Chapter 15

"Waving the bloody shirt" referred to:
A sign of surrender that southern whites used to signify their loss of power.
A powerful symbol of Ku Klux Klan violence against African-Americans.
Andrew Johnson's use of Abraham Lincoln's death for political purposes.
a Democratic campaign prop that reminded voters that Republicans had been responsible for the Civil War.
A Republican attempt to associate Democrats with secession and treason.
Andrew Johnson:
Agreed with Lincoln that some African-Americans should be allowed suffrage rights.
Lacked Lincoln's political skills and keen sense of public opinion.
Displayed a great ability to compromise, very much like Lincoln.
Won the Democratic presidential nomination in 1868, but narrowly lost the election.
Simply continued Lincoln's Reconstruction policies.
Black officeholders during Reconstruction:
Demonstrated that whites had lost all of their political power in the South.
Were extremely rare.
Helped ensure a degree of fairness in treatment of African-American citizens.
Were limited to local offices.
Were entirely carpetbaggers and scalawags.
General William T. Sherman's Special Field Order 15:
Gave freed slaves the right to find family members who had been sold.
Gave his men instructions to burn their way through the southern interior to the Atlantic coast.
Gave forty acres and a mule to blacks who wished to move to the unsettled American Southwest.
Established the Freedmen's Bureau to help blacks make the transition from slavery to freedom.
set aside the Sea Islands and forty-acre tracts of land in South Carolina and Georgia for black families.
In the 1870s, who claimed to have saved the white South from the corruption and misgovernment of northern and black officials?
Ulysses Grant
The Bargain of 1877:
Called for the passage of the Fifteenth Amendment.
Was made by Grant to prevent his impeachment over the Whiskey Ring.
Marked a compromise between Radical and Liberal Republicans.
Led to the appointment of a southerner as postmaster general.
Allowed Samuel Tilden to become president.
The crop-lien system:
Annoyed bankers and merchants who resented how it made them dependent on farmers.
Annoyed bankers and merchants who resented how it made them dependent on farmers.
Enabled yeoman farmers to continue to function under the same system as before the Civil War.
applied only to African-American farmers.
Kept many sharecroppers in a state of constant debt and poverty.
The election of 1876:
Was won by Ulysses S. Grant, by a narrow count.
Was tainted by claims of fraud in Florida, South Carolina, and Louisiana.
Marked the final stage of Reconstruction, which ended in 1880.
Was won by Rutherford B. Hayes, by a landslide.
Was finally decided by the Supreme Court.
The Enforcement Acts, passed by Congress in 1870 and 1871, were designed to:
increase the authority of the Freedmen's Bureau.
enforce the Emancipation Proclamation in the Confederate states
Eliminate racial discrimination in public spaces such as hotels and theaters.
End Reconstruction by allowing state governments to oversee citizenship rights.
Stop the activities of terrorist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan
The Fifteenth Amendment:
Sought to guarantee that one could not be denied suffrage rights based on race.
Granted women the right to vote in federal but not state elections.
Was drafted by Susan B. Anthony.
Made states responsible for determining all voter qualifications.
Was endorsed by President Andrew Johnson.
The Fourteenth Amendment:
Represented a compromise between the moderate and conservative positions on race.
Specifically defined suffrage as one of the civil rights to which freedpeople were entitled.
Passed despite the opposition of Charles Sumner.
Placed into the U.S. Constitution an essential holding of the Dred Scott decision.
Marked the most important change in the U.S. Constitution since the Bill of Rights
The Prostrate State depicts:
An economically weak South unable to contribute to the national economy.
South Carolina under allegedly corrupt Negro rule during Reconstruction.
A terrorized black community during the reign of the Ku Klux Klan.
An apathetic Congress that has given up on Reconstruction after 1870.
an ailing slave who is unable to live long enough to see emancipation.
The Whiskey Ring scandal took place during the administration of:
Andrew Johnson.
Rutherford Hayes.
Abraham Lincoln.
Ulysses Grant.
Chester Arthur.
When Congress sent Andrew Johnson the Civil Rights Bill of 1866, he:
Suggested that it did not go far enough to secure racial equality.
Argued that it discriminated against whites.
Contended that it gave too much authority to the states.
Won widespread public approval for his response.
Signed it, creating an irreparable breach between himself and the Republicans.
Which of the following was NOT an accomplishment of southern governments run by Republicans during Reconstruction?
Widespread transformation of plantations into black-owned farms
Tax incentives to attract northern manufacturers to invest in the region
State-supported public schools
Pioneering civil rights legislation
Finance of railroad construction in the region
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