led by THIS 86 year-old flamboyant former Prime Minister. He has been criticized for his pro-Putin views underscored by recently leaked audio recordings in which he called the Russian leader \"number one among his five best friends.\"","img":""}