Chapter 6

General agreement among the citizenry on an issue is
A. A consensus.
B. Divisive opinion.
C. reconciliation.
D. Poll agreement.
E. No longer public opinion.
The transfer of political attitudes and beliefs
A. Is more likely to occur from children to the parents.
B. Is more likely to occur from parents to children.
C. Is just as likely to occur from children to parents as it is to occur from parents to children.
D. Is exceptionally rare in families.
E. Never occurs from children to parents.
Determining which public-policy questions will be debated or considered is known as
A. Consensus building.
B. Opinion leadership.
C. Public opinion.
D. Agenda setting.
E. Political socialization.
A(n) _____ is a long-lasting effect of the events of a particular time on the political opinions of those who came of political age at that time.
A. Lifestyle effect
B. Generational effect
C. Socioeconomic effect
D. benchmark
E. Issue effect
Which of the following is true?
A. Older Americans tend to be more liberal than younger Americans.
B. Older Americans tend to be less concerned with their economic situations and likely to have grown out of the social values they were taught in their youth.
C. Voters who grew up in the 1930s during the Great Depression are more likely to have formed lifelong attachments to the Republican Party.
D. The 1960s and 1970s, dominated by events such as Vietnam and Watergate, gave rise to widespread cynicism about the government.
E. Based upon the economic prosperity that occurred under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, many young people chose to identify with the Democratic Party.
Jewish voters tend to
A. Vote for candidates that are politically conservative.
B. Vote at a lower rate than Protestants.
C. Focus almost totally on domestic issues.
D. Be more liberal than average on economic and cultural issues.
E. Be similar to the overall population in political preferences.
The value assigned to a person due to occupation or income is known as
A. Political socialization.
B. The lifestyle effect.
C. Affluential status.
D. Socioeconomic status.
E. The wealth effect.
Traditionally, Protestant families tend to be
A. Republicans.
B. Concentrated in the northern states.
C. apolitical.
D. Democrats.
E. Liberal on cultural issues.
Voters who are more devout and attend services regularly, regardless of church affiliation, are
A. More likely to vote Republican.
B. More likely to vote Democratic.
C. More likely to vote for independent and third-party candidates.
D. Less likely to vote at all.
E. Similar to the overall population in political preferences.
African Americans tend to be more
A. Republican than Whites.
B. Liberal than Whites.
C. Politically active than Whites.
D. Conservative than Whites.
E. Irreligious than Whites.
Which of the following is true?
A. People in large cities tend to be liberal and Democratic whereas people in smaller communities tend to be conservative and Republican.
B. People in large cities tend to be conservative and Republican whereas people in smaller communities tend to be liberal and Democratic.
C. People in large cities tend to be liberal and Republican whereas people in smaller cities tend to be conservative and Democratic.
D. People in large cities tend to be conservative and Democratic whereas people in smaller cities tend to be liberal and Republican.
E. There is no statistically significant relationship between where people live and their ideological and partisan preferences.
Today, the following regions are more supportive of the Republicans than the Democrats:
A. the West Coast and the Northeast.
B. the South and the Northeast.
C. the South, the Great Plains, and the Rocky Mountain states.
D. the Midwest and the West Coast.
E. the West Coast, the Great Plains, and the Rocky Mountain states.
The most important principle in sampling is
A. The segment’s age.
B. The random selection of respondents.
C. The firm that is conducting the sample.
D. The number of people who have taken part in polls before this poll.
E. The cost.
Respondents are given misleading information in the questions they are asked in order to persuade them to vote against a candidate in
A. Manipulative polls.
B. Machiavellian polls.
C. Persuasive polls.
D. Push polls.
E. Pull polls.
Public opinion affects the political process
A. Because it is a source of power for elected officials who take positions supported by the people.
B. Despite the fact that most candidates dismiss public opinion as an effective means of identifying issues of concern.
C. Because it allows the media to control the government.
D. Because it is more important than elections in bringing about change in the government.
E. Despite the fact that public opinion polls hardly ever reflect public opinion accurately.
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