Points test #3

Your patient comes to you because she is having loss of bladder control at night. She also has low back achiness and fatigue. Which point prescription would you choose?
UB23, LV1, UB28, REN3, SP6
UB28, REN3, ST36, SP6
UB28, REN9, SP9, REN3, LV1
KD3, UB64, REN4, UB67
The NADA protocol for addictions is?
Sympathetic, Shenmen, Kidney, Liver, Lung
Shenmen, Lung, Kidney, Spleen
Adrenal, Shenmen, Lung, Liver, Brain
Neurogate, Sympathetic, Brain, Kidney, Liver
Your patient comes to you with hypertension. Without using the Lower blood pressure groove which ear points would you choose?
Lower blood pressure, Endocrine, Sympathetic, Vagus root, Forehead, Liver
Lower blood pressure, Adrenal, Helix, Neurogate, Forehead, Temple, Liver, Kidney
Lower blood pressure, Neurogate, Occiput, Adrenal, Vagus nerve
Lower blood pressure, Neurogate, Adrenal, Liver, Kidney, Heart
Your patient comes to you for palpitations. She has seen her Cardiologist. She says she is always thirsty. Her tongue is red with ulcers. Which point prescription would you choose?
+KD10, +HT3, -SP3, -HT7
+KD10, +PC3, -SP3, -PC7
+LU8, +LV4, -HT8, -LV2
+LV1, +SP1, -LU8, -SP5
Kathi comes to you for difficult urination. She says she feels like she has to go often but the amount is always small. Also it burns when she voids and it is dark yellow. Her tongue coat is yellow and sticky and her pulse is rapid and slippery. Her point prescription is?
UB28, REN3, UB23, DU4, REN4, REN6
UB28, REN9, SP9, UB22, REN9
REN3, SP9, ST28, UB63, UB66
ST36, SP6, SP3, SP9, REN3
The best point combination to clear stomach fire is?
ST45 + LI11
ST44 + LI11
Inner Neiting + ST44
ST45 + SP10
Abdominal pain, enuresis, nocturnal emission, impotence, hernia, edema, diarrhea, dysentery uterine bleeding, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrheal, amenorrhea, morbid leucorrhea, postpartum hemorrhage, constipation, flaccid type of apoplexy and asthma are indications of which point?
An important adjunct to treating cough is?
Bleeding Jing Well of the Lung channel
Tap with plum blossom along the Du and UB channels on the upper back until the skin becomes red or bleeds slightly
Moxa UB13
Tap with plum blossom along the Lung channel bilaterally
When performing penetratig the heaven's coolness, how is the needle withdrawn?
Quickly with the hole left open
Slowly with the hole closed
Quickly with the hole closed
Slowly with the hole left open
Plum blossom instrument has
7 needles and is long
5 needles and is long
10 needles and is short
7 needles and is short
How many cun from anterior hairline to posterior hair line?
The extraordinary point locaated in the depression between LI5 & SJ4 is?
The therapeutic properties of the Front Mu of the Pericardium are?
Pain in the chest, cough, asthma
Asthma, pain in the chest, palpitations, hiccup, insufficient lactation
Stomachache, abdominal distention, nausea, vomiting
Pain in the cardiac region and the chest, nausea, mental disorders, epilepsy
Mental disorders, epilepsy, deafness and mute, sudden hoarseness of voice, apoplexy, stiffness of the tongue and aphasia, occipital headache, neck rigidity are the therapeutic properties of which point?
The command point of the abdomen is?
3 cun above the lower he sea point of the Large Intestine
3 cun below the lower he sea point of the Small Intestine
2 cun above the influential point of sinews
3 cun above the lower he sea point of the UB
The master point of the Dai Mai is
In the depression distal to junction of the 4th and 5th metatarsal bone, on the lateral side of tendon of m. Extensor digiti minimi
Anterior and inferior to the external maleolus, in the depression on the lateral side of the tendon of m. Extensor digitorum longus
Between the 4th and 5th metatarsal ones, on the medial side of the tendon of m. Extensor digiti minimi of the foot
On the dorsum of the foot between the 4th and 5th toe, proximal to the margin of the web
Auricular acupuncture is not advisable for
Women during their first trimester
Women during pregnancy
Women during their last trimester
Women during pregnancy if there is a history of miscarriage
What is the indication of the auricular point that is located in the trough along the backside of the antehelix on the back of the ear?
To restore Yang collaps with indirect moxibustion you would use?
The shoulder auricular point is located
On scapha, level with prominence on Darwin's tubercle
On helix, level with Neck point
On border of scapha, lateral to neck point on antehelix
On scapha, level with supratragic notch
How many cun is the Luo-connecting point of the UB channel from the Jing-river point of the UB channel?
Alice comes to you with urinary issues. Her urine is scanty, cloudy and painful when voiding. She says that sometimes she has the urge to go but nothing comes out when she tries to urinate. She also has low back pain and tinnitus. Her pulse is deep and slippery. Which point prescription would you choose?
UB28, SP9, ST36, SP6
UB28, REN3, SP9
UB63, UB40, SP9
UB63, SP9, REN3
Sara, 55 yoa, comes to you with epigastric pain for many years. She says the pain is like a knife and sometimes she feels it radiating to her right upper hypochondria area. She tells you she is very upset and is scared to go to the doctor for fear she has cancer. She says her life is a mess and is recently divorced. This stress has made the pain worse especially at night. And sometimes she feels like she wants to vomit but doesn’t. She says all the stress has made her exhausted. Her pulse is string-taut and her tongue is reddish-purple, scallops with a yellow coating. Her point prescription is?
LV3, GB34, LV14, ST21, PC6, SP4
ST21, PC6, SP4, ST34, UB17, SP10, LV3, LV5, LV6
ST21, PC6, SP4, ST34, SP10, KD3, REN4
ST21, PC6, SP4, ST36, SP3, UB20, UB21
Alice has just been diagnosed with manic depression. She says she will be crying one moment and then laughing the next with no apparent reason. She can’t concentrate and she feels paranoid. Her pulse is soggy and her tongue coat is sticky. What point prescription would you choose?
HT9, PC5, ST40, REN12, DU14
PC6, PC4, HT7, REN17, UB14, SP10
PC6, HT7, REN14, SP6, HT6, KID7
PC6, HT5, UB15, REN17, DU14
Judi comes to you for a cough. She has shortness of breath, coughs up large amounts of frothy mucus and says it feels like there is someone sitting on her chest. Her pulse is slippery and her tongue coat is white and sticky. Her point prescription is?
LU7, UB12, DU16, LI4
ST40, LU5, UB13, LU7, REN22, REN17, PC6
LU9, REN4, KD6, SP6, REN22, REN12
ST40, LU5, UB13, LU7, LU10, LI11
Jane brings her young son to you who has the mumps. You do an auricular treatment on him. Which points do you choose?
Adrenal, Subcortex, Endocrine
Parotid gland, Cheek, Subcortex
Lung, Trachea, Adrenal
Neurogate, Lung, Subcortex
Tom comes to you with digestive complaints. He has abdominal fullness and bloating even without eating. He says he has no appetite and just feels heavy. His tongue coat is white and sticky. Which point prescription would you choose?
+KD10, +HT3, -SP3, -HT7
+KD10, +PC3, -SP3, -PC7
+LU8, +LV4, -HT8, -LV2
+LV1, +SP1, -LU8, -SP5
The point combination to resolve damp and tonify Middle Jiao is?
ST40 + SP9
REN12 + SP9
ST36 + SP9
SP10 + LV8
GB37 + SI6 is used for
Treating bone issues
Treating geriatric eye diseases
Treating insomnia
Treating Yin jaundice
Your patient has been diagnosed with torticollis. Which pont combination would you use?
Luozhen + SI7
Luozhen + SI3
Luozhen + LU7
Luozhen + LI4
For epigastric pain
Use large or medium cups on upper abdomen or back she for 10-15 minutes
Use large or medium cups on upper abdomen or back shu for 30-35 minutes
Use large or medium cups on lower abdomen or back shu for 10-15 minutes
Use large or medium cups on lower abdomen or back shu for 30-35 minutes
For hiccups you would
Cup UB12, UB13, UB15, LU1
Cup UB17, UB46, UB18, REN12, ST18
Cup UB13, UB17
Cup UB13, LU1, UB15, UB17
ST20 is used for
Excess diarrhea
Deficiency diarrhea
Damp Heat diarrhea
All types of diarrhea
Which statement is correct?
For malposition of the fetus, after 40 weeks moxa UB67 for 15-20 minutes once or twice a day till the fetal position is corrected.
For malposition of the fetus, after 30 weeks moxa GB41 for 15-20 minutes once or twice a day till the fetal position is corrected.
For malposition of the fetus, after 40 weeks prick to bleed SI1 once or twice a day till the fetal position is corrected.
For malposition of the fetus, after 30 weeks moxa UB67 for 15-20 minutes once or twice a day till the fetal position is corrected.
Disseminates and descends lung qi, clears heat and moistens the lung, clears heat and stops bleeding and moderates acute conditions are functions of which point?
Which point is the command point of the face?
Which point is level with DU24?
Which point lifts the abdomen for abdominal prolapse?
Which point benefits the Kidney and firms essence, regulates qi in the lower jiao for qi stagnation issues andpromotes urination?
Which point stops bleeding, regulates the Spleen, unbinds the chest, calms the heart and spirit and restores consciousness?
When using a plum blossom needle on a person with a weak constitution you will
Tap heavily till skin is moist and slightly bleeding
Tap till there is a hot sensation
Tap lightly till there is bleeding and then place cup over area
Tap lightly till skin is red
The wrist auricular point is located
On scapha level with prominence on Darwin's tubercle
On helix, level with neck point
On border of scapha, lateral to neck point onthe antehelix
On scapha, level with supratragic notch
The point located on the antitragus, medial to stop wheezing point treats
Inflammation, allergies, shock, rheumatism
Glaucoma, atrophy of optic nerve
Parotitis, obstruction of the parotid ducts
Disease of nervous, digestive, endocrine and urogenital systems
The Lung Back Shu is level with
Where is the Group Luo Points of the 3 leg yang located?
5 cun directly above the tip of the external malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula
4 cun above and slightly anterior to the tip of the external malleolus, on the anterior border of the fibula
3 cun above the tip of the external malleolus, in the depression between the posterior border of the fibula
Anterior and inferior to the eternal malleolus, in the depression on the lateral side of the tendon of m. Extensor digitorum longus
The He-Sea point of the Lung is located?
In the cubital crease on the radial side of tendon m. Biceps brachii with the elbow slightly flexed.
1 cun below LU2 level with the 1st intercostal space 6 cun to the midline
On the palmar aspect of the forearm, in line jointing LU9 and LU5, 7 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist
The radial aspect, midpoint (thenar eminence) of the first metacarpal bone, junction of the dorsum and palm of the hand
The Xi-Cleft point of the Lung is located?
In the cubital crease on the radial side of tendon m. Biceps brachii with the elbow slightly flexed.
1 cun below LU2 level with the 1st intercostal space 6 cun to the midline
On the palmar aspect of the forearm, in line jointing LU9 and LU5, 7 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist
The radial aspect, midpoint (thenar eminence) of the first metacarpal bone, junction of the dorsum and palm of the hand
Karen has been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia Syndrome 15 years ago. She also has insomnia. You notice her head has a slight shake. Her tongue is pale and deviated and her pulse is hesitant. Her point prescription is?
LV3, LI4, SJ5, DU19, SP6, LV8, KD3
LV3, GB34, UB18. SP10, SP6, LV8, KID3
ST36, SP6, SP3, REN12
ST36, SP6, LV8, UB18
Which point combination would you chose for somnolence?
Sedate KD6 + Tonify UB62
Sedate KD7 + Tonify UB62
Tonify KD6 + Sedate UB62
Tonify KD7 + Sedate UB62
Which point combination would you chose for bone issues?
SP10 + UB17
GB39 + UB11
PC6 + UB11
SP10 + GB39
{"name":"Points test #3", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Your patient comes to you because she is having loss of bladder control at night. She also has low back achiness and fatigue. Which point prescription would you choose?, The NADA protocol for addictions is?, Your patient comes to you with hypertension. Without using the Lower blood pressure groove which ear points would you choose?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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