Grammar Study Guide Part 2

Which of the four alternatives completes the sentences in the correct or most likely way? Sometimes more than one alternative is possible.
Which of the four alternatives completes the sentences in the correct or most likely way? Sometimes more than one alternative is possible.
I'll be with you in .................................... .
One quarter of an hour
A quarter of an hour
A quarter of one hour
A quarter of hour
Look at ..................................... It's very bright ronight.
The moons
The moon
A moon
Sydney is .................................... .
A beautiful city
Beautiful city
The beautiful city
The beautiful cities
...................... Of the present continuous tense on page 32.
There are example
There are examples
There are the examples
There is example
.................................... Is one of the many factors involved in changing farming methods.
A climate
The climate
Against her parents' wishes, sbe wanes to be .................. .
The journalist
A journalist
'You look upset.' 'Yes, I've had .................................... .'
The terrible morning
Terrible morning
Some terrible morning
A terrible morning
I haven't been here for .................................... .
Some years
Any years
The years
We haven't got .................................... left.
A butter
Any butter
The butter
Some butter
'Where were you last week?' 'I was visiting .................... '
Any friends
The friends
Some friends
.................................... My jewellery is missing.
Some of
Any of
.......................... The furnicure ....................... Arrived yet.
None ... has
None ... have
None of ... has
None of ... have
I phoned Sarah at home, but .................... .
There were no answers
there were no answer
There was no answers
There was no answer
There isn't .................. Traffic along the street where I live.
Much of
Many of
.................................... The food was inedible.
A large amount of
Many of
Much of
A large number of
.................................... Waiting to hear the results.
Everyone was
All was
Everyone were
All were
Following the flood, .................................... In the area ................................... . Major repair work.
Ach of building ... need
Every building ... needs
Every building ... need
Each buildings ... need
.................................... to Athens during the vacation.
All they are going
They are all going
They all are going
They are going all
There is ............................... Evidence to support his claim.
A little of
A few
We should use ...... ................. ....... Time we have available to discuss Jon's proposal.
A the little of
The little
The few
My mother .................................... Enjoys hill walking.
who is in her seventies
That is in her seventies,
, which is in her seventies,
, who is in her seventies,
She's one of the kindest people .................................... .
That I know
I know
Who l know
Which I know
Do you know the date .................................... We have to hand in the essay?
On which
By which
The valley ........................ The town lies is heavily polluted.
In that
in which
The prisoners .................................... Are all women.
Who being released
Are being released
Being released
Who are being released
She lives in the house .................................... .
Which has the red door
Has the red door
With the red door
Which with the red door
'Wait a minute,' said Frank, .................................... .
Runnjng through the door
Run through the door
Ran through the door
Runs tnrough the door
.................................... By the boys' behaviour, she complained to the head teacher.
She annoyed
She was annoyed
.......................... At the parry, we saw Ruth standing alone.
We arrived
We were arriving
John was the first person I saw ........................... hospital.
By leaving
On leaving
In leaving
On to leave
'What did you do co your hand?' 'I ............................ when I was chopping vegetables.'
Cut me
Myself cut
Cut myself
The scheme allows students from many countries to communicate .................................... .
Each other
With each other
With one another
We are confident that both sets of fans will .................................... At the match.
Behave itself
Behave them
Behave themselves
'We need new curtains.' 'Okay, let's buy .................. .'
Ones with flowers on
The two children ................. For breaking the window.
Each blamed other
Blamed other
Blamed each other
Did my brother
I had a racing bike when I was young, and .............. .
My brother did so
So did my brother
So my brother
Did so my brother
'I don't suppose there'll be any sears left.' 'No, 1 .................................... .'
Don't suppose
Don't suppose so
Suppose not
They needed someone who was both an excellent administrator and manager ..................................... Was not easy to find.
Such person
A such person
Such a person
'They could have been delayed by the snow.' 'Yes, they .................................... .'
Could have
Could been
Could have been
The report is very critical and is clearly ..................... .
intended to be
Intended to
Intend to be
He is a ............................. ...... .
capable of taking difficult decisions manager
Manager capable of taking difficult decisions
Capable manager of taking difficult decisions
Manager capable to take difficult decisions
Our teacher gave us ........................ Problem to solve.
A very impossible
A completely impossible
An absolutely impossible
An extremely impossible
Some experience is .................................... For the job.
Really essential
Fairly essential
Pretty essential
Very essential
I met my .................................. Professor the other day. She is now advising on the government's ................................... .
Old politics ... Very foreign policy
Very old politics ... Foreign policy
Very old polirics ... Very foreign policy
Old politics ... Foreign policy
I drank some .............. .............. ..... coffee .
Good very Brazilian
Brazilian very good
Very good Brazilian
Very Brazilian good
I was .................................... To find that the film was quite .................................... .
Surprised ... frightening
Surprised ... frightened
Surprising ... frightening
Surprising ... frightened
My watch was among rhe .. ................................ .
Things taken
Taken things
Things stolen
Stolen things
He was busy .................................... His homework .
To do
Thar he was doing
He was doing
lt was ............................... As we went into the room.
Strange quiet
Strange quietly
Strangely quiet
Strangely quietly
She ................................. .. Towards the door.
Quick ran
Ran quick
Ran quickly
Quickly ran
It was the ............. .... .. .............. Thing to say.
Most ridiculous
Most ridiculousest
Why did you buy these oranges?' 'They were ............ .
the cheapest
the cheapest ones I could find
Cheapest ones I cou.ld find
She was ............................ As anyone could have had.
As patient teacher
A patient a teacher
As patient as teacher
As patient a teacher
Have you heard the good news?................................. .
In May, Jane had a baby
Jane had a baby in May
Jane in May had a baby
Jane had in May a baby
................ Derek nowadays, he's so busy at the office.
We see hardly ever
We hardly see ever
We hardly ever see
Hardly we ever see
Only later .................................... How much damage had been caused.
She realised
She did realised
Did she realise
Realised she
We .................................... With the decision.
Agree very much
Much agree
Agree much
Very much agree
.................................... , this summer is a crucial time for the government.
Politics speaking
In political terms
In a political point of view
I ....................... Unwell when I .................... This morning.
felt ... Get up
Felt ... Got up
Feel. .. Get up
Feel. .. got
Have something to ear before you .................................... .
Will leave
had left
I still feel tired .................................... In the morning.
When I wake up
As I wake up
When I will wake up
while I wake up
We were delayed ........ ........................... An accident.
Because of there was
because there was
because of
The land was bought quickly .................................... Delay the building work.
So as not to
So not to
Not to
in order not to
.................................... They slept soundly.
Hot though was rhe night air
Hot though the night air was
Hot as the night air was
Hot although the night air was
l'll give you a lift if it .................................... .
is raining
will rain
If I had known how difficult the job was, I .................... it.
won't have taken
Wouldn't have taken
Won't take it
Mightn't have take
If I .................................... A more reliable car, I .................................... to Spain rather than fly.
Would have ... Would drive
Had ... Had driven
Had ... Would drive
would have had ... Would drive
If the technology .................................... available, we would be able to expand the business.
Would become
Were become
Were to become
If the North Sea .................................... In winter, you could walk from London to Oslo.
happened to freeze
Should freeze
should happen to freeze
.................................... In my seventies and rather unfit, it might consider taking up squash.
Were I not
Was I not
Weren't I
If I wasn't
They couldn't decide .................................... It was worth re-sitting the exam.
Whether or not
If or not
It was midday ..................................... , I put on the light.
Even so
Even though
He suddenly saw Sue .................................... The room. He pushed his way .................................... The crowd of people to get to her.
Across ... through
Between ... between
Among ... between
Among ... among
The concert features, .................................... others, Karl Frisk and the Johnsons. Their music is still very popular .. ................................ teenagers.
Between ... among
Between ... between
Among ... between
Among ... among
.................................... A pause in the conversation, she left the room.
.................................... cricket, I enjoy watching football and basketball.
Apart from
Except for
He got angry when they started to .................................... His private life.
Ask after
Ask about
Enquire about
Enquire after
What's the chance .................................... Five heads when you toss a coin five times?
Of throwing
To throw
Of throw
She tried to .................................... .
Talk me the plan out of
Talk out of me the plan
Talk me out of the plan
Talk out me of the plan
.................... People trying to get into the football stadium.
There were too much
There were too many
Lt was too many
There was too many
When Bond saw Vanya taking photographs of the plane, .................................... That she was a spy.
Dawned on him
It dawned him
It dawned on him
It dawned on
I .................................... You can swim so well and I can't.
Hate it that
Hate that
Hate it
Dave lost his job and was short of money, so .................................... His flat and move in with his brother.
That he did was to sell
What he did was to sell
What he did sold
What he did was sell
.................................... Been diverted, they would have arrived early.
Had the plane not
Hadn't the plane
The plane had not
The plane not had
.................... that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50.
So successfuJ her business was,
So successful was her business,
Her business was so successful
So was her successful business
{"name":"Grammar Study Guide Part 2", "url":"","txt":"Which of the four alternatives completes the sentences in the correct or most likely way? Sometimes more than one alternative is possible.","img":""}
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