Certification Final Exam

Which step in the Process Review allows the dealership to focus on their goals?
A. Putting up their process
B. Walking their process
C. Defining Customer and Dealership wants
D. Sitting around and chatting
When identifying the dealerships process, where should you start?
A. The beginning, when the truck pulls up
B. The end, what is the final step
C. The middle – the beginning and end don’t matter
D. Wherever the dealership wants to start
During the managers kick off meeting, what is the most important item to emphasize?
A. The introduction
B. The agenda
C. The training day
D. Management involvement
On average how long should the classroom demonstration portion of the on-site training last?
A. 3 hours
B. 1.5 hours
C. .5 hours
D. 8 hours
Starting on the All Cases screen, there are several tabs at the top right of the screen, name 3 of them.
What is the recommended time frame for cases on the All Cases screen?
A. 2 days
B. This month
C. This week
D. Calendar date range
The All Cases screen has two tabs. What are the two tabs called?
When customizing the All Cases screen, updating the all cases tab with the gear icon automatically updates the my cases tab.
Which direction are the columns read when selecting from the list?
A. Top to bottom is read left to right
B. Top to bottom is read right to left
C. It doesn’t matter
When searching for an asset, the recommended search is?
A. Customer Name
B. Tag Number
C. Customer Number
D. Asset Serial Number
After searching for an asset, when the search results are found, which link should be clicked next?
A. Customer name link
B. Edit asset link
C. New case link
D. Active cases link
What are the four Quick Action Buttons?
Which of the following is captured in the Status Info section of the editing case screen? (select all that apply)
A. Created date and time
B. Complaint
C. Repair Status
F. Invoice Total
G. Mileage
H. Follow Up Time
I. Asset Arrived
J. All of the above
K. None of the above
ETR stands for _______________ and should be set for ________________ when estimate is sent to customer?
A. Estimate Time of Repair, the exact time the SRT (Standard Repair Time) gives for the repair
B. Extra Time Required, SRT (Standard Repair Time) + 50%
C. Estimated Time of Repair, the time the user tells the customer the unit will be completed
D. Extra Terrestrial Reasoning, light years from now
Which button can be used to capture the primary contact, and the complaint?
A. Workflow
B. Case Info (VMRS)
C. Appointments
D. Notes
The estimates are posted so the customer can view them by using the Quick Action Buttons.
Which function does every Quick Action Button do?
A. Send a note to the case/customer
B. Update arrived at time
C. Update ETR
D. Update complaint
The Check In Quick Action Button specifically allows the user to?
A. Send a custom note
B. Enter an arrived at time
D. All the above
E. None of the above
Searching for an operation requires the specific operation name.
Once an operation is added, the editing operation screen allows the user to adjust which of the following fields?
A. Name
B. Labor time
C. Skill level
D. Set a fixed price
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
Creating a custom (ad hoc) operation for one case means it will be available for any case going forward.
Using the checkbox next to an operation, that operation can be/have?
A. Marked as not sold
B. Core charges added
C. The complaint added to the operation
D. None of the above
The device used for mobile check in must?
A. Be an Apple product
B. Be an Android product
C. Have an auto focus rear facing camera
D. Have an expensive QR code reading application installed
Every note is recorded and available to both the customers and the dealership personnel.
Notes are able to be deleted, or edited if there is a mistake as long as?
A. A request is sent in
B. The user has not made the note public
C. There is no recipient
D. Notes are never deleted or edited once part of the case
Attachments added to a case are?
A. Always available to everyone
B. Able to be marked as internal or external
C. Only available to the dealership users
D. Only available to the customers
Attachments can be deleted by?
A. Any user
B. The customer
C. A user with management permissions or higher
D. Any guy walking down the street
The two places an attachment can be added are case level and asset level?
Which two fields are required when filling out the new customer form?
A. Address
B. Customer name
C. Customer number
D. Notes
E. All of the above
F. None of the above
If the asset is not found in a serial number search, the users next step is to?
A. Give up
B. Search by customer name
C. Search by tag number
D. Close out and start over
PACCAR OEM integration includes which of the following?
A. Single sign on
C. Warranty and recall data
D. All of the above
Which of the following items can be adjusted by users with admin permissions?
A. Labor rates
B. Sales tax
C. Location information
D. Shop supplies
E. All of the above
When assigning user permissions the roles do not mean anything.
Which of the following items are required when creating a new user?
A. A unique user name
B. The user's home address
C. The user's unique email address
D. None of the above
E. A&C above
F. All of the above
The platform replaces the location’s business system?
Name three business systems that the dealership may use that we integrate with.
Do any of the business systems auto return the RO number?
Which of the following business systems do not auto return the RO number?
A. Karmak Info 5
B. Karmak Fusion
D. Procede
What section should be reviewed when an export fails?
A. Notes
B. Location information
C. External Interface Logs
D. Case History
If objections come up during training on the platform you should?
A. Ignore them
B. Give use examples to counter the objection
C. Tell the boss the users aren’t cooperating
D. Pull the person aside and tell them they are wrong
What should you do if one person starts monopolizing the classroom training?
A. Tell them to sit down and hush
B. Ignore them
C. Redirect their questions
D. Suggest you can discuss that with them after the training
E. C&D above
F. None of the above, let the champion deal with them
Vision shows the following (click all that apply)?
A. Real time updates
B. Ability to set filters
C. Trending reporting
D. Notifications
E. None of the above
Insite reporting provides real time updates.
Insite reporting has which of the following characteristics?
A. Real time updates
B. Provides a look into what is trending
C. Dashboards to view several reports at one time
D. B&C above
E. A&B above
F. All of the above
G. None of the above
The debrief meeting occurs?
A. 10 days after the on-site
B. At the conclusion of the on-site training
C. 3 days after the on-site
D. The first day of the on-site training
The debrief meeting should include?
A. The same group that was in the kick off meeting
B. Everybody who was trained
C. The general manager only
D. The person who knows the most
When conducting the debrief meeting you should include both what went well and what needs work?
At the debrief meeting the first follow up should be scheduled for?
A. 14 days after the on-site
C. 3-10 days after the on-site
D. 30 days after the on-site
E. All of the above
Of the choices below, who are the people who should be involved in the checkpoint call (check all that apply)?
A. Anybody who wants to join
B. Dealer Principle
C. Only the people that were in training
D. Business Champion
Describe the proper way to teach a user how to get help / answers to questions.
{"name":"Certification Final Exam", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Which step in the Process Review allows the dealership to focus on their goals?, When identifying the dealerships process, where should you start?, 3During the managers kick off meeting, what is the most important item to emphasize?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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