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New submissions in hep-ph on Thu, 30 Dec 21
[2112.13857] Casey Cartwright, Matthias Kaminski, Bjoern Schenke: Energy dependence of the chiral magnetic effect in expanding holographic plasma
[2112.13858] Lalit S. Bhandari, Arun M. Thalapillil: Exploring millicharged dark matter components from the shadows
[2112.13862] Guillermo F. Abellán, Zackaria Chacko, Abhish Dev et al.: Improved cosmological constraints on the neutrino mass and lifetime
[2112.13872] M. Loewe, D. Valenzuela, R. Zamora: Catalysis and inverse electric catalysis in a scalar theory
[2112.13914] M. Ouhammou, M. Ouali, S. Taj et al.: Laser-assisted CP-odd and CP-even Higgs bosons production in THDM
[2112.13916] Ángel Miramontes, Adnan Bashir, Khépani Raya et al.: Pion and Kaon box contribution to $a_μ^{\text{HLbL}}$
[2112.13965] M. Ajaz, M.U. Ashraf, M. Waqas et al.: Model studies of V0 production ratios in pp collisions at $\sqrt{\mathrm{s}}$ = 0.2, 0.9, and 7 TeV
[2112.13975] Xinyue Yin, Honglei Li, Yi Jin et al.: Investigating the $Z^\prime$ gauge boson at the future lepton colliders
[2112.14076] Fernando Alvarado, Luis Alvarez-Ruso: The light-quark mass dependence of the nucleon axial charge and pion-nucleon scattering phenomenology
[2112.14083] Qiang Zhang, Ya-Qin Gao, Fu-Hu Liu et al.: An energy independent scaling of transverse momentum spectra of direct (prompt) photons from two-body processes in high-energy proton-proton collisions
[2112.14094] A.H. Ajjath, Pooja Mukherjee, V. Ravindran et al.: Next-to SV resummed rapidity distribution for Drell-Yan to $\rm{\textbf{NNLO}+\overline{\textbf{NNLL}}}$
[2112.14116] V.P. Gerdt, A. Karimkhodzhaev, R.N. Faustov: Hadronic Vacuum Polarization and Test of Quantum Electrodynamics at Low Energies
[2112.14132] Vladyslav Shtabovenko: FeynCalc goes multiloop
[2112.14142] Hong-Wei Ke, Xiao-Hai Liu, Xue-Qian Li: Possible Molecular States of $D^{(*)}D^{(*)}$ and $B^{(*)}B^{(*)}$ within the Bethe-Salpeter framework
[2112.14157] B.O. Kerbikov: Neutron-Mirror Neutron conversion in Vacuum, Trap, Material and Neutron Star
[2112.14165] Hiwa A. Ahmed, C. W. Xiao: Study of $\bar{B}^0_{(s)}$ decaying into $D^0$ and $π^{+}π^{-}$, $K^{+}K^{-}$, or $π^{0}η$ with final state interactions
[2112.14201] Anuj Kumar Upadhyay, Anil Kumar, Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla et al.: Neutrino oscillations in Earth for probing dark matter inside the core
[2112.14215] Xin-Qiang Li, Meng Shen, Dong-Yang Wang et al.: Explaining the $b \to s \ell^+ \ell^-$ anomalies in $Z^\prime$ scenarios with top-FCNC couplings
[2112.14261] Aqeel Ahmed, Saereh Najjari: Ultraviolet Freeze-in Dark Matter through the Dilaton Portal
[2112.14263] Olivier Lennon: Multi-Field Q-balls with Real Scalars
[2112.14275] Dhimiter D. Canko, Nikolaos Syrrakos: Planar three-loop master integrals for $2 \to 2$ processes with one external massive particle
[2112.14295] Mariana Frank, Eric Gyabeng Fuakye, Manuel Toharia: Restricting the parameter space of Type-II Two Higgs Doublet Models with CP violation
[2112.14329] Aurore Courtoy, Pavel M. Nadolsky: Large-x power laws of parton distributions remain inconclusive
[2112.14358] Liuyao Zhang, Jinhui Chen, Wei Li et al.: Implication of two-baryon azimuthal correlations in $pp$ collisions at LHC energies on the QGP
[2112.14392] Di-Lun Yang: Quantum kinetic theory for spin transport of quarks with background chromo-electromagnetic fields
[2112.14398] Hai-Yang Cheng, Cheng-Wei Chiang: Direct CP violation in charmed meson decays within the standard model
[2112.14399] Zhi-Lei Ma, Zhun Lu, Li Zhang: Validity of equivalent photon spectra and the photoproduction processes in p-p collisions
[2112.14402] Masaki J. S. Yang: A general formula for the type-I seesaw mechanism
[2112.14408] Yuuki Hayashi: Renormalon subtraction using Fourier transform: Analyses of simplified models
[2112.14454] Maximilian Löschner, Simon Plätzer, Emma Simpson Dore: Multi-Emission Kernels for Parton Branching Algorithms
[2112.14483] Eung Jin Chun, Liliana Velasco-Sevilla: Tracking Down the Route to the SM with Inflation and Gravitational Waves
[2112.14495] Matti Heikinheimo, Sebastian Sassi, Kai Nordlund et al.: Identification of the low energy excess in dark matter searches with crystal defects
[2112.14509] Ning Chen, Ying-nan Mao, Zhaolong Teng: Bottom quark and tau lepton masses in a toy ${\rm SU}(6)$
[2112.14527] Wei Chao, Siyu Jiang, Zhu-Yao Wang et al.: Pseudo-Dirac Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter
[2112.14542] Brenda B. Malabarba, A. Martínez Torres, K.P. Khemchandani et al.: Kaon and Nucleon States with Hidden Charm
[2112.14549] Ji Xu, Yin-Sen Luan: Nucleons as modified Ising models
[2112.14576] Kun Wang, Jingya Zhu: A smuon in the NMSSM confronted with the muon g-2 and SUSY searches
[2112.14579] Jürgen Eser, Jean-Paul Blaizot: S-wave pion-pion scattering lengths from nucleon-meson fluctuations
[2112.14588] Danny Marfatia, Po-Yan Tseng: Correlated signals of first-order phase transitions and primordial black hole evaporation
[2112.14599] Stefan Groote, Jürgen G. Körner: Topological tensor invariants and the current algebra approach: Analysis of 196 nonleptonic two-body decays of single and double charm baryons -- a review
[2112.14600] Leandro Da Rold, Federico Lamagna: A composite Froggatt-Nielsen model of flavor
[2112.14604] Florentin Jaffredo: Revisiting mono-$τ$ tails at the LHC
[2112.14668] Md Riajul Haque, Debaprasad Maity: Gravitational dark matter: free streaming and phase space distribution
[2112.14740] Daniel Elander, Michele Frigerio, Marc Knecht et al.: Holographic models of composite Higgs in the Veneziano limit: 2. Fermionic sector
[2112.14759] Martin Rosenlyst: Composite Higgs models with composite self-interacting dark matter
[2112.14761] Xiang-Gan Liu, Gui-Jun Ding: Modular flavor symmetry and vector-valued modular forms
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Thu, 30 Dec 21","img":""}
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