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Sea Scout Ship Luna 2016 Elections

Bosun: "president" of the ship, leads meetings, is in charge of making sure everything gets done on time. Helps other Scouts accomplish their tasks. Direct the development of the Ship's operational plan.
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2nd Choice
3rd Choice
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Bosun's Mate for Administration: Take over for Bosun when necessary. Leads recruitment and retention. Recognize achievements of members. Conduct opening and closing ceremonies for the Ship.
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
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Bosun's Mate for Programming: Collect ideas for activities and meetings. Maintain activities file. Help Activity Chairs plan and conduct successful activities.
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
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Yeoman: Keep minutes of quarterdeck and ship meetings. Keep membership records. Keep ship members informed of upcoming activities and meetings. Supervise Ship correspondence.
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
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Historian: Update and maintain Ship Scrapbook.
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
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Purser: Track income and expenses with guidance from adult committee treasurer. With help of Skipper and officers, set up a yearly budget. Make regular treasury reports.
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
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Purser Mate: Assist Purser as needed.
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
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Storekeeper: Procure and arrange equipment maintenance. Track coming and going of Ship equipment. Keep and inventory of equipment.
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
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{"name":"Sea Scout Ship Luna 2016 Elections", "url":"","txt":"Bosun: \"president\" of the ship, leads meetings, is in charge of making sure everything gets done on time. Helps other Scouts accomplish their tasks. Direct the development of the Ship's operational plan., Bosun's Mate for Administration: Take over for Bosun when necessary. Leads recruitment and retention. Recognize achievements of members. Conduct opening and closing ceremonies for the Ship., Bosun's Mate for Programming: Collect ideas for activities and meetings. maintain activities file. Help Activity Chairs plan and conduct successful activities.","img":""}
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