Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in hep-ph on Mon, 5 Apr 21
[2104.00685] Michael Lublinsky, Jared Reiten, Andrey V. Sadofyev: Magnetic monopole in a chiral plasma: chiral dyon
[2104.00740] V.I. Yukalov, E.P. Yukalova: Self-similar extrapolation in quantum field theory
[2104.00747] Bartosz Fornal, Barmak Shams Es Haghi, Jiang-Hao Yu et al.: Gravitational Waves from Mini-Split SUSY
[2104.00752] D. Harnett, J. Ho, T.G. Steele: Correlations Between the Strange Quark Condensate, Strange Quark Mass, and Kaon PCAC Relation
[2104.00888] Kento Asai, Takeo Moroi, Atsuya Niki: Leptophilic Gauge Bosons at ILC Beam Dump Experiment
[2104.00890] Cheng-Wei Chiang, Kei Yagyu: Radiative Seesaw Mechanism for Charged Leptons
[2104.00918] J. Ferretti, E. Santopinto: Quark structure of the $X(4500)$, $X(4700)$ and $χ_{\rm c}(4P,5P)$ states
[2104.00937] A. Galoyan, A. Ribon, V. Uzhinsky: Geant4 FTF model description of the latest data by the NA61/SHINE collaboration on ${\rm ^{40}Ar+{}^{45}Sc}$ interactions
[2104.01003] M. Köksal: Model-independent study on the anomalous $τ\barτγ$ couplings at the ILC
[2104.01009] Rajeev Singh: Conformal transformations of conservation equations in spin hydrodynamics
[2104.01045] AiGeng Yang, Hao Sun: Scalar dark matter with $Z_3$ symmetry in Type-II Seesaw
[2104.01047] DaZhuang He, Xuan Luo, YiLing Xie et al.: Theoretical study in the $\bar{B}^0 \to J/ψ\bar{K}^{*0} K^0$ and $\bar{B}^0 \to J/ψf_1(1285)$ decays
[2104.01096] Jérôme Claude, Stephen Godfrey: Exploring Direct Detection Suppressed Regions in a Simple 2-Scalar Mediator Model of Scalar Dark Matter
[2104.01152] Thomas C. Paul, Sarah T. Reese, Luis A. Anchordoqui et al.: EUSO-SPB2 sensitivity to macroscopic dark matter
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in hep-ph on Mon, 5 Apr 21","img":""}
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