What Type of Data Genius Are You?

How many zeros would you need to write out 1 yottabyte?
According to estimates, the volume of business data worldwide, across all companies, doubles with what frequency?
Every 3 months
Every 8 months
Every 1.2 years
Every 2 years
Select the correct order for managing your data lifecycle:
Create, store, share, use, destroy, archive
Create, store, share with your friends, discuss, use it for selecting a winning fantasy team
Create, store, use, share, archive, destroy
None of the above, I don't have time to manage data
A stack of CD-ROMs, equal to the current global digital storage capacity, would tower how high?
To the top of the Calgary Tower
To the moon
80,000km beyond the moon
What is a CD-ROM?
Big Data and Analytics is best used for:
Delivering a personalized experience to your customers
Creating a more cost-effective supply chain
Being more efficient in everything you do
All of the above
A & B only, there are limits to the power of Big Data and Analytics
According to Gartner, in 2017, what percent of users are using any business intelligence and analytics tool?
By 2020, it is estimated that what percent of today's data scientist tasks can be automated?
Predicted to be the next wave of business intelligence and analytics distruption, what is Augmented Analytics?
Analytics on the usage of AR glasses
The use of things like algorithms, natural-language query and insight narration to improve time, accuracy and reduce bias
It's like big data, only much bigger
None of the above, business intelligence and analytics is fully mature and isn't expected to be disrupted
What is a digital twin?
A new app for creating an avatar on your phone
Human cloning
A virtual model of a process, product or service to allow analysis of data and monitoring of systems
When you find your doppelganger on social media
How many of the Fortune 100 use SQL Server?
How many predictions per second are made using Microsoft Machine Learning Services?
To accelerate your data and analytics initatives, you should:
Do nothing, accelerating time to value is a bad idea
Drink more coffee so you can work faster
Call AMTRA Solutions and talk to a data expert to find out how to accelerate initatives and get the most out of your investments
{"name":"What Type of Data Genius Are You?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Do you know data? Challenge your friends and see who amongst them are Data Masterminds! Will it be you?","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/27-1006647/share-picture-05.png?sz=1200","hash":"#data, #quiz, #analytics "}
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