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New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 6 Apr 21
[2104.01225] Shivangi Shree, Delphine Lagarde, Laurent Lombez et al.: Interlayer exciton mediated second harmonic generation in bilayer MoS2
[2104.01234] A. Chacon, L. Heinen, M. Halder et al.: Observation of two independent skyrmion phases in a chiral magnetic material
[2104.01236] Yasuhiro Hatsugai: Revisiting Flat bands and localization
[2104.01243] Arijit Mahapatra, David Saintillan, Padmini Rangamani: Curvature-driven feedback on aggregation-diffusion of proteins in lipid bilayers
[2104.01245] R. E. Putnam Jr., M. E. Raikh: Renormalization of the 3D exciton spectrum by the disorder
[2104.01250] Artsiom Kazlou, Alexander L. Chekhov, Alexander I. Stognij et al.: Surface plasmon-enhanced photo-magnetic excitation of spin dynamics in Au/YIG:Co magneto-plasmonic crystals
[2104.01267] Paulina Kulyavtsev, Grigory Eremeev, Sam Posen: Simulations of $Nb_{3}Sn$ Layer RF Field Limits Due to Thermal Impedance
[2104.01278] Omar Abel Rodríguez-López, Elías Castellanos: Oscillating Quantum Droplets from the free expansion of Logarithmic One-Dimensional Bose Gases
[2104.01298] Surajit Sarkar, Hritinava Banik, Sudip Suklabaidya et al.: Resistive switching of tetraindolyl derivative in ultrathin films: A potential candidate for non-volatile memory applications
[2104.01307] Nzar Rauf Abdullah, Hunar Omar Rashid, Vidar Gudmundsson: Study of BC$_{14}$N-bilayer graphene: Effects of atomic spacing and interatomic interaction between B and N atoms
[2104.01311] Yefan Tian, Yanglin Zhu, Rui Li et al.: NMR determination of van Hove singularity and Lifshitz transitions in nodal-line semimetal ZrSiTe
[2104.01313] Can B. Uzundal, Sasawat Jamnuch, Emma Berger et al.: Polarization-Resolved Extreme Ultraviolet Second Harmonic Generation from LiNbO$_3$
[2104.01333] Ze-Jin Yang, Ju-Xiang Shao, Heng-Na Xiong et al.: Searched low-energy magnetic cobalt and manganese silicides, germanide from first-principles calculations
[2104.01335] Yi-Wen Liu, Chen-Yue Hao, Lin He: Tailoring energy landscape of graphene nanostructures on graphene and realizing atomically precise graphene origami using tilt grain boundaries
[2104.01342] Qi Xue, Eric Larose, Ludovic Moreau et al.: Ultrasonic monitoring of stress and cracks of the 1/3 scale mock-up of nuclear reactor concrete containment structure
[2104.01347] Tran Dinh Cuong, Anh D. Phan: Theoretical Model for the High-Pressure Melting Process of MgO with the B1 Structure
[2104.01352] Mario Boley, Matthias Scheffler: Learning Rules for Materials Properties and Functions
[2104.01388] Hai-Yao Deng, Egor A. Muljarov: A resolution of the problem of additional boundary conditions
[2104.01389] Christian Franz, Steffen Säubert, Andreas Wendl et al.: MIEZE Neutron Spin-Echo Spectroscopy of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
[2104.01407] Yongqing Cai, Jianwei Huang, Taimin Miao et al.: Genuine Electronic Structure and Superconducting Gap Structure in (Ba$_{0.6}$K$_{0.4}$)Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ Superconductor
[2104.01455] Mike Pols, José Manuel Vicent-Luna, Ivo Filot et al.: Atomistic insights into the degradation of halide perovskites: a reactive force field molecular dynamics study
[2104.01462] Hong-Guang Duan, Ajay Jha, Lipeng Chen et al.: Disentangling Dynamical Quantum Coherences in the Fenna-Matthews-Olson Complex
[2104.01463] S. Vaitiekėnas, R. Seoane Souto, Y. Liu et al.: Spin-polarized bound states in semiconductor-superconductor-ferromagnetic insulator islands
[2104.01465] Aisha Aqeel, Jan Sahliger, Guowei Li et al.: Growth and helicity of non-centrosymmetric Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$ crystals
[2104.01479] Mostafa Tanhayi Ahari, Shu Zhang, Ji Zou et al.: Controlled topological charge injection in topological matters
[2104.01485] Hong-Chen Jiang, Steven A. Kivelson: High Temperature Superconductivity in a Lightly Doped Quantum Spin Liquid
[2104.01491] Yu Qiao, Zhaoru Shang: A Monte Carlo Simulation of Locally Nonchaotic Barrier: Production of Work in an Isothermal Cycle
[2104.01496] Philipp M Pelz, Alexander Rakowski, Luis Rangel DaCosta et al.: A Fast Algorithm for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) Imaging and 4D-STEM Diffraction Simulations
[2104.01505] Susmita Bhattacharya, Goutam Kumar Chandra, P. Predeep: A microstructural analysis of 2D halide perovskites: Stability and functionality
[2104.01565] Dai Aoki, Motoi Kimata, Yoshiki J. Sato et al.: Field-Induced Superconductivity near the Superconducting Critical Pressure in UTe2
[2104.01570] Jiseon Shin, Bheema Lingam Chittari, Jeil Jung: Stacking and gate tunable topological flat bands, gaps and anisotropic strip patterns in twisted trilayer graphene
[2104.01580] Arun Singh Babal, Barbara E. Souza, Annika F. Möslein et al.: Broadband dielectric behavior of MIL-100 metal-organic framework as a function of structural amorphization
[2104.01581] Chiu Fan Lee: Polar-Nematic Order at the Interface of Motility-Induced Phase Separation: The Importance of Looking Ahead
[2104.01591] Alexandros Vekris, Juan Carlos Estrada Saldaña, Thomas Kanne et al.: Josephson junctions in double nanowires bridged by in-situ deposited superconductors
[2104.01602] Ryo Matsumoto, Sayaka Yamamoto, Yoshihiko Takano et al.: Crystal Growth and High-Pressure Effects of Bi-Based Superconducting Whiskers
[2104.01610] Andrey A. Kistanov, Stepan A. Shcherbinin, Svetlana V. Ustiuzhanina et al.: First-Principles Prediction of Two-Dimensional B3C2P3 and B2C4P2: Structural Stability, Fundamental Properties, and...
[2104.01613] Jian Li, Mrityunjay Kothari, Chockalingam Senthilnathan et al.: Growth and Morphogenesis of a Confined Body: Nonlinear Inclusion Theory
[2104.01623] Maituo Yu, Saeed Moayedpour, Shuyang Yang et al.: Dependence of the electronic structure of the EuS/InAs interface on the bonding configuration
[2104.01629] Banasree Sadhukhan, Tanay Nag: Electronic structure and unconventional non-linear response in SrSi$_2$
[2104.01635] R. N. Bhatt, Akshay Krishna: Topology and many-body localization
[2104.01640] B. Sotillo, F. A. Lopez, L. Alcaraz et al.: Characterization of Nb22O54 microrods grown from niobium oxide powders recovered from mine tailings
[2104.01653] Clarissa J. Barratt, Sungguen Ryu, Lewis A. Clark et al.: Phase averaging and arrival times in a hot-electron Mach-Zehnder interferometer
[2104.01682] Fengshan Zheng, Filipp N. Rybakov, Nikolai S. Kiselev et al.: Magnetic skyrmion braids
[2104.01698] Ran Tao, Madelyn Wilson, Eric R. Weeks: Clogging of soft particles in 2D hoppers
[2104.01738] J. M. Vicent-Luna, S. Apergi, S. Tao: Efficient Computation of Metal Halide Perovskites Properties using the Extended Density Functional Tight Binding: GFN1-xTB Method
[2104.01775] Shuo Zhou, Antoinette Tordesillas, Mehdi Pouragha et al.: On local intrinsic dimensionality of deformation in complex materials
[2104.01783] Zhehao Ge, Sergey Slizovskiy, Fredric Joucken et al.: Control of Giant Topological Magnetic Moment and Valley Splitting in Trilayer Graphene
[2104.01790] Yunfei Wang, Nguyen Thi My Duc, Tangfeng Feng et al.: Competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions drive the magnetocaloric tunability in Gd55Co30NixAl15-x microwires
[2104.01796] Hailong Wang, Yuxuan Xiao, Mingda Guo et al.: Spin Pumping of an Easy-Plane Antiferromagnet Enhanced by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction
[2104.01814] Mizuki Ohno, Masaki Uchida, Ryosuke Kurihara et al.: Quantum transport observed in films of magnetic topological semimetal EuSb$_2$
[2104.01831] R. Schäfer, Peter M. Oppeneer, Alexey Ognev et al.: Analyser-free, intensity-based wide-field magneto-optical microscopy
[2104.01833] Daigorou Hirai, Zenji Hiroi: Possible quadrupole order in tetragonal Ba2CdReO6 and chemical trend in the ground states of 5d1 double perovskites
[2104.01838] Daigorou Hirai, Takeshi Yajima, Kazuhiro Nawa et al.: Anisotropic Triangular Lattice Realized in Rhenium Oxychlorides A3ReO5Cl2 (A = Ba and Sr)
[2104.01860] Benoit Estienne, Blagoje Oblak, Jean-Marie Stéphan: Ergodic Edge Modes in the 4D Quantum Hall Effect
[2104.01872] B. N. J. Persson: On opening crack propagation in viscoelastic solids
[2104.01878] Xiao Wan, Dengke Ma, Dongkai Pan et al.: Optimizing Thermal Transport in Graphene Nanoribbon Based on Phonon Resonance Hybridization
[2104.01898] Usman Khan, Lei Tang, Baofu Ding et al.: Catalyst-Free Growth of Atomically-thin Bi2O2Se Nanoribbons for High-performance Electronics and Optoelectronics
[2104.01901] M. Urban, S. Ramanan: Low-momentum interactions for ultracold Fermi gases
[2104.01903] Junru Pan, Feng Jin, Jianting Ji et al.: Two-magnon Raman scattering in antiferromagnetic phases of frustrated spin models on the honeycomb lattice
[2104.01904] Samantha O'Sullivan, Ruizhe Kang, Jules A. Gardener et al.: Imaging Se diffusion across the FeSe/SrTiO$_3$ interface
[2104.01951] I. I. Tagiltsev, A. V. Shutov: Combined experimental/theoretical approach to residual stresses within multiplicative elasto-plasticity
[2104.01969] Y. Ishii, A. Yamamoto, N. Sato et al.: Glasslike phonon excitation caused by ferroelectric structural instability
[2104.01973] Timoteo Carletti, Duccio Fanelli: Dynamical systems on hypergraphs
[2104.01974] Mengjie Sun, Huihang Lin, Zheng Zhang et al.: Effective Model for Rare-earth Kitaev Materials and its Classical Monte Carlo Simulation
[2104.01998] D. Roy, R. T. Clay, S. Mazumdar: Absence of superconductivity in the Hubbard dimer model for kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2X
[2104.02006] Qianlang Liu, Barnaby D. A. Levin, Diane M. Haiber et al.: An $\textit{In Situ}$ Light Illumination System for an Aberration-Corrected Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 6 Apr 21","img":""}
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