Training #4 Quiz

A detailed diagram of a robotics system showing various components like motors, controllers, sensors, and their connections, with a modern aesthetic

Robotics Component Quiz

Test your knowledge on robotics components and their functions with our engaging quiz! This quiz covers various aspects of robotics hardware, including motor controllers, power distribution, and sensor positioning.

  • 8 Informative Questions
  • Multiple Choice and Text Inputs
  • Ideal for robotics enthusiasts and students
8 Questions2 MinutesCreated by WiringWizard301
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A 775 motor is added to the robot. Its position is near the RIO, and it has an encoder. What motor controller would we most likely use?
Spark MAX, Because it supports various different encoders.
Spark, because the motor is near the RIO so PWM communication can be used
Talon SRX, Because it uses CAN and has a port to plug in an encoder.
Victor SPX, because it is less expensive than a Talon
No motor controller is necessary as the 775 has a built in one
We don't have enough space for both a motor controller and a motor on a moving part. We do not need precise control of the motor. What would we do?
Forgo the motor controller and plug the motor directly into the PDP, as precise control of it is not important
Use a smaller Servo motor and plug it into the RIO
Plug 2 motors into the same controller, that way we can have just the motor on the moving part
Use a Falcon 500 Motor
What is the main difference between the power output of the VRM and PDP?
The PDP provides 12 volts, while the VRM provides only 5
The VRM is the same as the PDP, just with smaller fuses
The VRM regulates the current it supplies, while the PDP does not
The VRM is meant to power components that are sensitive to changes in power
What component's positioning matters the most if you have it on your robot?
Air Compressor
Magnetic Encoder
What would most influence the position of the RIO?
The presence of sensors that use PWM
The location of the RSL
The location of the Radio
The location of the PDP
What is the main reason we tend to avoid using Spark motor controllers?
They are older controllers, and can not provide enough power for the more powerful, modern, motors
They do not have an encoder port built in
They use an older circuit that does not provide steady voltage, meaning motors will slightly speed up and slow down randomly
They are very difficult to program
They are more difficult to position
The types of connectors they use are exposed, meaning they are prone to shorting
{"name":"Training #4 Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on robotics components and their functions with our engaging quiz! This quiz covers various aspects of robotics hardware, including motor controllers, power distribution, and sensor positioning.8 Informative QuestionsMultiple Choice and Text InputsIdeal for robotics enthusiasts and students","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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